IBM(R) InfoSphere(TM) Master Data Management Server for Product Information Management Version 9.1.0, Test Fix 5 is now available. This release notes document addresses compatibility, system requirements, installation, and known problems.
Description of this test fix
InfoSphere MDM Server for PIM provides a highly scalable, enterprise Product Information Management (PIM) solution. InfoSphere MDM Server for PIM is the middleware that establishes a single, integrated, consistent view of products and services information inside and outside of an enterprise.
It is strongly recommended that you apply the test fix only to a test
system. Test fixes do not undergo official IBM testing.
This test fix addresses the following enhancements and fixes:
The following fixes were included in this test fix as a result of an authorized program analysis report (APAR). You can search for and view existing APARs here: InfoSphere MDM Server for PIM Support site. You can also review the associated PMR (if one is identified) for the fix, with the Electronic IBM Service Request tool Web site: Service Requests.
Note: This test fix contains numerous fixes for UI and performance defects and it is recommended that you download and apply this test fix.
You can review the release notes of the previous maintenance release for
InfoSphere MDM Server for PIM, version 9.1.0, to see what
enhancements or product fixes were included previously:
Fix Release | Release Notes | Release Date |
interim fix 3 | Release notes for interim fix 3 | 08/29/2011 |
fix pack 1 | Release notes for fix pack 1 | 07/11/2011 |
interim fix 2 | Release notes for interim fix 2 | 05/31/2011 |
interim fix 1 | Release notes for interim fix 1 | 04/29/2011 |
Compatibility issues with earlier versions
InfoSphere MDM Server for PIM, Version 9.1.0 no longer supports the following versions of software:
For a complete list of the supported hardware and software for Version 9.1.0, test fix 5, see the System requirements section.
A set of user interface functions were introduced in InfoSphere MDM Server for PIM Version 9.0.0 providing more intuitive, user-friendly and modern look-and-feel alternative to the functions (also known as "classic UI functions") which we delivered in the earlier versions of the product. At some appropriate time in the future as determined by IBM the classic functions will be removed from the product.
The "classic UI functions" that will be removed under this coverage include but are not limited to the following.
In InfoSphere MDM Server for PIM Version 6.0.0 a new home page, worklist user interface and simplified single edit user interface were introduced. With the introduction of a newer set of user interface functions in InfoSphere MDM Server for PIM Version 9.0.0 , the usefulness of the simplified single edit user interface quickly diminishes. At some appropriate time in the future as determined by IBM the simplified single edit user interface will be removed from the product. The home page and the worklist user interface will not be removed.
System requirements
For information about hardware and software compatibility, see the detailed system requirements document at:
Installing test fix 5
Before you install this test fix, you must have installed InfoSphere MDM Server for PIM, Version 9.1.0. In particular, make sure that you have applied all configuration changes. For example, any schema changes and updates as documented in the Requirements section of those release notes.
Important: Before starting the installation process, you must clean your browser cache. Additionally, all users must clean their browser cache before using the user interface for the first time after a fix pack, interim fix, or test fix has been applied. Frequently, JavaScript files that the user interface depends on are updated and installed with each release. These JavaScript files are cached by the browser when the user interface loads. So, in order to avoid incompatibilities and issues in using the user interface, you must clean your browser cache such that the latest JavaScript files are loaded and used by the user interface.
The steps for installing this test fix include:
Step 1. Preparing to install the test fix
Before you install the test fix, make sure to complete these steps:
$TOP/bin/go/ --action=stop --svc_name=scheduler
$TOP/bin/go/ --action=short_status--svc_name=workflowengine
If no events are running, shut down the workflow engine manually by running the following shell script:
$TOP/bin/go/ --action=stop --svc_name=workflowengine
Running the shell script does not affect any of the other JVM services.
$TOP/bin/ stop
Wait for a few minutes to allow GDS message listener to finish processing the messages that it has already picked up, and then run this script:
$TOP/bin/ abort
The installation will overwrite your current files with updated versions from the test fix. If any issues occur when installing the test fix, you can use this backup copy to roll back the installation.
Important: For this test fix, there are no modification done in the configuration files,, admin_properties.xml, and env_settings.ini.
Step 2. Installing the test fix
To install this test fix, you must perform the following steps:
For example: $TOP/9.1.0-WS-MDMPIM-TF005.tgz
cd $TOP chmod -R 755 $TOP
For example, when using the GNU tar utility, the following command extracts and unzips the .tgz file by using an absolute path:
tar zxvf $TOP/9.1.0-WS-MDMPIM-TF005.tgz
Important: The InfoSphere MDM Server for PIM files were packed using the GNU tar utility. For best results, use the GNU tar utility to unpack the files.
If the encrypt_password parameter in the [db] section of the env_settings.ini file is set to yes, specify the dbpassword argument when invoking If you do not specify the dbpassword argument, you will be prompted to enter the password.
$TOP/bin/ -dbpassword=database_password
Note: For some configuration files, if you have customized the content of a configuration file and you choose to overwrite the file when running, you need to manually restore the values in the file that you have customized using the backup copy that is created. The file name of the backup copy is the name of the corresponding configuration file with the extension ".bak" appended to the end of the name. The exception to this overwriting behavior is file.
Please also note that by running two or more times, you can lose the original customized configuration files. This is because the backup copy of a configuration file gets replaced in place (same file name is used for a given configuration file every time is run).
The application server shell script,, installs InfoSphere MDM Server for PIM into the WebSphere application server. [ --wsadminUsername=<WAS admin user name> --wsadminPwd=<password for WAS admin user>] will install the WAR file for each app server defined in the [services] section in env_settings.ini. When WebSphere Application Server security is enabled, add the wsadminUsername and wsadminPwd arguments to the command.
Note: When WebSphere Application Server security is enabled, the following
arguments are no longer required in the
$TOP/bin/, and
$TOP/bin/ commands:
--wsadminUsername=<WAS admin user name> --wsadminPwd=<password for WAS admin user>
Step 3. Updating the configuration files
To successfully use the fixes and enhancements in this maintenance release you must modify InfoSphere MDM Server for PIM configuration files.
InfoSphere MDM Server for PIM uses the following configuration files:
Note: You must remove these properties from the file.
Starting with Version 9.1.0, interim fix 2, you can encrypt the database password.
Note: With the encrypt_password parameter set to yes, the database related scripts require the dbpassword argument to be specified when invoking the scripts. If the dbpassword argument is not specified, you will be prompted to enter the password. If the encrypt_password parameter is set to no or not set, you run the scripts without specifying the dbpassword argument as in earlier versions of InfoSphere MDM Server for PIM.
Step 4. Enabling the Global Data Synchronization feature of InfoSphere MDM Server for PIM (Optional)
Complete this step only if you plan to use the Global Data Synchronization feature of InfoSphere MDM Server for PIM; otherwise, proceed to Step 5.
To enable the Global Data Synchronization feature of InfoSphere MDM Server for PIM, Version 9.1.0, you must perform the following steps:
Step 5. Modifying the database schema
Follow the instructions for modifying the database schema to InfoSphere MDM
Server for PIM V9.1.0, test fix 5 depending on your current
InfoSphere MDM Server for PIM version as mentioned below:
Current InfoSphere MDM Server for PIM version | Instructions for modifying the database schema to InfoSphere MDM Server for PIM V9.1.0, Test Fix 5 |
InfoSphere MDM Server for PIM, Version 9.1.0 Fix Pack 1, Test Fix 3, Test Fix 4, Interim Fix 3 | No database migration necessary. You can skip this step and continue with the next step, Step 6 - Verifying the installation. |
Any other fix pack release of InfoSphere MDM Server for PIM, Version 9.1.0 | Several changes have been made to the database schema; therefore, you must run a migration shell script to migrate to the database schema of InfoSphere MDM Server for PIM, Version 9.1.0, test fix 5. Follow the instructions mentioned below. |
Any fix pack release of InfoSphere MDM Server for PIM, Version 9.0.0 | Follow the instructions in the Migrating from prior versions and Migrating from V9.0.0 to V9.1.0 documentation. |
Any fix pack release of InfoSphere MDM Server for PIM, Version 6.0.0 | Follow the instructions in the Migrating from prior versions and Migrating from V6.0.0 to V9.1.0 documentation. |
Any fix pack release of WebSphere Product Center, Version 5.3.2 | Follow the instructions in the Migrating from prior versions and Migrating from V5.3.2 to V9.1.0. documentation. |
Note: The migrations provided are for general InfoSphere MDM Server for PIM data structures and data, and do not provide the GDS data model modifications for compliance to the BMS 2.7 specifications.
Important: Ensure that database user for InfoSphere MDM Server for PIM application has appropriate database privileges as mentioned in the installation guide (DB2 privileges / Oracle privileges). If database privileges are modified for any reason, the migration script will fail.
To migrate your database schema: --fromversion=BASE [--dbpassword=<database password>]
For migrating to InfoSphere MDM Server for PIM V9.1.0, Test Fix 5, the fromversion parameter must be BASE.
This is an optional parameter that must be used if you are storing encrypted database password in the InfoSphere MDM Server for PIM server.
Migrating from a Test Fix release: If you are migrating
from a Test Fix version use the table below to determine which Fix Pack the
Test Fix was built on. Use the Fix Pack version in the migration shell
script that corresponds to the Test Fix version you are migrating from:
Test Fix Version | Version |
IF2 | V9.1.0 GA |
TF2 | V9.1.0 GA |
IF1 | V9.1.0 GA |
TF1 | V9.1.0 GA |
$TOP/bin/migration/ --fromversion=BASE
$TOP/bin/migration/ --fromversion=BASE
All messages, such as the status of individual migration components and the overall migration summary, are displayed in the console.
After running the migration script, messages are displayed in the console that indicate whether the migration succeeded or failed. This message is displayed if the migration succeeded:
-------------------------------------- Summary of the migration: -------------------------------------- Migration to InfoSphere MDM Server for PIM 9.1.0 successful.
This message is displayed if the migration failed:
!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Migration Failed : xxxx !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Please see the file for further details : /home/pimuser/mdmpim910/logs/errfile.log
This message is displayed if the migration of specific modules failed:
-------------------------------------- Summary of the migration: -------------------------------------- Migration of the following modules failed : <module names>
Review the error.log file for additional messages. For SQL errors, find the detailed error message from the SQL error code, correct the error, and run the migration script again. Contact IBM Software Support if the problem persists after correcting the errors.
Migration script can fail with the following reasons:
----------------------------------------------------------- Summary of the migration ----------------------------------------------------------- Migration of the following modules failed: data_maintenance_reports
$TOP/logs/errfile.log will have the following content:
net.sf.ehcache.distribution.MulticastKeepaliveHeartbeatReceiver$MulticastReceiverThreadrun SEVERE: Multicast receiver thread caught throwable. Cause was null. Continuing...
This is because there is an issue with the cache configuration parameters, but migration script continued and completed successfully. Check your cache configuration parameters. No need to re-run the migration script.
Step 6. Verifying the installation
Every time that you install a test fix, verify that the installation was successful. To verify the installation of this test fix, complete these steps:
The shell script,, located in the $TOP/bin/go/ directory, starts all the services that you need to run InfoSphere MDM Server for PIM. --redeploy=yes
The --redeploy=yes command ensures that all Web services are properly re-deployed.
You are not required to use the --redeploy=yes command for WebLogic Server.
The supports starting multiple services from the same command: --action=start --svc_name=<service name>[--svc_name=<service name>] --action=start --svc_name=appsvr --svc_name=admin --svc_name=scheduler start
This process should only take approximately 30-40 seconds, depending on the speed of your CPU processor.
Note: InfoSphere MDM Server for PIM running on WAS platform preserves Web services already registered with PIM, so re-deployment of Web services is not necessary. But InfoSphere MDM Server for PIM running on Weblogic platform requires re-deployment of Web services at startup time. This re-deployment is accomplished using command options of "redeploy" and "waitforappsvr", as shown in the follow syntax: --redeploy --waitforappsvr=<number of seconds>
or --action=start --svc_name=admin --svc_name=scheduler [ --svc_name=appsvr --redeploy [--waitforappsvr=<number of seconds>] ]
- where the <number of seconds> is the number of seconds (positive integer) that the deployment command will wait for the appsvr services to become ready to initiate the re-deployment of Web services. The default value of this option is 5 seconds.
The waitforappsvr option must be used with the redeploy option. When the waitforappsvr option is omitted in a command with the "redeploy" option, the default value of waitforappsvr takes effect.
Users are advised to supply value slightly greater than the required startup time of appsvr service, which can be monitored using the command as shown in step 6.2 below. Too low a value for the waitforappsvr option can result in errors with stack dump on screen or log files.
The --svc_name=appsvr option in the command must be accompanied by the redeploy and optionally the waitforappsvr command options.
Run the $TOP/bin/go/ script and verify that the following services have started correctly:
Run the following script to verify that the GDS messaging services have started correctly:
$TOP/bin>./ 9.1.0-TF005#01
Step 7. Enabling GDS Migration
You need to perform the steps of the migration process defined to migrate from a GDS V1.3.1.x environment to a GDS in InfoSphere MDM Server for PIM, V9.1.x environment. Refer to Migrating Global Data Synchronization from V1.3.x to InfoSphere MDM Server for PIM V9.1.x for more information.
Known problems
Known problems are documented in the form of individual technotes in the Support knowledge base at As problems are discovered and resolved, the IBM Support team updates the knowledge base. By searching the knowledge base, you can quickly find workarounds or solutions to problems.
You can search for and display a list of all published technotes for InfoSphere MDM Server for PIM. For information about how to search all published technotes, see Searching knowledge bases
You can search for keywords within this complete list of technotes.
Contacting IBM Support
Before contacting IBM Support, your company must have an active IBM software maintenance contract, and you must be authorized to submit problems to IBM. For information about the types of maintenance contracts available, see "Enhanced Support" in the Software Support Handbook at:
After you define the problem gather background and diagnostic information, and determine the severity of the problem, you can submit your problem to IBM Support in one of the following ways:
If the problem you submit is for a software defect or for missing or inaccurate documentation, IBM Support creates an Authorized Program Analysis Report (APAR). The APAR describes the problem in detail. Whenever possible, IBM Software IBM Support provides a workaround that you can implement until the APAR is resolved and a fix is delivered. IBM publishes resolved APARs on the IBM Support web site daily, so that other users who experience the same problem can benefit from the same resolution.
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