IBM(R) InfoSphere(TM) Master Data Management Server for Product Information Management, Version 9.0.0, Test Fix 4 is now available. This release notes document addresses system requirements, installation, and known problems for this test fix.
Description of this test fix
InfoSphere MDM Server for PIM provides a highly scalable, enterprise Product Information Management (PIM) solution. InfoSphere MDM Server for PIM is the middleware that establishes a single, integrated, consistent view of products and services information inside and outside of an enterprise.
It is strongly recommended that you apply the test fix only to a test
system. Test fixes do not undergo official IBM testing.
This test fix addresses the following enhancements and fixes:
The following fixes were included in this test fix as a result of an authorized program analysis report (APAR). You can search for and view existing APARs here: InfoSphere MDM Server for PIM Support site. You can also review the associated PMR (if one is identified) for the fix, with the Electronic IBM Service Request tool Web site:
You can review the release notes of previous maintenance releases for
InfoSphere MDM Server for PIM, version 9.0.0, to see what
enhancements or product fixes were included previously:
Fix Release | Release Date |
fix pack 1 | 05/17/2010 |
System requirements
For information about hardware and software compatibility, see the detailed system requirements document at:
Installing test fix 4
Before you install this test fix, you must have installed InfoSphere MDM Server for PIM, Version 9.0.0. In particular, make sure that you have applied all configuration changes. For example, any schema changes and updates as documented in the Requirements section of those release notes.
Remember: This maintenance release is a cumulative patch. You can apply this patch from any previous maintenance release level of Version 9.0.0.
The steps for installing this test fix include:
Step 1. Preparing to install the test fix
Before you install the test fix, make sure to complete these steps:
$TOP/bin/go/ --action=stop --svc_name=scheduler
$TOP/bin/go/ --action=short_status--svc_name=workflowengine
If no events are running, shut down the workflow engine manually by running the following shell script:
$TOP/bin/go/ --action=stop --svc_name=workflowengine
Running the shell script does not affect any of the other JVM services.
The installation will overwrite your current files with updated versions from the test fix. If any issues occur when installing the test fix, you can use this backup copy to rollback the installation.
Important: For this test fix, there are no modification done in the configuration files,, admin_properties.xml, and env_settings.ini.
Step 2. Installing the test fix
To install this test fix, you must perform the following steps:
For example: WPC_HOME/tarFileTemp
cd $TOP chmod -R 755 $TOP
For example, when using the GNU .tar utility, the following command extracts and unzips the .tar file by using an absolute path:
tar zxvf $TOP/9.0.0-WS-MDMPIM-TF004-02_update_from_9000-45.tgz
Important: The InfoSphere MDM Server for PIM files were packed using the GNU tar utility. For best results, use the GNU tar utility to unpack the files.
Run the application server script.
The application server shell script,, installs InfoSphere MDM Server for PIM into the WebSphere(R) application server. will install the WAR file for each app server defined in the [services] section in env_settings.ini.
This optimizer script uses the catalog tables from a database to obtain information about the database, including the amount of data within the database and other characteristics. The optimizer script then uses this information to determine how to access the data. If your database statistics are not available, the optimizer might choose an inefficient access plan based on the default statistics, which is inaccurate.
You should use the shell script to collect your current statistics from within the tables and indexes, especially if significant update activity has occurred since the last time you ran the shell script.
To run the shell script in DB2, refer to the InfoSphere MDM Server for PIM technote: Analyzing WebSphere Product Center schema and collecting statistics in DB2 located at:
Important: Run the shell script on your InfoSphere MDM Server for PIM databases at least once a week or when there has been at least a twenty percent increase or change in data on the database.
Tip: Oracle version 10g and 11g has automatic statistics gathering job enabled by default.
Step 3. Modifying the database schema
Several changes are made to the database schema in the test fix release of InfoSphere MDM Server for PIM version 9.0.0; therefore, you must run a migration shell script to migrate to the database schema of InfoSphere MDM Server for PIM, version 9.0.0, Test Fix 2.
Remember: If you are migrating from InfoSphere MDM Server for PIM, Version 9.0.0, Fix Pack 1 or Test Fix 3, you are not required to run the migration shell script. You can skip this step and continue with the next step, Step 5. Verifying the installation.
To migrate your database schema:
If you are migrating from a Test Fix version use the table below to
determine which Fix Pack the Test Fix was built on.
Test Fix Version | Version |
TF1 | V9.0.0 GA |
TF2 | V9.0.0 GA |
All messages, such as the status of individual migration components and the overall migration summary, are displayed in the console.
After running the migration script, messages are displayed in the console that indicate whether the migration succeeded or failed. This message is displayed if the migration succeeded:
-------------------------------------- Summary of the migration: -------------------------------------- Migration to InfoSphere MDM Server for PIM 9.0.0 successful.
This message is displayed if the migration failed:
!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Migration Failed : xxxx !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Please see the file for further details : /home/pimuser/mdmpim900/logs/errfile.log
This message is displayed if the migration of specific modules failed:
-------------------------------------- Summary of the migration: -------------------------------------- Migration of the following modules failed : <module names>
Review the error.log file for additional messages. For SQL errors, find the detailed error message from the SQL error code, correct the error, and run the migration script again. Contact IBM Software Support if the problem persists after correcting the errors.
For catalogs in a company:
For hierarchies in a company:
For items in a company:
In the example command provided below, the Index Regeneration Capability utility runs the items in the CSV file, $TOP/item-list.csv in the company named test_Co, using the utf8 encoding.
$TOP/bin/ --items=$TOP/item-list.csv --company=test_Co --encoding=utf8
Parameters that contain spaces and special characters must be enclosed between quote characters (") and special characters alone, should be escaped with a backslash (\).
If you specify more than one file, the file number is placed before the file extension. Like items.csv becomes items-1.csv, items-2.csv, etc.
Restriction: Catalog and hierarchy arguments cannot be combined. For example, --catalog and --hierarchy cannot be used together, nor can --catalog and --categories. When arguments --catalog and --items are used together, only PK files are generated and no index regeneration is performed.
Step 4. Verifying the installation
Every time that you install a fix pack, verify that the installation was successful. To verify the installation of this test fix, complete these steps:
The shell script,, located in the $TOP/bin/go/ directory, starts all the services that you need to run InfoSphere MDM Server for PIM. --redeploy=yes
The --redeploy=yes command ensures that all Web services are properly re-deployed.
You are not required to use the --redeploy=yes command for WebLogic Server.
The supports starting multiple services from the same command: --action=start --svc_name=<service name>[--svc_name=<service name>] --action=start --svc_name=appsvr --svc_name=admin --svc_name=scheduler
This process should only take approximately 30-40 seconds, depending on the speed of your CPU processor.
Run the $TOP/bin/go/ script and verify that the following services have started correctly:
$TOP/bin>./ 9.0.0-TF004#1
Known problems
If the spec ordering of an item in the tabbed view of workflow is not in the expected order, refresh the collaboration area to view them in the expected order. Fix for this issue will be provided in a subsequent maintenance release.
Known problems are documented in the form of individual technotes in the Support knowledge base at InfoSphere MDM Server for PIM Support Site. As problems are discovered and resolved, the IBM Support team updates the knowledge base. By searching the knowledge base, you can quickly find workarounds or solutions to problems.
The following link launches a customized query of the live Support knowledge base for all published technotes for InfoSphere MDM Server for PIM: View all known problems for InfoSphere MDM Server for PIM
You can search for keywords within this complete list of technotes.