Release Notes for Advanced Catalog Management V11.0.0 Text Fix 6

IBM® InfoSphere® Master Data Management Collaboration Server - Advanced Catalog Management, Version 11.0.0, Test Fix 6 is now available. This test fix can be used with InfoSphere MDM Collaboration Server V11.0.0 GA or V11.0.0 Fix Pack 1. It contains all the fixes and enhancements delivered in ACM 11.0.0 Fix Pack 1, and changes in all previous test fixes. This release notes document addresses installation and known problems.


Description of this test fix

Advanced Catalog Management for WebSphere Commerce is a InfoSphere MDM Collaboration Server solution accelerator. A InfoSphere MDM Collaboration Server solution implementation team can leverage the asset for implementing a retail solution for catalog management with customization and extensions quickly.

It is strongly recommended that you apply the test fix only to a test system. Test fixes do not undergo official IBM testing.

Product enhancements

The following enhancements were delivered in ACM V11.0.0 Test Fix 6:

  • Support for displayable, facetable, comparable facets for attributes. (Work item 37401)
  • Support Search Engine Optimization for text, URL keywords, and meta keyword. (Work item 37399)
  • Support for Sequence Number (Work item 37398)
  • Support for CalculationCode. (Work item 37397)
  • Support for DescriptionOverride. (Work item 37396)
  • Support for Attribute Groups (Work item 34662)
  • Support for Multi-Occurrence Attributes (Work item 34661)
  • Support for Multi-Store (Work item 34660)
  • Support for multi-language (Work item 34659)
  • Multi-occurrence attribute values are supported only for descriptive attributes. The system will throw an exception if you try to pass multi-occurrence values to other types of attributes.
  • In the IBM WebSphere® Commerce environment, the values supplied for multi-occurrence descriptive attributes must be unique throughout the environment for a given attribute. However, this check is not yet enforced on the InfoSphere MDM Collaboration Server side. You must ensure that the supplied values are unique.
Product fixes to problems reported by users

The following fixes were included in this test fix as a result of problems that were reported by users.

  • Improve error handling on running a report on catalog entry. (Defect 39964)
  • Improve error handling on catalog group export through workflows. (Defect 39963)
  • Store ID is not in the parent group element of request from ACM Catalog Entry Selective export. (Defect 39961)
  • Attribute dictionary integration error - duplicate attributes. (Defect 39957)
  • Catalog groups cannot be exported if their names include special characters. (Defect 39876)
  • Catalog groups down from level 3 (subcategory) cannot be transformed and exported from Catalog Group Export Workflow. (APAR JR48405)

Product fixes to problems identified by the development team

The following fix was included in this test fix as a result of a problem that was discovered by the development team. If you want to learn more the fix, you can use the internal defect number for reference when speaking to someone from IBM Software Support:

  • Long Description of 65 chars or more for Catalog Entry causes Catalog Entry Export to fail. (Defect 41056)

Installing text fix 6

Before you install this test fix, you must have installed InfoSphere MDM Collaboration Server, Version 11.0.0. In particular, make sure that you have applied all configuration changes. For example, any schema changes and updates as documented in the Requirements section of those release notes.

Step 1. Preparing to install the test fix

Before you install the test fix, make sure to complete these steps:
  1. Stop the InfoSphere MDM Collaboration Server application on the local server.
    1. Check the scheduler to make sure that no critical jobs are running or need to complete. If the queue is clear, stop the scheduler manually by running the following shell script:

      $TOP/bin/go/ --action=stop --svc_name=scheduler

    2. Check the workflow engine to make sure no critical workflow events are running or need to complete by running the following shell script:

      $TOP/bin/go/ --action=short_status--svc_name=workflowengine

      If no events are running, shut down the workflow engine manually by running the following shell script:

      $TOP/bin/go/ --action=stop --svc_name=workflowengine

    3. For all applications that are deployed in a cluster environment, stop all remaining InfoSphere MDM Collaboration Server services:

      This script is located in the $TOP/bin/go directory. Running the shell script does not affect any of the other JVM services.

    4. Make sure that all processes have stopped using the ps command. Stop any other Java™ or RMI registry processes that remain after shutting down the InfoSphere MDM Collaboration Server instance. It might take several attempts to stop all Java processes, but continue stopping Java processes until they are all stopped.

  2. Backup your system.

    You should have separated the code of your custom implementation from the code shipped in Advanced Catalog Management. The installation will overwrite your current files with updated versions from the test fix. In particular, you must back up your ACM source code and any other artifacts that you have customized. If you have made changes in the code shipped in Advanced Catalog Management, you will need to manually merge your changes back. Until you separate your own code from the shipped ACM code, you will need to keep restoring your code every time you apply an ACM patch.

Step 2. Installing the test fix

See Installing and configuring Advanced Catalog Management for InfoSphere MDM Collaboration Server in the information center for detailed information to enable you to install and configure Advanced Catalog Management.

Step 3. Restarting the InfoSphere MDM Collaboration Server instance

Perform the following steps to restart the InfoSphere MDM Collaboration Server instance:
  1. Start InfoSphere MDM Collaboration Server:
    1. Run the shell script:

      The shell script,, located in the $TOP/bin/go directory, starts all the services that you need to run InfoSphere MDM Collaboration Server.

    2. Run the shell script to start the individual services.

      The script supports starting multiple services from the same command:

      Syntax --action=start --svc_name=<service name>[--svc_name=<service name>] 
      Example --action=start --svc_name=appsvr --svc_name=admin --svc_name=scheduler 

    This process should only take approximately 30-40 seconds, depending on the speed of your CPU processor.

  2. Verify that all InfoSphere MDM Collaboration Server JVM services have started.
    Run the script and verify that the following services have started correctly:
    • admin_machine_Name
    • appsvr_machine_Name
    • appsvrgds_machine_Name (optional, if GDS feature is enabled)
    • eventprocessor_machine_Name
    • queuemanager_machine_Name
    • scheduler_machine_Name
    • workflow_machine_Name

    This script is located in the $TOP/bin/go directory.

Known problems

Known problems are documented in the Support knowledge base at As problems are discovered and resolved, the IBM Support team updates the knowledge base. By searching the knowledge base, you can quickly find workarounds or solutions to problems.

You can search for and display a list of all published technotes for InfoSphere MDM Collaboration Server. For information about how to search all published technotes, see Searching knowledge bases

You can search for keywords within this complete list of technotes.

Contacting IBM Support

Before contacting IBM Support, your company must have an active IBM software maintenance contract, and you must be authorized to submit problems to IBM. For information about the types of maintenance contracts available, see "Enhanced Support" in the Software Support Handbook at:

After you define the problem gather background and diagnostic information, and determine the severity of the problem, you can submit your problem to IBM Support in one of the following ways:

If the problem you submit is for a software defect or for missing or inaccurate documentation, IBM Support creates an Authorized Program Analysis Report (APAR). The APAR describes the problem in detail. Whenever possible, IBM Software IBM Support provides a workaround that you can implement until the APAR is resolved and a fix is delivered. IBM publishes resolved APARs on the IBM Support web site daily, so that other users who experience the same problem can benefit from the same resolution.


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