IBM WebSphere XML Document Management
Server Component, Version fix pack 1 Readme
© Copyright International Business Machines
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with IBM Corp.
this fix pack
This fix pack is a cumulative fix which includes
all the latest changes for the IBM® WebSphere® XML
Document Management Server (XDMS), Version This fix pack is
recommended for all customers with an XDMS 6.2 installation.
This fix pack is installed using the WebSphere Update Installer as well as some manual updates.
and update history
This fix pack includes the following APARs and fixes.
fix pack 001
APAR LI73028 – This APAR contains the
following fixes:
- 15092 After enabling security, an ArrayOutOfBoundsException is thrown in SystemOut.log.
Check for empty list when iterating updates to REP values.
- 15212 Fatal Error in SystemErr.log
during xcap-directory stress. Make Aggregation Proxy XML document
parsing thread safe.
- 15214 Pres-rules files not aggregated for
user directories. Fix routing for
pres-rules xcap-directory lookup.
- 15215 Subscription not cancelled for failed
Notify. Change SIP subscription to
activate only upon receiving 200 OK response from
client for the initial subscription activation SIP NOTIFY request.
- 15206f_2 Exception during regression of
subscribe stress. Handle IllegalStateException for sessions that may not have
been removed.
- 15349 NullPointerException
if no nodeselector in resource-list element of rls-services <service> element.
- 15217 Aggregation Proxy performance
issue. Enhanced Aggregation Proxy
to send multiple-threaded requests for directory lookup requests.
- Related defects:
- 15710 Add multi-threaded requests to the
request client
- 15838f_1 Small ThreadedRequestHandler
optimization to allow the explicit use of the caller's thread to handle a
- 15753 Normalize uid
function to strip SIP Request URI parameters when used to subscribe to
directories or via global index.
- Related defect:
- 15867 XCAP client report GLSN0001W: No
Properties file found
- 15863 superAdminPassword
property issue - Remove dynamic update description for superAdminPassword.
- 15864 SIBus
problem found by Presence team - Script update to support long node and
server names containing numeric characters.
- 15914 iscasesensitive=true,
XUI/userid case is ignored. Fix to ensure XUI and userID comparisons are case sensitive.
- 15930 Need to add P-Asserted-Identity header
to all sip responses. All SIP 200
OK responses from the XDMS will include the original P-Asserted-Identity.
- 15951 NOTIFY message does not include
p-assert header. All SIP NOTIFY
requests from the XDMS will include the original P-Asserted-Identity.
- 15890 NOTIFYs should not flow after post-failover. Activated SIP Sessions during failover
are set with the original expiry.
- WebSphere Application Server 6.1 forces all
authenticated user IDs to lowercase.
Therefore, asserted identities that are sent for either the IMS
Connector SIP or HTTP Trust Association Interceptor (TAI) will be
converted to lowercase. With this
limitation, all user IDs created within the user repository such as LDAP
must be defined in lowercase.
- In
certain situations, the SIBus listener bean can
be loaded faster than the XDMS servlets can
initialize. A NullPointerException
may be thrown from Please restart the server in this case.
- If the virtual host
setting for your Enterprise Application is different from the default_host, after running
the Enterprise Application Update task (see installation instructions below) the virtual host setting
is reset to default_host. Please write down your virtual host setting prior to running the
Enterprise Application Update task. After the update is complete,
reconfigure the virtual host to your previous value.
- Operating systems:
- Red Hat Enterprise Linux ® AS 4.0 Update 5
- SUSE Linux Enterprise Server 9 SP 3
- AIX ® 5L 5.3 TL 05 SP 6
- Application server
- WebSphere
Application Server Network Deployment, Version
- Java™
- JDK, Version 1.5 (included
with WebSphere Application Server Network
- Databases
- IBM DB2 Universal Database™
Version 9.1 FixPak 4
- Oracle Database Version
the Changed File.list in the Update Installer .pak file
Update installer .pak
files are delivered in .zip format. To view the contents of a .pak file, use any archiving tool that can read .zip files.
The Java jar tool can also extract the files.list
file from the .pak file.
To view the contents, type jar -tf fix pack_name.pak
To extract the files.list,
type jar -xf fix pack_name.pak
Next, you can use an editor to view the files.list, which lists all of the files to be changed for
the .pak file.
Installation requirements
Software requirements for XDMS are included in the
information center. Refer to the following information for details:
In addition to the prerequisites listed in the
information center, the following maintenance fixes are required:
WebSphere Application Server Network Deployment, Version
The IBM WebSphere XDMS fix pack will refresh the local files on the WebSphere
Application Server (WAS) installed file system.
However, you must manually load the new files into the WebSphere Application Server by following this procedure.
Before you begin
Before you begin the installation, ensure that:
- Fix Pack 11 (WebSphere Application
Server has been applied to the server where the IBM WebSphere XDMS has been installed.
- IBM WebSphere XDMS 6.2 has been
- Update Installer 6.1 is already installed on the application
- The IMS Update Installer Plugin is
already installed on the WAS Update Installer (Note: After applying the
IMS Update Installer Plugin, if you have
upgraded or installed a new version of the WAS Update Installer (UPDI)
itself, then you won’t be able to apply this fix pack. You need to
download and run a reset script available on the Support download site
which will then allow installation of this fix pack (IBM WebSphere XDMS, Version For details see the
IMS Update Installer Plugins installation page
for fix pack
- You are logged in to the operating system as the actual root
user in a UNIX® environment.
Apply the fix pack
You must log in with the same root user authority
level when unpacking a fix, a fix pack, or a refresh pack. To apply the fix
pack, complete the following steps:
- Download the IBM WebSphere XDMS update installer package into the was_root/updateInstaller/maintenance
- Start the update
installer as described by WebSphere and select
the XDMS fix pack to be installed.
- Repeat for each server
running IBM WebSphere XDMS 6.2,
including the Deployment Manager and Aggregation Proxy servers.
Reload the XDMS Core OSGI
The XDMS Core OSGI bundle is
installed in was_root/plugins/ Run the update installer for the XDMS
fix pack on all WebSphere Application Servers running
an XDMS Enabler, including the server hosting the Deployment Manager and the
Aggregation Proxy. Then run the
following steps to reload the OSGI bundle on each server.
- Stop all running
application servers.
- Stop all running node
- Stop all deployment
- For each node profile
(e.g. AppSrv01, AppSrv02), execute the following scripts:
- Repeat for each server
running IBM WebSphere XDMS 6.2, including
the deployment manager and Aggregation Proxy servers.
Update the Enterprise Applications
After all the XDMS Core OSGI Bundles have been reloaded (see
above), the Enterprise Applications for the XDMS should be updated once from a
server that has been updated with the latest XDMS fix pack.
- Start the deployment
- Start the node agent.
- Log in to the
Integrated Solutions Console.
- Open a browser and
navigate to the following URL: https://host_name:port/ibm/console.
- host_name
is the fully qualified host name of the server where the application or
the network deployment manager is deployed.
- port is
the secured port used to access the console. The default is 9043.
Note: The default unsecured port is 9060. If you use
9060, you must have "http" instead of "https" in the URL.
- Enter an administrator
user ID and password.
- Click Log in.
- Use the Enterprise Application Update task to update the IBMSharedListXdms.ear.
- Click ApplicationsEnterprise Applications
- and click Update.
- Under the
“Replace the application” section, browse to the location of
the IBMSharedListXdms.ear file.
The default location is was_root/installableApps/xdms/.
- Leave the context
root blank.
- Click Next.
- Accept the defaults
on the Select installation options panel.
- Click Next.
- Ensure that the SharedListXDMS and SIPNotify
modules are deployed to the SharedListCluster. Otherwise,
- Select the SharedListXDMS and SIPNotify modules.
- Select SharedListCluster from the Clusters and Severs list.
- Click Apply. Verify that the server name for both
modules should deploy to the SharedListCluster.
- Click Next.
- Click Finish.
- Click Save to save to the master configuration.
- Use the Enterprise Application Update task to update the IBMPresenceRulesXdms.ear.
- Click ApplicationsEnterprise Applications
- and click Update.
- Under the
“Replace the application” section, browse to the location of
the IBMPresenceRulesXdms.ear file.
The default location is was_root/installableApps/xdms/.
- Leave the context
root blank.
- Click Next.
- Accept the defaults
on the Select installation options panel.
- Click Next.
- Ensure that the PresenceRulesXDMS and SIPNotify
modules are deployed to the PresenceRulesCluster. Otherwise,
- Select the PresenceRulesXDMS and SIPNotify modules.
- Select PresenceRulesCluster from the Clusters and Severs list.
- Click Apply. Verify that the server name for both
modules should deploy to the PresenceRulesCluster.
- Click Next.
- Click Finish.
- Click Save to save to the master configuration.
- Use the Enterprise Application Update task to update the IBMXdmsAggregationProxy.ear.
- Click ApplicationsEnterprise Applications
- and click Update.
- Under the
“Replace the application” section, browse to the location of
the IBMXdmsAggregationProxy.ear
file. The default location is was_root/installableApps/xdms/.
- Leave the context
root blank.
- Click Next.
- Accept the defaults
on the Select installation options panel.
- Click Next.
- Ensure that the AggsProxyWeb module is deployed to the AggProxyCluster.
- Select the AggsProxyWeb module.
- Select AggProxyCluster from the Clusters and Severs list.
- Click Apply. Verify that the server name of the module
is deployed to the AggProxyCluster.
- Click Next.
- Click Finish.
- Click Save to save to the master configuration.
- Start the clusters or
application servers running the XDMS Enablers.
Verify the installation
Examine the SystemOut.log
of each application server running an XDMS Enabler. Search for “IBM WebSphere
XML Document Management Server”.
[1/25/08 17:22:49:230 EST] 0000000a osgi I
IBM WebSphere
XML Document Management Server
Build Level: 20080204_1814 2008-02-04 18:14
Licensed Materials - Property of IBM
M-) Copyright IBM Corp. 2006, 2007 All
Rights Reserved.
Ensure that the Build Level
matches 20080204_1814 2008-02-04 18:14.
The configuration for XDMS is the same as that described
in the information center, except as specified in either the XDMS 6.2 Readme (WebSphereProductsForTelecomReadme.html) or this Readme.
Tune the XDMS as recommended by
the XDMS Performance Tuning Guide.pdf
For optimal and proper performance of your XDMS
installation, download the tuning guide and follow the instructions found here:
database store transaction log full
If you have configured your XDMS SIBus to use a datastore for JMS
transaction messages, then it is recommended that you disable the AUTORUNSTAT
for the XDMSIB database in DB2. Otherwise you may see transaction log full
messages. The following command disables auto_runstats
(assuming that you run as the DB2 administrator).
update db cfg for XDMSSIB using auto_runstats
Updates, limitations, and known problems
Updates, limitations, and known problems about XML
Document Management Server are documented in technotes
on the IBM Software Support Web site:
As limitations and problems are discovered and
resolved, the IBM Software Support team updates the knowledge base. By
searching the knowledge base, you can quickly find workarounds or solutions to
problems that you experience. The following link launches a customized query of
the live Support knowledge base. To create your own query, go to the Advanced search page.
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