Fix (APAR): PK49865 Status: Fix Release: 6.1 Operating System: AIX,HP-UX,Linux,Solaris,Windows Supersedes Fixes: PK49554 PRE-REQUISITE FIXES: EXCLUSIVE-REQUISITE FIXES: CMVC Defect: PK49865 Byte size of APAR: 2392105 Date: 2007-08-06 Abstract: POJO Batch, Native Jobs fixes and Performance Improvements Description/symptom of problem: PK49865 resolves the following problem: This iFix provides a series of fixes in the Long Running Scheduler and Grid Execution Environment, along with some performance improvements. Problems that are being addressed by this iFix: - When "required-capability" parameter is set in xJCL for Native batch jobs, within , to narrow down a target server, a java.lang.ClassCastException is logged in the Scheduler. - The following variables are not present in class file: * * - When using POJO batch applications, a call to createJobStep() causes a NullPointerException in the Scheduler. - Grid Execution Environment application fails when setting Oracle as endpoint database. Directions to apply fix: Fix applies to Editions: Release: 6.0 6.1 ___ ___ Application Server (Express or Base) ___ ___ Network Deployment (ND) ___ ___ WebSphere Business Integration Server Foundation (WBISF) ___ ___ Edge Components ___ ___ Developer ___ _X_ Extended Deployment (XD) Install Fix To: Method: X_ Application Server Nodes __ Deployment Manager Nodes __ Both NOTE: The user must: * Have Administrative rights in Windows, or be the Actual Root User in a UNIX environment. * Be Logged in with the same authority level when unpacking a fix, fix pack or refresh pack. * Be at V6.1.0.0 or later of the Update Installer. This can be checked by reviewing the level of the Update Installer in file /updateInstaller/version.txt The update Installer can be downloaded from the following link: For detailed instructions on how to extract the Update Installer see the following Technote: 1) Copy file directly to the maintenance directory. 2) Shutdown WebSphere. Manually execute setupCmdLine.bat in Windows or ../ in UNIX from the WebSphere instance that maintenance is being applied to. It is important that you perform a controlled and complete shutdown of the server to ensure that all transactions have completed, before installing the fix. 3) Launch the Update Installer. 4) Enter the installation location of the WebSphere product you want to update. 5) Select the "Install maintenance package" operation. 6) Enter the file name of the maintenance package to install ( file which was copied into the maintenance directory). 7) Install the maintenance package. 8) Restart WebSphere. Directions to remove fix: NOTE: * The user must have Administrative rights in Windows, or be the Actual Root User in a UNIX environment. * FIXES MUST BE REMOVED IN THE ORDER THEY WERE APPLIED. * DO NOT REMOVE A FIX UNLESS ALL FIXES APPLIED AFTER IT HAVE FIRST BEEN REMOVED. * YOU MAY REAPPLY ANY REMOVED FIX. Example: If your system has fix1, fix2, and fix3 applied in that order and fix2 is to be removed, fix3 must be removed first, fix2 removed, and fix3 re-applied. 1) Shutdown WebSphere. Manually execute setupCmdLine.bat in Windows or ../ in UNIX from the WebSphere instance that uninstall is being run against. It is important that you perform a controlled and complete shutdown of the server to ensure that all transactions have completed, before installing the fix. 2) Launch the Update Installer. 3) Enter the installation location of the WebSphere product you want to remove the fix. 4) Select the "Uninstall maintenance package" operation. 5) Enter the file name of the maintenance package to uninstall ( 6) Uninstall the maintenance package. 7) Restart WebSphere. Directions to re-apply fix: 1) Shutdown WebSphere. It is important that you perform a controlled and complete shutdown of the server to ensure that all transactions have completed, before installing the fix. 2) Follow the instructions to apply the fix. 3) Restart WebSphere. Additional Information: A new custom property is being introduced, "MaxConcurrentDispatchers", in the Job Scheduler panel in the administrative console. This new custom property will set the maximum number of job dispather threads. The default value is 100. The following steps describe how to create the custom property in the Job Scheduler panel: - Login to WAS administrative console. - On the left panel expand System Administration and click on Job Scheduler. - In the Job Scheduler panel click on Custom properties under Additional Properties. - In the Custom properties panel click New. - General properties panel will appear. - Type MaxConcurrentDispatchers in the Name field. - Type a numeric positive value greater than 0. - Click "Ok". - Save the configuration and restart the Scheduler.