IBM Installation Agent Version README

To begin installing the IBM Installation Agent, run the appropriate command from the table below.

Linux on POWERlinuxOnPOWER/IIA_LinuxPPCSetup
OS/400 (remote Windows installation)os400/IIA_OS400Setup.exe
OS/400 (remote Linux installation)os400/IIA_OS400Setup.bin
OS/400 (native installation)os400/IIA_OS400Setup.jar

For complete installation instructions, see the IBM Installation Agent InfoCenter.

See the license directory in your installation path for product license and third-party license and notice files.

Table of Contents

Known development issues
    Installing the IIA through the LaunchPad
    Installing as root user on SUSE LINUX
    Cyrillic characters on a computer running Windows
    Linux shortcuts on Application menu
    Uninstall "Run Method Not Found" error
    Stopping the IIA from the command line
    IBM Installation Agent required for deploying middleware to remote computers
    Location of Eclipse .log file

Documentation issues
    Supported Web browser required for documentation
    Some languages must use browsers configured to use the UTF-8 codepage
    Supported platforms for Linux listed incorrectly
    IBM Express Runtime information Web site

Known development issues

Installing the IIA through the LaunchPad

If you run the installation through the LaunchPad and there is not enough temporary space on the partition, then the installation stops with no error messages. If this problem occurs, run the command setup -is:tempdir <temporary directory>, where setup is the installation executable name and <temporary directory> is the directory where you want to redirect the temporary files.

Installing as root user on SUSE LINUX

A SUSE LINUX user must log in and install the IBM Installation Agent as the root user. If you switch to root after logging in by using the su -root command and then install the IIA on SUSE LINUX, some of the files do not install correctly.

Cyrillic characters on a computer running Windows

When specifying a user ID and password on an agent installation, do not specify one that contains Cyrillic characters. Specify a user ID and password that use alphanumeric characters (a-Z and 0-9). Cyrillic characters are not recognized for user name and password.

If this problem occurs on a Windows machine, a window appears with an error message.

Linux shortcuts on Application menu

On the Linux platform, the Express Runtime menu shortcuts might also appear under the Application menu.

Uninstall "Run Method Not Found" error

If you uninstall the IIA, you might see a message saying that the run method cannot be found. This happens when the _uninst folder remains from a previous installation.

To continue with the uninstallation, put the uninstall.jar and uninstall.dat files from your most recent _uninst folder into the _uninst folder. For example, if you have _uninst, _uninst2 and _uninst3 folders, remove the uninstall.jar and uninstall.dat files from the _uninst3 folder and place them in the _uninst folder. You should then be able to proceed with the uninstallation.

Stopping the IIA from the command line

You can use the -stop option at the command line to stop the installation agent if it is already running. For Linux, Linux on POWER, and OS/400 you can also run a script to stop the installation agent.
PlatformScript or Command
Linux (script)IRU_iia_stop-agent
Linux (command)IIAJRE/bin/java -jar DJT_ibmnsit.jar -task installationAgent -stop
Linux on POWER (script)IRU_iia_stop-agent
Linux on POWER (command)IIAJRE/bin/java -jar DJT_ibmnsit.jar -task installationAgent -stop
OS/400 (script)java -Djava.version=1.4.1 -classpath DJT_ibmnsit.jar:.:/QIBM/ProdData/OS400/jt400/lib/jt400Native.jar -task InstallationAgent -stop
OS/400 (command)IRU_iia_stop-agent
WindowsIIAJRE\bin\java -jar DJT_ibmnsit.jar -task installationAgent -stop

IBM Installation Agent required for deploying middleware to remote computers

If you are using Express Runtime to install middleware directly to a computer that is remote to yours, you must first install the IBM Installation Agent on that computer.

With the exception of the localhost, all the target computers that you deploy a solution to must have the IBM Installation Agent installed and running in order for the solution to be successfully deployed.

Location of Eclipse .log file

The Eclipse .log file is stored in workspace\.metadata\.log, where workspace is the location where all a user's files and projects are stored.

Documentation issues

Supported Web browser required for documentation

A Web browser is required to view the documentation for this product. If no Web browser is available, the online documentation is not accessible.

Some languages must use browsers configured to use the UTF-8 codepage

Browsers must be configured to use the UTF-8 codepage to view the program help files and InfoCenter in the following languages:

Supported platforms for Linux listed incorrectly

The following platforms are not supported in Express Runtime, Version 2.1:

SUSE LINUX Enterprise Server 8.0 is supported for deployment only.

IBM Express Runtime information Web site

For more information about IBM Express Runtime products, see


The following messages are new or have been modified since the release of the Express Runtime 2.1 InfoCenter.

IRU00129: The user {0} must possess the special authorities *ALLOBJ, *SAVSYS, *JOBCTL, *SERVICE, *SPLCTL, *SECADM, *AUDIT, *IOSYSCFG to perform this task.

Explanation: The user attempted a task for which he does not have sufficient authority.
User Response: Update the user profile to include the special authorities noted in the message.

IRU03026: The target computer cannot find the deployment package {0}.

Explanation: The deployment wizard cannot find the specified file or there is not enough space on the target computer for the installation JAR file. This file is necessary for the software installation.
User Response: Free up some disk space on the target computer. Restart the deployment wizard on the staging server and IBM Installation Agent on the target computer, and then start the installation again. If the problem persists, print the log file and contact your solution provider.

IRU10950: The uninstallation of the {0} plug-in failed. Run {1} to uninstall the plug-in.

Explanation: The uninstallation of an Express Runtime console plug-in failed. Failure might be caused by any number of problems, including network problems, a corrupted installation registry, an incorrect user ID or password, or other reasons.
User Response: Manually run the uninstallation program that is listed in the message.
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