IBM WebSphere Business Modeler Publishing Server Version 6.1 Interim Fix 1
This interim fix applies to version 6.1 of WebSphere® Business Modeler
Publishing Server.
Installing the interim fix
To install WebSphere Business Modeler Publishing Server Version 6.1 Interim
Fix 1:
- Ensure that all of the WebSphere Business Modeler Publishing Server
prerequisites are running.
- Download the file.
- Double-click the downloaded file, and extract the files into a temporary directory.
- Double-click the setupWin32.exe file (Windows) or run the
setuplinux.bin file (Linux). The Interim Fix installation wizard opens.
- In the Welcome panel, click Next.
- Provide the WebSphere Application Server administrator name and
password. Click Next.
- Click Finish.
The interim fix is now installed.
Updates and fixes
This interim fix includes the following fixes. The PMR and APAR numbers
associated with each fix have been included.
PMR number |
APAR number |
Description |
66498,033,000 |
JR28179 |
If the diagram is zoomed above 100%, clicking in the outline
selects the correct node |
This interim fix includes the following fixes, which are associated with APAR JR28243:
- To improve performance for publishing servers that refer to large LDAP
servers containing a deep tree of nested groups, a cache has been added to
contain users and groups. This cache lasts for the Web browser session. If
there is a change to the users or groups on the LDAP server, you must close
the browser and then restart it to refresh the cache with the changes.
- To make swimlane headers in local processes viewable, the SVG code has
been changed. The headers were not viewable because WebSphere Business
Modeler Version 6.1 made changes to the swimlane header information.
However, this change does not affect existing diagrams, which means that
processes with unviewable swimlane headers must be republished.
- There are a number of minor changes to the UI text to align with
WebSphere Business Modeler Version 6.1 terminology.
- Hover help was added to the parent and root navigation buttons for
expanded diagram elements such as local processes and loops.