WebSphere® Business Modeler Migration
Tool v1.0.2 Readme
© Copyright International Business Machines Corporation. 2008, 2009. All rights reserved.
This is an update for WebSphere Business Modeler Mirgration Tool for issues reported through PMR 25564,010,678. The tool and changes provided by this update provide custom facilities to assist in migrating WebSphere Business Modeler v6.0.1 projects to v6.1.2. This deliverable is complimentary to updates provided by WebSphere Business Modeler Advanced Version 6.1.2 Interim Fix 6. Issues resulting from this tool's operation should not be raised through usual Modeler product support, but your IBM representative should contact product development for further assistance. The migration tool is not part of the Modeler product and is therefore not bound by the Modeler support agreement, however, best effort support will be provided through product development.
This update has the following characteristics:
Not generally announced to the public, engagement specific.
No formal packaging. Please extract the archive WBMMTv1.0.2.zip and review the documentation under the documentation directory on how-to apply and execute the tool.
Cumulative with other updates provided for this tool.
The update provides the following fixes and enhancements:
1. Progress Bar
The progress bar will update more smoothly to give a better indication of overall migration progress.
The progress messages will include much more low-level detail about the migration process to avoid long periods without any change in progress being visible for large projects
2. Error Recovery
When migrating a large repository the intense and prolonged interaction with the repository may result in intermittent communication problems that will surface as a failure to check out a project from the repository. Detection has been added for failures that may be indicative of this type of problem and the project migration will be attempted again. After 3 failures a message will be logged identifying the project as a candidate for a retry attempt and migration will move on to other projects.
If problems arise on the repository server causing the communication with the migration tool to timeout then the project will be attempted again. After 3 timeouts a message will be logged and migration will move on to the next project. If this occurs the repository server should be checked for hung processes that will degrade performance.
3. Additional Messages
In the case of a failure that the migration tool cannot recover from, the results dialog will now indicate that the migration was aborted. Previously it simply reported the results from the subset that were attempted before the failure.
As mentioned above, the following error messages were added to distinguish intermittent errors on projects that may still be candidates for migration from errors indicating that the project cannot be migrated: Project "<name>" failed to migrate after "<number>" attempts but may still be valid. Check the repository then try again. Project "<name>" was not returned by the repository. "<number>" attempts have been made. Check the repository server for stray processes before trying again.