IBM® Gift Center for WebSphere® Commerce
Gift Consultant Channel Sample
For the Consumer direct sample store
for AIX®, Linux™,
Solaris Operating Environment, and Windows®
Professional and Enterprise
Version 7.0
Last updated: June 21, 2010
- IBM Gift Center for the Consumer direct sample store, an optional,
chargeable feature, can be licensed to run only on WebSphere Commerce
Enterprise or WebSphere Commerce Professional, not WebSphere Commerce
Express. IBM Gift Center software can be installed using either WebSphere
Commerce Enterprise or WebSphere Commerce Professional CDs, but you are
required to purchase separate licenses to legally use the IBM Gift Center
However, license of the WebSphere Commerce Enterprise or
Professional product does not permit you to use the IBM Gift Center. You
must first purchase the processor and store features of the IBM Gift Center
available for the WebSphere Commerce Enterprise or Professional product
before you can use any IBM Gift Center function included in the products.
The sample application requires that you first have the base IBM Gift Center
installed, which requires a license. You can purchase a license for the IBM Gift Center for
WebSphere Commerce by contacting your IBM sales representative.
- The sample application is provided as is, and has been
functionally tested on all configurations (operating systems, databases, and Web
servers) that are supported for WebSphere Commerce and WebSphere Commerce
Developer Professional and Enterprise. Note that:
- The sample application has not been tested and is not supported for
- The gift consultant channel of the IBM Gift Center sample
application has been tested and enabled for national language support.
- The gift consultant channel of the IBM Gift Center sample
application is supported on and has been tested using
Microsoft Internet Explorer version 6. Other browsers are not supported.
This README contains information on how to install the gift consultant gift registry
channel for IBM Gift Center for
the Consumer direct sample store. This README is applicable to the following:
- A WebSphere Commerce production system (that is, for
hosting a live online store with the gift registry feature) supported by
WebSphere Commerce 7.0
- A WebSphere Commerce development environment (that is, for developing
and testing a store with the gift registry feature) supported by WebSphere
Commerce Developer 7.0.
You can use the sample application on top of your existing version
of the IBM Gift Center to take advantage of a richer multichannel gift registry
solution. The sample is packaged as a series of three SAR files (the gift
consultant SAR being one of them) that
work on top of the Consumer direct sample store. The instructions in this README
teach you how to publish the gift consultant channel SAR.
Note: To use the gift consultant channel, you must first publish the
SAR file for the Web or online gift registry channel. Refer to the README
for IBM Gift Center, Online or Web Channel Sample Application for details
on how to publish the Web or online channel SAR.
The sample application introduces the role of the
gift consultant, who helps customers create and update gift
registries. The gift consultant is essentially an in-store customer service
representative, with expertise in gift registries. A store may have one or more designated gift
consultants who would use this interface within the store. The sample
application provides a graphical user interface for the gift consultant to
execute gift registry tasks.
The Consumer direct sample store is part of the B2C organization.
Therefore, to use the gift consultant user interface with Consumer direct sample store, you
must set up this role for the B2C organization. You may already have a user with
this authority as part of your other business needs. The user must be set up
with the following criteria:
- The user must be under the B2C organization
- The user must have the applicable authority, within the WebSphere
Commerce Server.
Thus, this user must be have Customer Service Representative, Customer
Service Supervisor, or Site Administrator authority within the B2C
You can use the Organization Administration Console within WebSphere Commerce to do this.
The sample application includes various features and
functions in addition to the base IBM Gift Center solution. With this channel,
gift consultants can complete gift registry tasks on behalf of customers. For details on this channel,
refer to the IBM WebSphere Commerce 7.0 Information Center
(expand Samples > Sample stores > Consumer direct sample store>
IBM Gift Center for the Consumer direct sample store).
- This README file uses the following variables to represent directory paths:
- ConsumerDirect_language_ID
- The language ID for the locale for the Consumer direct and the gift consultant user interface
(for example, specify langId=-1 for United Sates English).
- ConsumerDirect_catalog_ID
- The catalog ID for the Consumer direct sample store (for example, catalogid=10001).
- ConsumerDirect_store_ID
- The unique store ID (such as 10001) for the Consumer direct sample
store. This ID is generated when you publish the store using the
WebSphere Commerce Administration Console. To determine the
store ID, run the following SQL statement:
select * from store
- This SQL statement queries the STORE database table. Look for
ConsumerDirect under the DIRECTORY column, and note the value for
- hostname
- The host name of the machine where you installed WebSphere Commerce or
WebSphere Commerce Developer.
- instance_name
- The name of the WebSphere Commerce instance. The default instance name
is demo.
- WCDE_installdir
- The installation directory for the WebSphere Commerce Developer. The
default installation directory is as follows:
- WebSphere Commerce
Developer Enterprise:
- WebSphere Commerce Developer
- WC_installdir
- The installation directory for the WebSphere Commerce. The default
installation directory is as follows:
- AIX:
- Linux:
- Solaris Operating Environment:
- Windows:
Ensure you have completed the following prerequisites on the same system where
you will install the IBM Gift Center sample application:
- You have installed the following software:
- If you are using WebSphere Commerce:
- WebSphere Commerce Enterprise or WebSphere Commerce Professional
7.0 on the platform, Web server, database, and level of WebSphere
Application Server that are supported with WebSphere Commerce 7.0.
- IBM Gift Center according to the instructions in
Installing Gift Center.
- If you are using WebSphere Commerce Developer:
- WebSphere Commerce Developer Enterprise or WebSphere
Commerce Developer Professional Version 7.0 on the platform, Web
server, database, and level of Rational Application Developer that
is supported with WebSphere Commerce Developer Version 7.0.
- IBM Gift Center according to the instructions in
Installing Gift Center.
- You have published the WebSphere Commerce sample store (called Consumer direct),
specifying non-ATP inventory,
and you can successfully launch the Consumer direct sample store in a
browser using
Note: If you have already published the Consumer direct store with ATP
inventory, you can update the database to change the store to non-ATP by
setting the STORE.INVENTORYSYSTEM value to -2 for your store. To remove ATP from the store, run the following SQL statement:
update store set inventorysystem =-2 where store_id=ConsumerDirect_store_ID
- You have published the SAR file for the Web or online gift registry
channel. To use the gift consultant channel, you must first publish the Web
or online gift SAR, according to the instructions in the README for
IBM Gift Center Online or Web Channel Sample Application.
To install the gift consultant channel:
- On the same machine where you have installed WebSphere Commerce or
WebSphere Commerce Developer, create a sar directory as
- AIX, Linux, Solaris Operating Environment, and Windows:
- WebSphere Commerce Developer:
- From the same Web site where you obtained this README file, download and
save the GiftCenterGiftConsulant.sar file to the sar directory
created in step 1.
- Publish the GiftCenterGiftConsulant.sar as follows:
- Open the WebSphere Commerce Administration Console at:
Hint: If you cannot access the Administration Console, ensure that
both your Web server and WebSphere Commerce application server (that is,
your WC_instance_name), or WebSphere Commerce test environment
server have started.
- Log on using your WebSphere Commerce administrator ID and password.
- From the Administration Console Site/Store Selection page, select the
radio button and click OK. The Site Administration Console home page
- From the menus at the top, select Store Archives > Publish. The Store Archives page
displays listing the SAR files available for publishing.
- From the list, select the check box next to GiftCenterGiftConsulant.sar and
click Next.
- The Parameters page displays. From the Value list,
select ConsumerDirect and click Next.
- The Summary page displays, listing the store archive and
store selected, as well as the location to which the store archive will
be published.
After reviewing the summary information, click Finish.
- A confirmation dialog displays, telling you the number of the publishing
job. Click OK. The Publish Job
Status page displays. The publishing state is reflected in the Publish
Status column.
- Click Refresh to update the status. Once publishing is
complete, the Publish Status column displays Successful.
- (Optional)
To see more details about this job, select GiftCenterGiftConsulant.sar from
the list. Click Details. The Publish Details page displays. Review the
publishing details.
- Log out of WebSphere Commerce
Administration Console by selecting the Logout link at the top left of the
To verify that you have successfully published the gift consultant channel
of IBM Gift Center sample application and that it works successfully with IBM
Gift Center, access the gift consultant user interface. If you can successfully view the
pages, then your installation is successful.
To access the gift consultant user interface, you must set up a user with the
appropriate authority to mange gift registries for the Consumer direct sample
store within the B2C organization. The steps below describe how to do this.
Alternatively, the WebSphere Commerce Site Administrator (for example, you
may have one called wcsadmin), can also access the user interface.
To set up a user with gift consultant authority:
- Open the Organization Administration Console at:
Hint: If you cannot access the Administration Console, ensure that
both your Web server and WebSphere Commerce application server (that is,
your WC_instance_name), or WebSphere Commerce test environment
server have started.
- Select Access Management >
Create User.
- On the Details section:
- In the First name and
Last name fields, provide the user's full name.
- In the Logon ID field, create a logon ID
for the user. The user will use this ID when logging onto the gift consultant
user interface.
- In the Password and
Password confirmation fields, provide a password for this logon ID. The
user will use this password when logging onto the gift consultant user interface.
- From the Account policy list, select
- Click Next.
- On the Business Profile section:
- Click Find beside the
Parent organization field. The
Select the Organization section displays.
- From the list, select the check box beside B2C
Organization and click Select. The B2C
Organization is specified in the Parent organization field.
- Click Next.
- On the Address section, provide address information
for the user and click Finish. The Users list
displays, with the new user listed.
- From the Users list, select the check box next to the new user, then click
- On the Roles section:
- Under Select organization, select
B2C Organization, and under
Role, select Customer Service Representative.
- Click Add. The Customer Service Representative
- B2C Organization combination is added to the Selected Roles list.
- Click OK to associate this role with the
user, and return to the Users list. The list is updated to reflect the new
role for the user.
To verify your installation:
- Open a Web browser and launch the gift consultant user interface,
using the following URL:
- Log onto the gift consultant user interface, using the user ID and
password that set up for the gift consultant within the B2C organization.
- Create a birthday gift registry for the customer:
- From the gift consultant home page, under New Customers,
select Birthday, click Create, and click Go.
- Since the customer has not registered with the Consumer direct starter store
before, provide a registration logon ID and password in the fields
at the top. This is a one-time set up; the next time you create a
registry for the same customer, you can search for them and create a
registry for an existing customer.
- Provide information for all mandatory field, denoted by an
asterisks (*).
- In the Registry Password and Password Confirmation fields, specify a password so that only the registrant can access
the gift registry. This password is also used if you plan to publish
the SAR file for the kiosk channel.
- Click Create Registry. If you have successfully installed the
IBM Gift Center sample applications, the system does the following:
- Creates a birthday gift registry for the Consumer direct sample store.
- E-mails a confirmation to the e-mail address used when
creating the gift registry (if e-mail is set up on your
WebSphere Commerce system. Refer to the IBM WebSphere Commerce 7.0 Information Center
for details.)
- Displays the manage registry page, showing the registry items
view, with a summary of the gift registry information at the top.
- You can start adding items to this gift registry by using one of the
options under Add Items (specify a part number, search for items,
or browse the catalog).
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End of README file