Updates and Improvements
- Support for Internet
Explorer 7
- Extended functionality to
Terrace (PABP)
- Unique key value swapping
for staging
- Support for DB2 v. 8.1.15
- Support for WAS
and WAS
- Javadoc
- Performance enhancements
- Security improvements
- Updated Documentation
- B2C models
- Corrected an error
that occurred with large number of
- Campaigns
- Added code to support
e-marketing spot customizations
- Corrected issue where
ADHOC:mbrgrpdesc table was not staged
- Catalog
- Unsynchronized
category now works correctly
- Configuration Manager
- Corrected issue where
Database panel in Configuration Manager shakes when using Java 1.4
- Corrected issue where
enabling persistent session failed in the configuration manager.
- WebSphere
Node Name is not missing when launching CM from Service Panel
- updatedb.sh
is now running correctly
- Fixed compile error
when creating a build ,src/projects/Utilit
- Corrected issue where
DB2 DataSource was not updated.
- Coupons
- Corrected
an error when creating coupon
- Discounts
- Corrected issue where
Discounts Summary was not displayed
- Inventory
- Corrected issue where stored procedure "GetItems" failed with error code "444"
- Migration
- Corrected issue where
_OLD tables were dropped after migrating the database
- Marketplace Model
- "Enter" key
now works on logon form
- Corrected issue where
certain SKU inputted on quick order returned a blank blue page
- Clicking back on
storefront does not cause an exception
- Orders
- Corrected a problem
with FulfillmentCenter EJB.
- Corrected an error
occurring when setting the same
address for billing and shipping
- Corrected OrderProfileUpdate did not refresh when address has
updated issue
- Null pointer
exception does not occur when calling SetPendingOrder
without orderId
- Corrected an SQL
error in OrderSearchBean.
- PONumber
is not missing in BatchOrderRequest scenario.
- Shopping flow is not
failing after some items with promotions are enabled
- Payments
- Corrected an issue
with invoking the service() method on SampleCheckoutServlet
- Corrected a payments
won't start because of DOS script issue.
- IBMPayServer
now starts payments under non-default profile
- Exception when
creating unattended start-up Payments instance does not occur
- Exception during
adding a casseet using CM does not occur
- Excption
when creating PM instance using CMQuickConfig does not occur
- WPM creation does not
fail when WAS NodeName
and CellName differ.
- Corrected an error
when creating PM instance using CMQuickConfig
- Payments instances
with remote DBs
do not fail to find remote DB
- DBUser
and DBPwd field are now hidden for local
payments DB's
- Corrected server name parameter value for remote
- ChangePassword
with -k parameter is working correctly
- Batch Force Close now
displays warning message
- Profiles
- Exception when
viewing customer segment including another segment does not occur
- Promotions
- Corrected shipping
charge for wholeOrder shipping promotion.
- Schema
- UpdatedbGUI
does not fails when WCinstalldir
contains a space.
- Updatedb
does not fail in iSeries.
- EjbConvert
now works with DB2EXP backend.
- Updatedb
standard out and standard error are captured in a log file.
- Updatedb
does not fail when DB name is not the same as host name.
- Security
- Changing merchant key
does not fail on WAS 6.0.2.
- Store Deploy
- Images do not fail to
load on B2B starter store.
- File permissions are
correct after publishing stores.
- Accessing ExtendedSitesHub from accelerator does not throw an
- Utilities
- Improvements to DBClean query for Guest Users.
- Corrected a table
names mismatch due to trailing spaces.
- Corrected StagingProp retry fails due to bad counter values
- Counter does not go
out-of-bounds when batch turned from off to on.
- DefaultHandler
now handles the case when aRs is null