Updates and Improvements
- Support for Solaris 10
- Support for i5/OS V5R4
- PCI Compliance
- Java™doc updates
- Performance enhancements
- Updated Documentation
- Improvements to Staging Server
- Improvements to security
- Improved Analytics Reports
- B2B Models
- Corrected recommended Sales Category does not appear in the eSpot
- B2C Models
- Corrected shipping method not copied through OrderCopy (QuickCheckout)
- Campaigns
- Corrected category added to the list but the typed name is not
cleared from the text field issue.
- Corrected exception during invocation of "findByCatalogGroupParentId".
- Corrected improper behavior for Web activity with current shopping
cart contains category, if the category deleted.
- Corrected issue where collateral save cmd does not handle and return
an error properly.
- Corrected issue where multiple category gift with purchase
promotional Ad copy does not work as expected when the entitlement
filter is on.
- Removed an unnecessary exception messages in the campaign runtime
- Replaced literals in SQL in
- Configuration Manager
- Corrected EJB descriptor for configurator to be DB2400 in
- Corrected instance creation failure with remote DB2 on 64 bit Linux.
- Corrected blank page for admincosole orgadminconsole with remote web
- Coupons
- Corrected exception in SchedCouponCmdImpl when starting server.
- Developer
- Removed obsolete files under <toolkit>\schema\migration\51.
- Corrected setdbtype verification step with remote Oracle10g.
- Corrected an error with DeployEJBProject.xml that causes scripts to
fail with errors.
- E-Mail
- Corrected a connection being made to SMTP server is being refused
- Market Experimentation
- Corrected a de-select a checkbox in experiment stats list causes a
js error issue.
- Corrected an improper behavior when completing an experiment.
- Corrected a JavaScript error in ExperimentGeneralBase.jsp
- Corrected an issue where ExperimentBaseEvaluateCmdImpl alters the
primary key of an EJB
- Corrected a failure to update EXTSTATS table issue.
- Inventory
- Corrected an issue cannot create an Order under DemanChainB2C Store
- Corrected a XSSB2C_NonATP generic application error.
- Migration
- Corrected a bad path in WASPreUpgrade on iSeries.
- Corrected a Payment manager migrate payment DB failed with no any
error output issue.
- Corrected a payments migration from WAS to WAS fails
- Corrected an issue starting PM after migrating from Payment Manager
- Corrected a Payment Manager migration issue where UseNonSSLWCSClient
is changed when changing WCSRealm port.
- Corrected a WAS_DIR not set payment start failure issue.
- Corrected a Payment Manager can not delete instance in configuration
manager issue.
- Marketplace Model
- Corrected SupplierHub reset password fails if challengeAnswer given
- Massloader
- Corrected a massextract cmd on Windows issue.
- Corrected an error in which Massload hangs if it cannot find a DTD
- Update such that if userdata/.../WCAConfigLogger.xml does not exist
then use from ProdData
- Corrected an issue where dtdgen does not recognize Cloudscape.
- Corrected an issue where MassLoader writes stacktrace to console.
- Corrected an error when running massload with loadonly method on
- Orders
- Corrected an issue with FreeShipping promotion.
- Corrected a 'L' state order changes after running DoPayment cmd
- Corrected a Registered customer cannot logon after guest order
- Corrected a shipping charges blank if StartDate/EndDate null in
CALRULE issue.
- Corrected an issue where IsUsingATP is receiving an incorrect value
for the store id.
- Corrected a null shipping charge for free product promotion.
- Corrected a CMN3101E error in backorder.
- Corrected an exceptions in SystemOut.log in guest shopping flow.
- Corrected an error when selecting non-existent Order Item.
- Corrected free gift check.
- Corrected an exception during price inquiry.
- Corrected an order submission issues with invalid contract item and
product without adjust on customer.
- Corrected default address and prompt for non-required field issues.
- Corrected a no matching records exist in Storefront usage report
- Corrected calculation of the free bee order.
- Corrected Order Place in accelerator error alert if Q>I.
- Corrected Quick add order error in accelerator if Q>I.
- Payments
- Corrected an issue where changing existing Pay instance hostname via
Cfg Man fails.
- Corrected a no payments to deposit after an order was approved
- Removed value of cardVerifyCode removed after order is approved.
- Corrected an issue where no cassettes are installed in Payment
- Corrected a password required for startup cannot be cleared in
ConfigManagr issue.
- Corrected a PM_DB_CONN_URL_ERROR when trying to start PaymentManager
via IBMPayServer.cmd
- Corrected an error modifying payment instance properties in WAS
- Corrected an error in path of iSeries Toolbox JDBC Driver.
- Corrected a migrateVisanetTables.oracle does not define views
correctly issue.
- Pricing
- Created a unified friendly ErrPage for restricted preview.
- Profiles
- Corrected an issue where all users are implicitly included when
creating promotions.
- Corrected an issue where recommended product can be seen by the
registered user, but user not listed in the segment.
- Corrected a special chars not allowed in query in
ListUserInMemberGroupCmd issue.
- Promotions
- Corrected a discount amount is wrong for items with multiple ranged
prices issue.
- Corrected an issue where a security error appears for promotion when
its promoted product deleted.
- Corrected a syntax error in PromotionCodeForm.jsp snippet.
- Returns
- Corrected an error where RMA stays in expired status even when it is
just re-prepared.
- Corrected a cannot add item to return with items from 2 orders
- Runtime
- Corrected a CopyAttachmentCmdImpl issue in RFQ.
- Corrected an error when placing guest order.
- Trading
- Corrected an issue creating bid for auction.
- Corrected an issue where response can be submitted without
substitute product&item.
- Corrected a Generic Error while submitting RFQ using Firefox
- Utilities
- Corrected the updatedb usage & the migFrom parameter.
- Corrected a stagingprop issue not refreshing result set before
- Corrected astaging trigger differences on member table between
Oracle and DB2 issue.
- Updated staging triggers for participant table to correctly work
with 'U' type member.
- Updated stage propagation to propagate ACPOLGRP tables.