IBM(R) WebSphere(R) Commerce Studio
Professional Developer Edition
Business Developer Edition
for Windows(R) 2000

Version 5.5

Last Updated: June 27, 2003


What's in this README

This README file contains information about known problems with the product. Updates to this README file will be posted to the WebSphere Commerce Library page. You can also check the Technotes database on WebSphere Commerce Support page for reported problems and other product support information.


The WebSphere Commerce Library page contains any updates that have been made to the online help and installation guide. Also available is additional product information not shipped on the CD.

Note that the online help contains a significant number of important updates.


This is for a Studio installation only. If you are working with WebSphere MQ, you need to set targetClient fields to "MQ" for JMSErrorQueue and JMSOutboundQueue by following these manual steps using the wsadmin utility.

When you follow the instructions in the Additional Software Guide, Chapter 14, section "Creating WebSphere MQ JMS Provider queue destinations", you have selected the targetClient to be "MQ" for JMSErrorQueue and JMSOutboundQueue. Verify this setting and take appropriate action if necessary.

Here are the steps to check and correct (if necessary, using WSAD/runtimes/base_v5/bin/wsadmin):

  1. Go to the WSAD/runtimes/base_v5/bin, and modify (if necessary) the file, setupCmdLine.bat, with correct "WAS_HOME" and "JAVA_HOME" environment variables.
  2. Go to the WSAD/runtimes/base_v5 directory, create a directory called logs.
  3. Edit the file: WSAD/runtimes/base_v5/properties/ as follows:
    Change: Files/WebSphere/AppServer/bin/securityProcs.jacl;C:/Program Files/WebSphere/AppServer/bin/LTPA_LDAPSecurityProcs.jacl

    to this: Files/WebSphere/AppServer/bin/securityProcs.jacl;C:/Program Files/WebSphere/AppServer/bin/LTPA_LDAPSecurityProcs.jacl;

    where WSAD is the actual location where your WSAD home directory is.
  4. Go to the WSAD/runtimes/base_v5/bin directory.
  5. Start WebSphere Commerce server under WSAD if you have not done so. To start this server, refer to the WebSphere Commerce Studio Installation Guide. Type wsadmin.bat. This will display messages similar to these:
    WASX7209I: Connected to process "server1" on node localhost using SOAP connector; The type of process is: UnManagedProcess
    WASX7029I: For help, enter: "$Help help"
  6. Type $AdminfConfig list MQQueue.
    This will display a list of queues that you have defined through using WAS 5 Admin Console GUI, including JMSErrorQueue and JMSOutboundQueue.
  7. Type $AdminConfig showall [$AdminConfig getid /MQQueue/JMSOutboundQueue].
    This will display a list of attributes related to the JMSOutboundQueue object. You should have selected "MQ" for your targetclient (as part of the steps listed in the section of the Additional Software Guide indicated earlier). If you still see targetClient shown as "JMS", you need to do the following steps:
  8. Type $AdminConfig modify [$AdminConfig getid /MQQueue/JMSOutboundQueue] {{targetClient {MQ}}}
  9. Use step #6 to verify your changes.
  10. Repeat step #6-8 for JMSErrorQueue.
  11. Type $AdminConfig save and quit.
  12. Restart the WebSphere Commerce server.

Fix installation

The fixes listed in the following sections require the most recent WebSphere Application Server update installer. The update installer can be obtained from the WebSphere Application Server support Web site:

You can find the update installer quickly by searching for the following term:

UpdateInstaller for WebSphere Application Server 5.0

Note: Do not use the update installer provided on WebSphere Commerce CD 2 to install the fixes listed in the following sections. Using the provided installer will cause the installation of the fixes to fail.

WebSphere Application Developer - WebSphere test environment fixes

Ensure that you apply the following WebSphere Application Server fixes to WebSphere Application Developer. These fixes ensure that the WebSphere test environment will function correctly:

For instructions on installing these fixes, review the README for each fix.

These fixes and the README for each fix can be found in the following directory on WebSphere Commerce CD 2:

Corrections to the WebSphere Commerce Studio Installation Guide

The URL for accessing the WebSphere Commerce Accelerator within WebSphere Commerce Studio is incorrect in the WebSphere Commerce Studio Installation Guide. The correct URL is as follows:


where hostname is the fully-qualified TCP/IP hostname of the WebSphere Commerce Studio machine.

Additions to the WebSphere Commerce Studio Installation Guide

This statement is in addition to the chapter entitled "WebSphere Commerce Studio and WebSphere Commerce coexistence"

In a WebSphere Commerce/WebSphere Commerce Studio coexistence environment, if an attempt to access the commerce instance server is made before it has completely started up, the user will be presented with an error "500 Internal Server Error". This error will then persist even once the server is active. The solution is to restart the IHS/Web Server service.  Note that if no accesses are attempted while the server is starting up, then this problem should not be encountered.

Additional software

  1. The following products are available from Passport Advantage Online for use with WebSphere Commerce:
  2. Passport Advantage Online can be found at Select Customer Site and sign in to see the list of entitled products.

    For the version levels supported by WebSphere Commerce, see the WebSphere Commerce Support Web site at

  3. Tivoli Web Site Analyzer V4.2 helps turn raw web data into valuable e-business intelligence. It provides you with a clear picture of the over-all health and integrity of your e-business infrastructure supporting business impact management. By capturing, analyzing, storing, and re-porting on Web site usage, health, integrity and site content, Tivoli Web Site Analyzer provides essential metrics on visitor interactions with the site and the site's overall performance. Its multi-channel data collection consolidates globally-distributed Web server logs including logs generated in a z/OS environment into a single open data warehouse. As more specifically set forth in the licensing terms accompanying your copy of IBM WebSphere Commerce v. 5.5, you are entitled to a single processor installation Site Analyzer. If you wish to expand your entitlement to install and use Site Analyzer, please contact the IBM Tivoli sales representative below:
    Geography Location Telephone E-mail address
    EMEA Copenhagen, Denmark 45 28 80 32 55
    Asia Pacific Sydney, Australia 61 2 9478 8224
    Americas Cambridge, USA 781-895-2826
    Worldwide Austin, USA 512-286-3494


IBM WebSphere Commerce Payments instance

Starting WebSphere Commerce Payment instance created by the WebSphere Commerce Studio 5.5 install
ote that the payment instance created by WebSphere Commerce Studio 5.5. installer will not require a password to start up. This is different than the default settings for the payment instance created by WebSphere Commerce Server 5.5 installer. IBMPayServer.cmd will not need to be run in order to start the installer-created payment instance in WebSphere Commerce Studio 5.5.

Creating WebSphere Commerce Payments instance using Configuration Manager plugin in WebSphere Commerce Studio 5.5
If you are creating a payment instance using the WebSphere Commerce Configuration Manager, make sure that the Password Required for startup check box in the instance panel is UNSELECTED. The payment instance will not start properly if this checkbox is selected.

Trademarks and Service Marks

The following are trademarks or registered trademarks of IBM Corporation in the United States and other countries:
IBM      WebSphere   DB2
Windows is a trademark of Microsoft Corporation in the United States, other countries, or both.

Other company, product, or service names may be trademarks or service marks of others.




Note to US Government Users -- Documentation related to restricted rights -- Use, duplication, or disclosure is subject to restriction set forth in GSA ADP Schedule Contract with IBM Corp.

End of README File