IBM(R) WebSphere(R) Commerce
Professional Edition
Business Edition
for Linux(R)

Version 5.5

Last Updated: August 21, 2003


What's in this README

This README file contains information about known problems with the product. Updates to this README file will be posted to the WebSphere Commerce Library page. You can also check the Technotes database on WebSphere Commerce Support page for reported problems and other product support information.


The WebSphere Commerce Library page contains any updates that have been made to the online help and installation guide. Also available is additional product information not shipped on the CD.


The trace.txt file and message.txt files, generated during instance creation, are encoded using UTF-8 by default. The encoding of these files, as well as all other Loader output messages, can be customized. To change the default coding, the configuration file must be changed by doing the following:
  1. Open the WCALoggerConfig.xml residing in Commerce_Install/xml/loader
  2. For each loader component, replace <handler type="file"> with <handler type="file" encoding=""> where the encoding attribute value depends on the locale setting.

Additional software prerequisites

In addition to the software prerequisites listed in the installation documentation, ensure that you have a Netscape Web browser installed on any node where you will run the WebSphere Commerce installation wizard.

A Netscape Web Browser is required to view the additional information available through the Installation Complete panel of the WebSphere Commerce installation wizard.

WebSphere Application Server Network Deployment fixes

Ensure that any WebSphere Application Server fixes applied to the WebSphere Commerce and WebSphere Commerce Payments nodes are also applied to the WebSphere Application Server Network Deployment node.

To obtain a list of the WebSphere Application Server fixes applied to the WebSphere Commerce and WebSphere Commerce Payments nodes, follow the instructions in the "Collecting Product Information and Update State" section of the README_PTF.HTML file found in the Software_Patches/WAS/docs directory on WebSphere Commerce CD2.

The WebSphere Application Server fixes are available in the Software_Patches\WAS\repository directory on WebSphere Commerce CD 2.

Linux on Intel-based platforms only: Before federating or clustering WebSphere Commerce instances, ensure that you apply fix pack 2 to WebSphere Application Server Network Deployment. Fix pack 2 is available in the Software_Patches/WAS_ND/WAS502_ND_FP2/linux directory of WebSphere Commerce CD 2. For instructions on installing fix pack 2, refer to Software_Patches/WAS_ND/WAS502_ND_FP2/docs/readme_was50_fp2.html on WebSphere Commerce CD 2.

Trademarks and Service Marks

The following are trademarks or registered trademarks of IBM Corporation in the United States and other countries:

IBM      WebSphere    DB2    DB2 Universal Database

Windows is a trademark of Microsoft Corporation in the United States, other countries, or both.

Other company, product, or service names may be trademarks or service marks of others.




Note to US Government Users -- Documentation related to restricted rights -- Use, duplication, or disclosure is subject to restriction set forth in GSA ADP Schedule Contract with IBM Corp.

End of README File