Migrating WebSphere Commerce 5.4 Professional Edition to WebSphere Commerce
5.4 Business Edition
This document describes how to migrate from IBM® WebSphere® Commerce 5.4
Professional Edition to IBM WebSphere Commerce 5.4 Business Edition. It assumes that you currently have a working WebSphere Commerce 5.4
Professional Edition system, that is, using the
WebSphere Commerce 5.4
Installation Guide for your platform and database, you have successfully:
- Installed WebSphere Commerce 5.4 Professional Edition
- Created an instance
- Published a store at which users can shop.
The document assumes that you now wish to upgrade to Business Edition in order to
take advantage of the additional B2B functionality that the Business Edition
The steps described in
this document apply to the following platforms:
- Windows NT® and
Windows® 2000
- AIX®
- SolarisTM Operating
Environment software
- Linux®
For the purposes of this document, references to "UNIX® systems" refers to the
AIX, Solaris, and Linux operating systems; references to "Windows systems"
refers to the Windows 2000 and Windows NT operating systems.
Before you begin the migration:
- Ensure you have the WebSphere Commerce 5.4 Business Edition
CD in order to upgrade your software level from Professional Edition to Business
- Download the latest WebSphere Commerce 5.4 FixPak
for Business Edition from the following web site to your machine:
You will need to apply this FixPak after you upgrade your
software from WebSphere Commerce 5.4 Pro Edition to WebSphere Commerce 5.4
Business Edition but prior to migrating your assets, such as the commerce
database and instance. Refer to the installation instructions that accompany
the FixPak for details on how to apply it.
This step is not required for the Linux platform.
- Ensure that your machine hardware and prerequisite software
meets the requirements documented in the "Preinstallation requirements" chapter
in the
WebSphere Commerce 5.4
Installation Guide for your platform and database.
The following are the steps to migrate your WebSphere Commerce 5.4 Professional Edition system to WebSphere Commerce 5.4
Business Edition:
- Back up your store assets.
Before proceeding with the migration, back up
all your store assets such as the instance directory, and in particular, the
and cfg.passwd files.
- Create a temporary backup directory outside of the
WebSphere install directory in order that
the files do not get overwritten during the migration, but that is
accessible during the migration (for example,
drive:\backup - for Windows, or
- for UNIX-systems).
Select the following WebSphere Commerce 5.4 Professional
Edition directories or files and copy them into the backup directory:
The store property files directory:
- WAS_Install_path\installedApps\WC_Enterprise_App_instance_name.ear\wcstores.war\WEB-INF\classes
(Windows systems)
- WAS_Install_path\installedApps\WC_Enterprise_App_instance_name.ear\wcstores.war\WEB-INF\classes
(UNIX systems)
- The WebSphere Commerce 5.4
Professional Edition instance directory:
- WC_Install_path\instances\your_instance
(Windows systems)
- WC_Install_path/instances/your_instance
(UNIX systems)
- The following files:
Remove the WebSphere Commerce application server.
Remove the WebSphere Commerce server in the WebSphere Application Server
Administration Console by running the rmCommerceServer script:
Start WebSphere Application Server, if it is stopped.
From the WebSphere Commerce bin
subdirectory, run the rmCommerceServer script as follows:
where node_name is typically the host name of your WebSphere
Commerce machine (corresponding to the name that appears on the WebSphere
Application Server Administration Console), and instance_name is your
WebSphere Commerce instance (for example, demo).
Uninstall WebSphere Commerce 5.4 Professional Edition. For
detailed information on uninstalling WebSphere Commerce, refer to the appendix
of the
WebSphere Commerce 5.4
Installation Guide for your platform and database.
Note: Do not uninstall other components such as Payment Manager, WebSphere Application Server, or the database; follow the steps to uninstall
only the WebSphere Commerce Professional Edition component.
Install WebSphere Commerce 5.4 Business Edition. The steps to
install WebSphere Commerce 5.4 Business Edition are similar to the steps to
install WebSphere Commerce 5.4 Professional Edition, except that you insert
the Business Edition CD into the CD-ROM drive in place of the Professional
Edition CD. For more detailed information on the installation steps, refer to
WebSphere Commerce 5.4
Installation Guide for your platform and database. Note:
You only have to install the WebSphere Commerce 5.4 Business Edition
component. All other components such as Payment Manager, WebSphere
Application Server, or the database should be installed and in-place.
Apply the WebSphere Commerce 5.4 FixPak for
Business Edition. You can download the latest FixPak for Business Edition
from the following web site:
Refer to the installation instructions that accompany
the FixPak for details on how to apply it.
This step is not required for the Linux platform.
Copy the three missing shortcuts (Windows only). After uninstalling Professional Edition
and installing Business Edition, the shortcuts for the WebSphere Commerce
Accelerator, Administration Console and Store Services are missing from the
Start menu. In order to reinstate these shortcuts, copy these three
shortcuts from the drive:\WebSphere\CommerceServer\instances
directory to the following directory:
- For Windows NT --
C:\WINNT\Profiles\All Users\Start Menu\Programs\IBM
WebSphere Commerce
- For Windows 2000 --
C:\Documents and Settings\All Users\Start
Menu\Programs\IBM WebSphere Commerce
Otherwise, you will have to launch the WebSphere Commerce Accelerator,
the Administration Console and the Store Services
tools manually from your Web browser.
Migrate your database to the WebSphere Commerce 5.4 Business Edition
- Update the product version.
For DB2®, enter the following commands from a DB2 command
db2 connect to db_name
db2 update site set productversion='54be' where productversion='54pro'
For Oracle®, enter the following commands from an SQLPlus
connect to db_name;
update site set productversion='54be' where productversion='54pro';
- From the WebSphere Commerce bin subdirectory, mass load the
wcs_bootstrap_adv.xml file (located in the
WebSphere Commerce schema\xml
For DB2:
For Windows run: loaddb.db2.bat db_name
user password WC54_Install_Path\schema\xml\wcs_bootstrap_adv.xml
For UNIX systems: ./loaddb.db2.sh db_name
user password WC54_Install_Path/schema/xml/wcs_bootstrap_adv.xml
For Oracle:
For Windows: loaddb.oracle.bat
db_name user password WC54_Install_Path\schema\xml\wcs_bootstrap_adv.xml
For UNIX systems: ./loaddb.oracle.sh
db_name user password WC54_Install_Path/schema/xml/wcs_bootstrap_adv.xml
Note: In the loaddb scripts above, you need to enter the fully
qualified path to the wcs_bootstrap_adv.xml
Migrate the Professional Edition instance to the Business Edition
To migrate your instance to Business Edition:
- Restore the WC54_Install_Path\instances\instance_name
directory that you backed up in step 1.
for UNIX systems.)
Restore the WC54_Install_Path\instances\wcs_instances
file that you backed up in step 1 and set
instMigrate=true within the file.
for UNIX systems.)
Add the following section in the WC54_Install_Path\xml\product.xml
(WC54_Install_Path/xml/product.xml for UNIX systems):
where OriginalPath
is the original installation path for WebSphere Commerce 5.4 Professional
Edition before migration to Business Edition. This path is usually the
same before migration.
Run the instMigration.bat script (for
Windows systems) or the instMigration.sh
script (for UNIX systems) to migrate your instance(s) as documented in the
section "Migration your instance configuration" in the
WebSphere Commerce 5.4
Migration Guide for your platform.
Restore your WebSphere Commerce Professional Edition store assets
that you
backed up in step 1 to the
following directory:
- WAS_Install_path\installedApps\WC_Enterprise_App_instance_name.ear\wcstores.war (for Windows systems)
- WAS_Install_path/installedApps/WC_Enterprise_App_instance_name.ear/wcstores.war (for UNIX systems)
In addition, restore the store property files you
backed up in step 1 to the
following directory:
- WAS_Install_path\installedApps\WC_Enterprise_App_instance_name.ear\wcstores.war\WEB-INF\classes (for Windows systems)
- WAS_Install_path/installedApps/WC_Enterprise_App_instance_name.ear/wcstores.war/WEB-INF/classes (for UNIX systems)
All Professional
Edition store archive files (.sar files) should continue to work in the
Business Edition environment without modification.
Verify that your migrated WebSphere Commerce 5.4 Business Edition
system and stores are operational.
Ensure that your migrated stores continue to run as before. Use the
WebSphere Commerce 5.4 online help system to implement B2B features as
required for your migrated Business Edition system.
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