IBM(R) WebSphere(R) Commerce
Professional Edition
Business Edition
for Solaris Operating Environment(TM) software
Version 5.4
Last Updated: March 27, 2002
This README file contains information about known problems with the product. Updates to this README file will be posted to the WebSphere Commerce Business Edition Technical Library page and to the WebSphere Commerce Professional Edition Technical Library page. You can also check the Technotes database on WebSphere Commerce Business Edition Support page and the WebSphere Commerce Professional Edition Support page for reported problems and other product support information.
Note that the error message appears whether or not you have 5 GB free space.
As long as you have 5 GB free space, ignore the message.
Language | LANG variable value |
German | de_DE.ISO8859-1 |
English | en_US.ISO8859-1 |
Spanish | es_ES.ISO8859-1 |
French | fr_FR.ISO8859-1 |
Italian | it_IT.ISO8859-1 |
Brazilian Portugese | pt_BR.ISO8859-1 |
Japanese | ja_JP.eucJP |
Korean | ko_KR.EUC |
Simplified Chinese | zh_CN.GBK |
Traditional Chinese | zh_TW.BIG5 |
Ensure that the supported codeset for your locale is installed on your
Solaris machine. To check the installed codesets, run locale -a.
Ensure that any locale-related environment variables (LANG, LC_ALL) are set to
include the WebSphere Commerce supported locale. To check, run locale,
and check LANG and LC_ALL variables. If your locale is not set to the
supported codeset, change your locale properties by running the following
commands as root user:
export LANG
export LC_ALL
For example:
export LANG
export LC_ALL
You must ensure these values are set correctly as root before you run For non-root configuration, after you run, you have to edit /export/home/wasuser/.profile
file. In the .profile file, LANG value should be set to the
supported codeset. Add the codeset extension. For example: from LANG=en_US
to LANG=en_US.ISO8559-1.
As part of deployment of both new enterprise beans and modified WebSphere
Commerce public entity beans, an XML file must be generated that describes
each of the beans in the WebSphere Commerce enterprise application. This file
is created by using the XMLConfig tool with the "export" option.
This XML file cannot have carriage return characters included in the
specification of the application server full name for each enterprise bean. Applying this workaround ensures that
application server full names are
properly formatted (that is, without carriage returns) in the XML file.
The workaround must be performed after you have completed any of the following
tasks described in the WebSphere Commerce Programmer's Guide.
Each of the preceding tasks uses the XMLConfig -export command to create an XML file that provides configuration information for the enterprise beans in an enterprise application. This file is not formatted properly. In particular, the name of the application server is split across multiple lines. If this does not get reformatted to span only a single line, an error indicating that the application server cannot be found is encountered when the file is used as input to the XMLConfig -import command.
To properly format the XML file that is generated by the XMLConfig -export command, do the following:
If the response properties object of any command that redirects to another HTTP request (for example, redirecting to a JavaServer Page) is greater than 4KB in size, an error is generated. To avoid this error, you must modify the response properties object to contain less than 4KB of data before redirecting. One way to reduce the size of the response properties object would be to remove unnecessary parameters from URL strings. For information on this, refer to "Handling a limited length redirect URL" in the WebSphere Commerce Programmer's Guide.
The following java system property is needed to ensure proper
error handling if store publish fails.
Add this property using the WebSphere Application Server administrative
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************************************************************************** ** © COPYRIGHT INTERNATIONAL BUSINESS MACHINES CORPORATION 2002 ** ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. **************************************************************************Note to US Government Users -- Documentation related to restricted rights -- Use, duplication, or disclosure is subject to restriction set forth in GSA ADP Schedule Contract with IBM Corp.
End of README File