WebSphere Commerce Installation and Configuration Checker README file for iSeries

IBM(R) WebSphere(R) Commerce Installation and Configuration Checker for iSeries(R) 2002, Version 1.5.0

Last Updated: March 25, 2002


What's in this icchecker README

This README file contains information on how to run the WebSphere Commerce Installation and Configuration Checker (henceforth known as IC Checker.)  Updates to this README file will be provided with every new release of the IC Checker.

Server side installation (ICServer)

  1. Official support for languages other than English is not available at this time. Because of this, ensure the system on which you install WebSphere Commerce has English installed as the primary language.
  2. Extract the ICChecker_Server.jar to the iSeries system on which you have WebSphere Commerce Version 5.4 installed (check "use folder names" if using WinZip to unzip the file). You can extract it to any IFS directory. A subfolder called icchecker_server will be created that contains the following files/directories:
  3. Get the latest 400Product.properties file and copy it into the icchecker_server/bin folder. If prompted, overwrite the original version.

Server side execution (ICServer)

  1. Sign on to the iSeries system using a user profile that has a *SECOFR user class. This is required for IC Checker program to create objects in the QGPL library, and access instance creation logs.
  2. Enter "QSH" from iSeries command line to start a Qshell session
  3. change current directory:
    where icchecker_dir is the folder you extracted the ICChecker_Server.jar to
  4. execute the scipt:
    where (port) is the port number you want IC Checker Server to listen on. The default is 9998.

    If the port is already in use, you will get the message "Port (port) already in use. Select another port and try starting the server again."
    If this is the case, reissue the command using a different port.

    If the operation is successful, you will see the following messages on the command prompt screen:
      Initializing server
      Registry created
      ICServer bound in registry on port (port number)

    At this point, you can start your client application, ICClient, as explained below.

Client side installation (ICClient)

  1. Ensure the system on which you run the client program is set to an English locale. To set the locale, use the Regional Settings tool in the Windows NT Control Panel or the Regional Options tool in the Windows 2000 Control Panel. After installation, the locale can be set back to the original settings.
  2. Extract the ICChecker_Client.jar to a sub folder on your PC (check "use folder names" if using WinZip to unzip the file). A folder called icchecker_client will be created that contains the following files:
  3. Modify icclient.bat file to set your JDK1.3 path:
    In this file, define the JDK1.3 path by adding the following line:
    If you have WebSphere Application Server 4.0 installed on the PC, you can use its JDK, in which case, set the JDK path using the following line:

Client side execution (ICClient)

  1. In a DOS prompt window, go to the directory where you installed IC Checker Client progarm:
  2. Run icclient batch file:
    where (port) is the port number the IC Checker Server is listening on. The default is 9998.
  3. You will get a pop up window asking for the host name of iSeries system that the IC Checker server program is ruuning on. Enter the host name and click OK.
  4. Next, a second window pops up asking for a user ID and password to access the iSeries system. Enter the a user that has has a *SECOFR user class and click OK.

Running WebSphere Commerce IC Checker

  1. Select your WebSphere Commerce configuration and then click Run.
  2. When IC Checker scans the Web Server, WebSphere Application Server, WebSphere Commerce and Database log files for errors, it collects the following log files into its log directory: Schema.log, messages.txt, RESWCSID.txt, CreatePayment.log, WASConfig.log, wcs.log, and WCSConfig.log.
  3. At the end of its execution, a window pops up to inform you it is finished. Messages displayed on screen in Status and Warnings/Errors panels are recorded in icchecker.log file. You can find this file in its log directory, icchecker_dir/icchecker_server/log
  4. icchecker.log file contains the information on required products install, PTF install, services, log files, instance status, as well as connection to the local host and its storeservices.

Trademarks and Service Marks

The following are trademarks of IBM Corporation in the United States and other countries:

    IBM      WebSphere     DB2      iSeries      eServer     

Microsoft, Windows, and Windows NT are trademarks of Microsoft Corporation in the United States, other countries, or both.

Other company, product, or service names may be trademarks or service marks of others.





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End of icchecker README File