If you are using IBM Installation Manager to install directly from the default CDA update site, continue with the instructions below. Otherwise, if you want to obtain the update to install from a local drive, follow the instructions in
Local installation notes.
- If CDA V11.3.1 - V11.3.3 is running, exit the application.
- Run IBM Installation Manager.
From the All Programs menu, select IBM
Installation Manager > IBM Installation Manager.
- Select Update.
- Select CDA V11.3 and click Next.
- You might get a message that an update is required for IBM Installation Manager. If so,
install the update.
- If you have a firewall, you might be asked to permit
the update to run. Permit the update.
- After the update is installed, start CDA V11.3
- From the Help menu select the About... option
and you should see that version 11.3.4 is installed.