Local Installation notes for IBM InfoSphere™ Classic Data Architect Version 11.3.25

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The following information describes local installation instructions for updating Classic Data Architect (CDA) Version 11.3.25 from a zip file.

  1. Download the zip file from CDA_11.3.25_1169_update.zip
  2. Unzip the file into its own directory such as C:\temp\cdav11325.
  3. If CDA is running, exit the application.
  4. Run IBM Installation Manager. From the All Programs menu, select IBM Installation Manager >IBM Installation Manager.
  5. Select File.
  6. Select Preferences....
  7. Select Add Repository....
  8. Click the Browse button and navigate to where you unzipped the file. Highlight the repostitory.config file, click Open, and then click OK in the dialog box that lists the file.
  9. The repository will now appear in the list of repositories. Click the Apply button and then click the OK button.
  10. Select Update Packages.
  11. Select CDA V113 and click Next.
  12. After the update is installed, start CDA.
  13. From the Help menu select the About... option and you should see that version 11.3.25 is installed.