Release notes for IBM InfoSphere™ Classic Data Architect Version 10.1.6

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The following information describes installation instructions, new features, and the fixes in Classic Data Architect (CDA) Version 10.1.6. Fix packs contain cummulative fixes. By installing this fix pack for version 10.1.6 you will automatically obtain all previous V10.1 fixpacks.


Installation notes
Fix Pack 6 Fixes
Fix Pack 5 Fixes
Fix Pack 4 New Feature
Fix Pack 3 Fixes
Fix Pack 2 Fixes
Fix Pack 1 Fixes

Installation notes

If you are using IBM Installation Manager to install directly from the default CDA update site, continue with the instructions below. Otherwise, if you want to obtain the update to install from a local drive, follow the instructions in Local installation notes..
  1. If CDA V10.1 is running, exit the application.
  2. Run IBM Installation Manager. From the All Programs menu, select IBM Installation Manager >IBM Installation Manager.
  3. Select Update Packages.
  4. Select CDA V10.1 and click Next.
    • You might get a message that an update is required for IBM Installation Manager. If so, install the update.
    • If you have a firewall, you might be prompted and asked to permit the update to run. Permit the update.
  5. After the update is installed, start CDA V10.1
  6. From the Help menu select the About... option and you should see that version 10.1.6 is installed.

Fixes in Fix Pack 6

This Fix Pack addresses the following problems:
  • When mapping an IDMS table and selecting an element that is part of a group which is part of an OCCURS array, the element was not mapped with an array subscript.
  • The DDL wizard goes into an infinite loop when you attempt to run the DDL on the server requiring the user to Cancel the SQL statement.

Fixes in Fix Pack 5

Fix Pack 5 addresses the following problems:
  • Attempting to edit a table containing a DECIMAL column from Data Source Explorer Data>Edit menu would result in "numeric literal out of range" error.
  • When parsing a DBD, only 'X' and 'C' were allowed in the continuation column 72 instead of allowing all characters.
  • The IMS™ wizard was not issuing an error when DBD parsing failed.
  • The Classic JDBC driver did not always accurately return result sets from stored procedure calls. This was manifesting as a bug in the Adabas™ table mapping wizard which uses a stored procedure to discover Adabas file information. The incorrect result set resulted in an incorrect mapping of CHAR for all Adabas fields instead of the correct SQL data type.
  • The Classic JDBC driver was not processing parameter markers correctly which resulted in IDMS™ wizard error when selecting a subschema from a remote host. The wizard displayed -870 The number of host variables is incorrect.
  • When selecting a subschema from a remote host using the IDMS™ wizard, the subschema was getting parsed twice when the user selected a server that was not already connected.

New Feature in Fix Pack 4

Fix Pack 4 adds the following feature:
  • Support for BINARY and VARBINARY SQL data types.

Fixes in Fix Pack 3

Fix Pack 3 addresses the following problem:
  • Additional memory leaks caused by charts on the Latency and Throughput views in the Classic Replication Management perspective is corrected. Memory leaks are associated with redraw problems in CDA and other symptoms caused by lack of memory.

Fixes in Fix Pack 2

Fix Pack 2 addresses the following problems:
  • Memory leak caused by charts on the Latency and Throughput views in the Classic Replication Management perspective is corrected. Memory leaks are associated with redraw problems in CDA and other symptoms caused by lack of memory.
  • Subscription name has been added to the Latency and Throughput views.
  • Numbers in the Latency and Throughput views are formatted with commas to make them more legible (for example, 12345678 is changed to 12,345,678).

Fixes in Fix Pack 1

Fix Pack 1 addresses the following problems:
  • Import Classic Reference wizard issues "Host file not found error." Remote files cannot be imported.
  • DDL wizard does not always list all of the correct objects (table, view, index, etc) for DDL generation.
  • CA-IDMS™ wizard stuck on first page. User cannot proceed.
  • IMS™ DBD parsing incorrectly interprets the "*" in EXIT=(*.. statement as a comment.
  • When editing a table with a DECIMAL column, "Error" displays in the column and the Error Log shows "Exception: Cannot format given Object as a Number".
  • Field procedure information was missing for IMS™, CA-IDMS™, CA-Datacom™ and Adabas™ tables in the Data Source Explorer and therefore was also missing from DDL generated from the affected tables.
  • In the Data Source Explorer, a connection to a DB2 z/OS database incorrectly was interpretted as a Classic Integration data source.
      ACTION REQUIRED: You must delete the incorrect DB2 connection from the Data Source Explorer to clear Eclipse's cache and re-add it in order to pick up this fix. Note: DB2 z/OS V9 and V10 are not currently supported.