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2008, 2013. US Government Users Restricted Rights - Use, duplication
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The following information describes local installation instructions
for updating Classic Data Architect (CDA) Version 10.1.6 from a zip file.
- Download the zip file from http://public.dhe.ibm.com/software/websphere/cda/101/1016/zips/cda1016_20130307_1036
- Unzip the file into its own directory such as C:\temp\cdav106.
- If CDA V10.1 is running, exit the application.
- Run IBM Installation Manager.
From the All Programs menu, select IBM
Installation Manager >IBM Installation Manager.
- Select File.
- Select Preferences....
- Select Add Repository....
- Click the Browse button and navigate to where you unzipped the file. Highlight the repostitory.config file, click Open, and then click OK in the dialog box that lists the file.
- The repository will now appear in the list of repositories. Click the Apply button and then click the OK button.
- Select Update Packages.
- Select CDA V10.1 and click Next.
- After the update is installed, start CDA V10.1
- From the Help menu select the About... option
and you should see that version 10.1.6 is installed.