Use this information to configure APPC for a Personal Communications (PComm) workstation that is connected to a token-ring local area network (LAN).
You should already have gotten values for the Personal Communications symbols such as LUNAME and NODEID. You will use these symbols and their corresponding values to configure Personal Communications for communication with an APPC/MVS host or CICS host or both.
This example assumes that the Personal Communications configuration files already exist; that is, you have already installed Personal Communications and require only APPC configuration.
Contact your network administrator or follow your site process for obtaining a SNA independent LU value. Then perform the following steps to configure the LAN adapter link.
- Click Start -> Programs -> IBM Personal Communications -> SNA Node Configuration. The SNA Configuration window opens.
- Configure a new node known to the network:
- Select Configure Node.
- Click New.
- In the Define the Node window, fill in these fields on the Basic page with the values obtained from your network administrator
- Fully qualified CP name. Refer to the values you got for NETWORK and LUNAME) and supply as NETWORK.LUNAME.
- CP alias (It is recommended that this be the same as the CPNAME.)
- Block ID and Physical Unit ID. Refer to the NODEID .
- On the Advanced page, check that the registration checkboxes are selected properly for your site.
- Click OK. You are back to the SNA Configuration window
- In the SNA Configuration window, select Configure devices.
- Click New.
- On the Basic page of the Define a LAN Device window, click OK (accepting the defaults). You are back to the SNA Configuration window.
- In the SNA Configuration window, select Configure Connection.
- Click New.
- On the Basic page of the Define a LAN Connection window, enter your Destination address (the LANADDRESS that you obtained from your network administrator).
- On the Advanced page, verify the settings with your network administrator. It is vital that these settings accurately reflect how your network is set up.
- On the Security page, enter the following information about the LAN connection
- Adjacent CP name. Refer to the values you got for PARTNERNET and PARTNERCP and supply as PARNERNET.PARTNERCP.
- Adjacent CP type (as you specified for NODETYPE). Use End Node unless you are using Advanced Peer-to-Peer Networking (APPN) and this workstation is a network node.
- IDs as appropriate.
- Click OK. You are back to the SNA Configuration window
- In the SNA Configuration window, select Configure Partner Local LU 6.2.
- Click New.
- On the Basic page of the Define a Partner LU 6.2 window, fill in the following information:
- On the Advanced page, enter the values that are correct for your environment
- Click OK. You are back to the SNA Configuration window
- In the SNA Configuration window, select Configure Local LU 6.2.
- Click New.
- On the Basic page of the Define a Local LU 6.2 window, enter values of your choosing for local LU name and local LU name alias (LUALIAS) to identify your workstation
- Click OK. You are back to the SNA Configuration window.
- Click File -> Save.
- In the confirmation window, click Yes.
- In the Save As window, select a name for your configuration
- Click Save.
- In the SNA Node Confirmation window, click Yes to have your new configuration be the default. You can have multiple configurations to access multiple hosts but only one default.
- Click Start -> Programs -> IBM Personal Communications -> Administrative and PD Aids -> SNA Node Operations. The Personal Communications SNA Node Operations window opens.
- Click the Start node icon at the far left.
- Choose the configuration file to use.
- If the connection is made, information about the node will be displayed and the Stop node icon will become available
- Click Start -> Programs -> IBM Personal Communications -> Utilities APPC and CPIC Utilities -> Check Connection APING.
- In the Winaping setpup window, enter the following information:
- Click OK.
- In the Personal Communications - winaping window, click the Start icon at the far left. Feedback from the connection appears. Words like "running" are good.
If verifying the connection is not working, check for messages in the Log Viewer:
- Click Start -> Programs -> IBM Personal Communications -> Administrative and PD Aids -> Personal Communications Log Viewer.
- Consult your network administrator and support group to identify the problem indicated by the messages.
Getting the values to configure PComm for APPC
Getting the values to configure APPC/MVS
Copyright IBM Corporation 1996, 2002
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