Web tools - release notes

1.0 Known problems
   1.1 Adding Cache Variables to a Servlet Caching Configuration

1.0 Known problems

1.1 Adding Cache Variables to a Servlet Caching Configuration

The wizard which enables the adding of a Cache Variable (CV) to a Servlet Caching Configuration (SCC) does not work. If the target SCC does not contain a Cache Entry ID Generation (CEIG) one will be created, but no CVs which are defined will be created.

To add a CV, first go through the wizard as you normally would. Save the changes you made in the Web Deployment Descriptor editor. Open the ibm-web-ext.xmi file. Find the CEIG in the appropriate SCC and add the CV manually. When finished, the source for your SCC will look something like this:

<servletCacheConfigs xmi:id="ServletCachingConfiguration_1069188599650" propertiesGroupName="cg1" timeout="0" priority="1" invalidateOnly="false"> <idGeneration xmi:id="CacheEntryIDGeneration_1069188599650" useURI="false"> <cacheVariables xmi:id="CacheVariable_1069188599650" type="REQUEST_ATTRIBUTE" id="ID" method="Method" required="true" dataId="DataID" invalidate="InvalidID"/> </idGeneration> </servletCacheConfigs>

Valid values for the type attribute are: "REQUEST_PARAMETER", "REQUEST_ATTRIBUTE", "SESSION_PARAMETER", and "COOKIE". The method parameter is only valid when the type attribute has a value of "REQUEST_ATTRIBUTE" or "SESSION_PARAMETER".

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