Readme for the update installer application for Version 5.1

A guide to installing interim fixes with the update installer program


About this readme_updateinstaller document

Installing interim fixes

  • Known limitations when using this version of the update installer application for Version 5.1
  • Installing interim fixes on the base product
  • Installing interim fixes on the Network Deployment product
  • Uninstalling interim fixes

  • Uninstalling interim fixes from the base product
  • Uninstalling interim fixes from the Network Deployment product
  • UpdateSilent command

  • Syntax examples
  • Help
  • Syntax for using a properties file to supply values
  • Syntax for processing interim fixes
  • Syntax for viewing applied fixes
  • Syntax for viewing available fixes
  • Parameters
  • Examples
  • Getting help for the command
  • Using a parameter properties file
  • Installing interim fixes
  • Uninstalling interim fixes
  • Viewing information about interim fixes
  • UpdateWizard command

  • Parameters
  • Examples of use
  • Displaying usage information
  • Bypassing the local copy of the IBM Developer Kit
  • Disabling prerequisite checking
  • Panel descriptions
  • Welcome panel
  • Product Selection panel
  • Menu panel
  • Interim Fix Repository Specifier panel
  • Installable Interim Fix Selection panel
  • Uninstallable Fix Selection panel
  • Prerequisite Check panel
  • Pre-installation Summary and Pre-uninstallation Summary panels
  • Installation and Uninstallation panel
  • Post Installation Summary and Post Uninstallation Summary panels
  • Product version and history information

  • Product information files
  • XML files in the /properties/version directory that store version information
  • XML files in the /properties/version/history directory
  • Reports
  • Product version reports
  • Product history reports
  • Logs and component backups
  • File naming convention
  • Storage locations
  • Operational description
  • Data dictionary
  • Notices

  • Third party license terms and conditions, notices and information
  • Accessing the product Web site
  • Accessing product documentation
  • Trademarks and service marks

  • About this readme_updateinstaller document

    This readme_updateinstaller document describes procedures for using the update installer application to install an interim fix or fix pack on the base WebSphere Application Server product, the Network Deployment product, or the Enterprise product. This readme also describes how to remove an interim fix or fix pack from these WebSphere Application Server products.

    You can also use the update installer to install interim fixes and fix packs on the WebSphere Application Server - Express product and on the WebSphere Application Server client. This readme describes using the updateSilent and the updateWizard interfaces to the update installer application. This document also describes product version and history information that the WebSphere Application Server products maintain whenever you install or remove an interim fix or fix pack.

    All of the information in this document is available in the online Information Center.

    Installing interim fixes

    Install interim fixes on these WebSphere Application Server products using the following procedures:

    Use the generic procedure described in the updateSilent or updateWizard command descriptions to install interim fixes on the WebSphere Application Server-Express product or on the WebSphere Application Server client.

    Download interim fixes to a read/write directory as described in the readme for the interim fix. Installing from a read only drive is not supported at this time.

    Known limitations when using this version of the update installer application for Version 5.1

    On AIX, the updateWizard interface to the update installer fails to detect an installation of IBM WebSphere Application Server, Version 5.1 or IBM WebSphere Application Server Network Deployment, Version 5.1.

    On HP-UX, the updateWizard interface to the update installer fails to detect an installation of IBM WebSphere Application Server, Version 5.1 or IBM WebSphere Application Server Network Deployment, Version 5.1. When this occurs, the updateWizard interface throws a NULL Pointer exception in the AIX console but not in the HP-UX console.

    Manually point to the install location of the installed Version 5.1 product and ignore any null pointer exception.

    There are two ways to point to the product. You can use the updateWizard command and manually enter the location after the interface throws the exception. Or you can use the updateSilent command and enter the installDir parameter as part of the command.

    Installing interim fixes on the base product

    The update installer application installs and uninstalls interim fixes on WebSphere Application Server products. There are two interfaces to the installer application, a wizard with a graphical interface, and a command-line, silent interface.

    This topic describes the proper procedure for installing an interim fix on a stand-alone IBM WebSphere Application Server, V5.1 environment, using the update installer application.

    To apply an interim fix, first set up and configure the environment by downloading the interim fix and the update installer, creating update repositories, and setting the JAVA_HOME environment variable. Then use the update installer to install the interim fix, using either the wizard interface, which is the updateWizard command, or the silent, command-line interface, which is the updateSilent command.

    The update installer application can also uninstall interim fixes.

    If the base WebSphere Application Server node is within a cell, go to Installing interim fixes on the Network Deployment product. This topic describes applying an interim fix to a stand-alone base node.

    Use the versionInfo command in the install_root/bin directory to display the exact fix and version level of the product. Do not use the versionInfo command while installing or uninstalling an interim fix.

    You can also use the silent update installer application to view interim fix information.

    Before installing or uninstalling interim fixes, stop all Java processes that use the IBM SDK that WebSphere Application Server provides to support the Java 2 SDK on your operating system platform, such as the IBM Developer Kit for AIX, Java Technology Edition. Stop all application servers, and all servers, such as the IBMHttpServer process, that belong to serviceable features. Features with servers include the IBM HTTP Server and the embedded messaging feature. Stop all Java processes, if necessary. If you do install or uninstall an interim fix while a WebSphere Application Server-related Java process is running, IBM does not guarantee that the product can continue to run successfully, or without error.

    This procedure describes a scenario for updating a stand-alone base node by installing an interim fix. The Uninstalling interim fixes topic describes how to remove an interim fix from a stand-alone base node.

    Space requirements vary depending on what you are installing. The size of each download is available on the Support site. Verify that the free space is available before beginning the installation. After unpacking the ZIP file, you can delete the ZIP file to free space if necessary.

    Space is required for the read/write directory, such as /usr/temp/update, for downloading and unpacking the interim fix. Space is also required for backup files in the /properties/version/backup directory of the product installation root.

    Steps for this task

    1. Stop each server process on the base WebSphere Application Server node with the or stopServer.bat script.

      Stop all Java processes related to WebSphere Application Server. On a Windows platform, use the task manager to stop Java processes. On a UNIX-based platform, use the kill command to stop Java processes.

    2. Create a read/write directory without spaces in its name, such as /usr/temp/update or \temp\update, if it does not already exist.
    3. Download the update installer application ZIP file to the update directory.

      Download the current version of the file even though you might have an update installer from a previous interim fix installation. The Support page links to the current installer.

    4. Extract the contents of the zip file to the update directory.
    5. Create the update/fixes repository.
    6. Download the interim fix.

      Download an interim fix from the Support page to the /update/fixes directory.

      On Windows platforms, the pkunzip utility might not decompress the download image correctly. Use another utility (such as WinZip) to unzip the image.

    7. Set up the Java environment for the update installer.

      If the update installer can set the Java environment, this step is not necessary. Otherwise, this is a required step.

      If the update installer cannot set the JAVA_HOME environment variable, you receive a message that the update installer cannot set JAVA_HOME. In such a case, set the environment variable yourself, or issue the appropriate command script from the /bin directory of the installation root:

      1. Open a command line window.
      2. Change directory to the bin directory of the installation root.
      3. Issue the appropriate command to set JAVA_HOME:
        • . install_root/bin/ (source the command on UNIX platforms)
        • source install_root/bin/ (source the command on Linux platforms )
        • install_root\bin\setupCmdLine.bat (Windows platforms only)
        • . install_root/bin/ (source the command for the Application Server client)
        • source install_root/bin/ (Linux platforms only)
        • install_root\bin\setupClient.bat (Windows platforms only)
    8. Use one of the two interfaces to the update installer to install the interim fix:

      For example, to install the xxyyzz1 interim fix, use this updateSilent command:

      C:\Program Files\WebSphere\AppServer\update> updateSilent -fix 
             -installDir "C:\Program Files\WebSphere\AppServer" 
             -fixDir "C:\temp\update\fixpacks"
             -fixes xxyyzz1

      The command is shown here on more than one line, for clarity.

    9. Restart the node agent for the base node with the startNode command if the node is part of a cell.


    10. Restart each server on the node with the startServer command.

      ./ server1

      If the node is part of a cell:

      ./ jmsserver
    11. Verify that the node is online and functioning correctly.

      There are several ways to verify the successful application of an interim fix:

      Run the installation verification tool on the node as described in the InfoCenter to verify that the node is operational.

    Installing interim fixes on the Network Deployment product

    This topic describes the proper procedure for installing an interim fix in an IBM WebSphere Application Server Network Deployment, V5 environment, using the update installer application.

    To apply an interim fix, first set up and configure the environment by downloading the interim fix and the update installer, creating update repositories, and setting the JAVA_HOME environment variable. Then use the update installer to install the interim fix, using either the wizard interface, which is the updateWizard command, or the silent, command-line interface, which is the updateSilent command.

    The update installer application can also uninstall fixes.

    One requirement governs applying an interim fix to a cell, to verify the continued, smooth interaction of the various WebSphere Application Server nodes:

    The Network Deployment product must be at the highest fix level within the cell.

    For example, you cannot use the addNode command to add a V5.1.0.1 base WebSphere Application Server node to a V5.1.0.0 deployment manager cell.

    There is no limitation on the interim fix of a base Application Server V5 node within its cell, if the fix level of the base node is the same as, or lower than that of the deployment manager. There is also no limit to the number of different V5 interim fix levels that can coexist or interoperate within a cell, so long as each base node fix level is the same as, or lower than, that of the deployment manager.

    Verify that the interim fix level of each base WebSphere Application Server node within the cell is lower than, or identical to, the level of the deployment manager. No base node within the cell is allowed to be at a higher level than the deployment manager node. Uninstall an interim fix from every base node if you uninstall the fix from the deployment manager node.

    Use the versionInfo command in the install_root/bin directory to display the exact interim fix and version level of the product. Do not use the versionInfo command while installing or uninstalling an interim fix.

    You can also use the silent update installer application to view interim fix information.

    Before installing or uninstalling interim fixes, stop all Java processes that use the IBM SDK that WebSphere Application Server provides to support the Java 2 SDK on your operating system platform, such as the IBM Developer Kit for AIX, Java Technology Edition. Stop all application servers, the nodeagent, the deployment manager server, and all servers, such as the jmsserver, that belong to serviceable features. Features with servers include the IBM HTTP Server and the embedded messaging feature. Stop all Java processes, if necessary. If you do install or uninstall an interim fix while a WebSphere Application Server-related Java process is running, IBM does not guarantee that the product can continue to run successfully, or without error.

    This procedure describes a scenario for updating an entire cell to the same fix level. According to the requirements, you can install an interim fix to the deployment manager node only, without applying it to other nodes in the cell. Install the interim fix to zero, one, or more of the base nodes after you apply it to the deployment manager node.

    After upgrading a deployment manager node from V5 to V5.0.1 or V5.0.2, restart all node agents in the cell to verify correct operation. This includes node agents on base nodes that you have not updated to V5.0.1.

    Uninstalling fixes describes how to remove an interim fix from an entire cell, or from any part of the cell. According to the guidelines, uninstall the fix from each base node in a cell before you uninstall the fix from the deployment manager node.

    Installing a fix pack uninstalls all interim fixes. Fixes at a later level than the fix pack are not included in the fix pack. Reinstall such fixes to bring your system back to the previous fix level.

    Space requirements vary depending on what you are installing. The size of each download is available on the Support site. Verify that the free space is available before beginning the installation. After unpacking the ZIP file, you can delete the ZIP file to free space if necessary.

    Space is required for the /update directory of the product installation root. The space required is about the same as the size of the fix.

    Space is also required for backup files in the /properties/version/backup directory of the product installation root.

    Interim fixes require much less space to install than fix packs do.

    Steps for this task

    1. Stop the nodeagent server process on each base WebSphere Application Server node in the cell with the stopNode command.

      The stopNode command is in the install_root/bin directory of each base node.

      Stop all WebSphere Application Server-related Java processes such as the jmsserver process.

    2. Stop the deployment manager process with the stopManager command.

      The dmgr Java process is the deployment manager process. The stopManager command is in the install_root/bin directory of each base node.

    3. Create an install_root/update directory on the network deployment node, if it does not already exist.
    4. Download the update installer application ZIP file to the install_root/update , if you are installing an interim fix.

      Download the current version of the file, even though you might have an update installer from a previous interim fix installation. The Support page links to the current installer.

    5. Extract the contents of the ZIP file to the update directory.
    6. Create the update/fixes repository.
    7. Download the interim fix.

      Download the interim fix from the Support page to the install_root/update/fixes repository directory.

      On Windows platforms, the pkunzip utility might not decompress the download image correctly. Use another utility (such as WinZip) to unzip the image.

    8. Set up the Java environment for the update installer.

      If the update installer cannot set the JAVA_HOME environment variable, you see a message that the update installer cannot set JAVA_HOME. In this case, set the environment variable yourself, or issue the appropriate command script from the bin directory of the installation root:

      1. Open a command line window.
      2. Change directories to the bin directory of the installation root.
      3. Run the appropriate command to set JAVA_HOME:
        • . install_root/bin/ (source the command on UNIX platforms)
        • source install_root/bin/ (source the command on Linux platforms )
        • install_root\bin\setupCmdLine.bat (Windows platforms only)
    9. Apply the interim fix to the deployment manager node.

      Use the appropriate command to apply the interim fix on the deployment manager node:

    10. Bring the deployment manager node back online with the startManager command.

      The dmgr Java process is the deployment manager process. The startManager command is in the install_root/bin directory of the deployment manager node.

    11. Verify that the deployment manager node is fully functional and has the interim fix applied.

      There are several ways to verify the successful application of an interim fix:

      Run the installation verification tool on the node as described in the InfoCenter to verify that the node is operational.

    12. Restart the nodeagent process on each base node with the startNode command.

      Restart the node agent on each base node, to let the node agent continue to communicate with the updated deployment manager node. Restart all node agents if that is more convenient. Do not restart node agents on base nodes that you intend to update with the interim fix. The interim fix installation requires you to stop and restart the node agent.

      The startNode command is in the install_root/bin directory of each base node.

    13. Perform the base product installation for each node to which you intend to apply the interim fix.
    14. Specify that file sets on each base node match those on the deployment manager node.

      Verify consistent configuration data across a cell. Synchronize files on individual nodes or throughout your system. To synchronize files throughout the system, use the Deployment Manager administrative console page, System administration > Nodes > check_each_node_name > Full Resynchronization. Use the administrative console page, System Administration > Node Agents > nodeagent > File Synchronization Service to specify automatic synchronization every minute until all base node servers are brought online.

    15. Verify that all nodes are online and that the cell is functioning correctly.
    16. Restore your original file synchronization settings, if you changed them.

      At this point the cell is fully functional. All operations are available and function normally.

    Uninstalling interim fixes

    Uninstall fixes from these WebSphere Application Server products using the following procedures:

    Use the generic procedure described in the updateSilent or updateWizard commands to remove fixes from the WebSphere Application Server-Express product or from the WebSphere Application Server client.

    Uninstalling interim fixes from the base product

    This topic describes the proper procedure for uninstalling an interim fix in an IBM WebSphere Application Server, V5 environment using the update installer application.

    Removing an interim fix requires setting the JAVA_HOME environment variable for the update installer. The update installer performs the task by running the setupCmdLine or setupClient command script. If you use a non-standard installation root directory for your WebSphere Application Server product, it is possible that the update installer cannot set the JAVA_HOME environment variable.

    If the update installer throws an error because it cannot set the Java environment, set the JAVA_HOME variable yourself. Then you can use the update installer to uninstall the interim fix, using either its wizard interface, the updateWizard command, or its silent, command-line interface, the updateSilent command.

    The update installer application can also install fixes.

    If the base WebSphere Application Server node is within a cell, go to Removing fixes from the Network Deployment product. This topic describes removing an interim fix from a stand-alone base node.

    Use the versionInfo command in the install_root/bin directory to display the exact interim fix and version level of the product. Do not use the versionInfo command while installing or uninstalling an interim fix.

    You can also use the silent update installer application to view interim fix information.

    Before installing or uninstalling interim fixes, stop all Java processes that use the IBM SDK that WebSphere Application Server provides to support the Java 2 SDK on your operating system platform, such as the IBM Developer Kit for AIX, Java Technology Edition. Stop all application servers, and all servers, such as the IBMHttpServer process, that belong to serviceable features. Features with servers include the IBM HTTP Server and the embedded messaging feature. Stop all Java processes, if necessary. If you do install or uninstall an interim fix while a WebSphere Application Server-related Java process is running, IBM does not guarantee that the product can continue to run successfully, or without error.

    This procedure describes a scenario for updating a stand-alone base node by removing an interim fix. The Installing fixes topic describes how to install an interim fix on a stand-alone base node.

    Steps for this task

    1. Stop each server on the base node with the stopServer command.
    2. (Optional) Set up and configure your WebSphere Application Server environment.

      Set up the Java environment for the update installer.

      The location of the update, fixes repository, and fixpacks repository directories is arbitrary. Create the directories anywhere. However, the install_root/update, install_root/update/fixes, and install_root/update/fixpacks locations are recommended.

      If you use a non-standard installation root, it is possible that the updateWizard (or updateSilent) command cannot set the JAVA_HOME environment variable. If you receive a message that the update installer cannot set JAVA_HOME, set the environment variable yourself, or issue the appropriate command script yourself, from the bin directory of the installation root:

      1. Open a command line window.
      2. Change directories to the bin directory of the installation root.
      3. Run the appropriate command:
        • . install_root/bin/ (source the command on UNIX platforms)
        • source install_root/bin/ (source the command on Linux platforms )
        • install_root\bin\setupCmdLine.bat (Windows platforms only)
        • . install_root/bin/ (source the command for the Application Server client)
        • source install_root/bin/ (Linux platforms only)
        • install_root\bin\setupClient.bat (Windows platforms only)
    3. Use the appropriate command to remove the interim fix from the base node:

    4. Uninstall the base WebSphere Application Server product manually if you cannot successfully uninstall the interim fix. See the information center at Web address for information about uninstalling manually. Before you begin one of the platform-specific procedures, back up the config and properties installation root directories. Backing up the directories lets you refer to the changed data when you reinstall.
    5. Restart each server on the node with the startServer command.
    6. Verify that the node is online and functioning correctly.

      There are several ways to verify the successful application of an interim fix:

      Run the installation verification tool on the node as described in the InfoCenter to verify that the node is operational.

    Uninstalling interim fixes from the Network Deployment product

    This topic describes the proper procedure for uninstalling an interim fix in an IBM WebSphere Application Server Network Deployment, V5 environment using the update installer application.

    Removing an interim fix requires setting the JAVA_HOME environment variable for the update installer. The update installer performs the task by running the setupCmdLine or setupClient command script. If you use a non-standard installation root directory for your WebSphere Application Server product, it is possible that the update installer cannot set the JAVA_HOME environment variable.

    If the update installer throws an error because it cannot set up the Java environment, set the JAVA_HOME variable yourself. Then use the update installer to uninstall the interim fix, using either its wizard interface, the updateWizard command, or its silent, command-line interface, the updateSilent command.

    The update installer application can also install fixes.

    One requirement governs removing an interim fix from a cell, to verify the continued, smooth interaction of the various WebSphere Application Server nodes: The Network Deployment product must be at the highest interim fix level within the cell.

    For example, you cannot use the addNode command of a base WebSphere Application Server node at V5.0.2, to add it to a cell that is owned by a V5.0.1 deployment manager.

    There is no limitation on the fix or fix level of a base WebSphere Application Server V5 node within its cell, if the fix level of the base node is the same as, or lower than, that of the deployment manager. There is also no limit to the number of different V5 fix or fix levels that can coexist or interoperate within a cell, so long as each base node fix level is the same as, or lower than, that of the deployment manager.

    Verify that the interim fix level of each base WebSphere Application Server node within the cell, is at a lower or identical level as the deployment manager. No base node within the cell is allowed to be at a higher level than the deployment manager node. Uninstall an interim fix from every base node, if you uninstall the interim fix from the deployment manager node.

    Use the versionInfo command in the install_root/bin directory to display the exact fix and version level of the product. Do not use the versionInfo command while installing or uninstalling an interim fix.

    You can also use the silent update installer application to view interim fix information.

    Before installing or uninstalling fixes, stop all Java processes that use the IBM SDK that WebSphere Application Server provides to support the Java 2 SDK on your operating system platform, such as the IBM Developer Kit for AIX, Java Technology Edition. Stop all application servers, the nodeagent, the deployment manager server, and all servers, such as the jmsserver, that belong to serviceable features. Features with servers include the IBM HTTP Server and the embedded messaging feature. Stop all Java processes, if necessary. If you do install or uninstall an interim fix while a WebSphere Application Server-related Java process is running, IBM does not guarantee that the product can continue to run successfully, or without error.

    This procedure describes a scenario for removing an interim fix from an entire Network Deployment cell, or from any part of the cell. According to the guidelines, uninstall the interim fix from each base node in a cell before you uninstall the interim fix from the deployment manager node.

    Installing interim fixes describes how to apply an interim fix to an entire cell, or to selected parts of the cell.

    If you plan to uninstall the Network Deployment product, uninstall all interim fixes before uninstalling the product.

    Always uninstall the highest level interim fix before uninstalling other interim fixes or fix packs.

    Steps for this task

    1. Remove the highest level interim fix from all base nodes.

      Determine the base nodes from which you intend to remove the interim fix. For each node perform this procedure, Removing interim fixes from the base product.

    2. Stop the deployment manager with the stopManager command.
    3. Remove the interim fix from the Network Deployment node.

      If you remove the interim fix from every base node in the cell, you can also remove the interim fix from the Network Deployment node. The fix level of the Network Deployment node must be equal to, or higher than the fix level of any base node in the cell.

      Use the following procedure to perform this task:

      1. (Optional) Set up and configure your WebSphere Application Server environment.

        Set up the Java environment for the update installer.

        The location of the update, fixes repository, and fixpacks repository directories is arbitrary. Create the directories anywhere. However, the install_root/update, install_root/update/fixes, and install_root/update/fixpacks locations are recommended.

        If you use a non-standard installation root, it is possible that the updateWizard (or updateSilent) command cannot set the JAVA_HOME environment variable. If you receive a message that the update installer cannot set JAVA_HOME, set the environment variable yourself, or issue the appropriate command script yourself, from the bin directory of the installation root:

        1. Open a command line window.
        2. Change directory to the bin directory of the installation root.
        3. Run the appropriate command:
          • . install_root/bin/ (source the command on UNIX platforms)
          • source install_root/bin/ (source the command on Linux platforms )
          • install_root\bin\setupCmdLine.bat (Windows platforms only)
      2. Remove the interim fix from the deployment manager node using either interface:

      3. Uninstall Network Deployment manually if you cannot successfully uninstall the interim fix. See the information center at Web address for information about uninstalling manually. Before you begin one of the platform-specific procedures, back up the config and properties installation root directories. Backing up the directories lets you refer to the changed data when you reinstall.
    4. Start the deployment manager node with the startManager command.
    5. Verify that the deployment manager node is fully functional and has the interim fix removed.

      There are several ways to verify the successful removal of an interim fix:

      Run the installation verification tool on the node as described in the InfoCenter to verify that the node is operational.

    6. Specify that file sets on one node match those on the deployment manager node.

      Verify consistent configuration data across a cell. Synchronize files on individual nodes or throughout your system. To synchronize files throughout the system, use the Deployment Manager administrative console page, System administration > Nodes > check_each_node_name > Full Resynchronization. Use the administrative console page, System Administration > Node Agents > nodeagent > File Synchronization Service to specify automatic synchronization every minute until all base node servers are brought online.

    7. Verify that all nodes are online and that the cell is functioning correctly.
    8. Restore your original file synchronization settings.

      At this point the cell is fully functional. All operations are available and function normally.

    UpdateSilent command

    The updateSilent command is the silent, command-line interface to the IBM WebSphere Application Server update installer application. You can also use a wizard interface to the update installer application, the updateWizard command. The update installer installs and uninstalls fixes and fix packs for WebSphere Application Server products. This topic describes using the silent interface to the update installer command, and its command-line parameters to install and uninstall interim fixes.

    Stop all Java processes on the machine that use the IBM SDK that WebSphere Application Server provides Before installing or uninstalling interim fixes on a machine, stop all Java processes on the machine that use the IBM SDK that WebSphere Application Server provides to support the Java 2 SDK on your operating system platform, such as the IBM Developer Kit for AIX, Java Technology Edition. Stop all application server processes, the nodeagent process, the deployment manager process, and all server processes, such as the jmsserver process, that belong to serviceable features. Features with server processes include the IBM HTTP Server and the embedded messaging feature. Stop all Java processes, if necessary. If you do install or uninstall an interim fix while a WebSphere Application Server-related Java process runs, IBM does not guarantee that the product can continue to run successfully, or without error.

    Remove the WebSphere MQ tray icon if present On a Windows platform, remove the WebSphere MQ tray icon if it is present. The WebSphere MQ tray icon in the lower right corner indicates that a WebSphere MQ process (amqmtbrn.exe) is running. Right click the tray icon and click Hide to remove it.

    Do not launch multiple copies of the update installer at one time The update installer cannot be launched concurrently with itself. Performing more than one update at the same time can lead to a failed or faulty installation.

    Installation roots
    The symbol install_root means the root directory for WebSphere Application Server. By default, this varies per product and operating system:

    Space requirements
    Space requirements vary depending on what you are installing. The size of each download is available on the Support site. After unpacking the ZIP file you download, delete the ZIP file to free space.

    Verify that the free space is available before beginning the installation. After unpacking the ZIP file, you can delete the ZIP file to free space if necessary.

    Space is also required for backup files in the install_root/properties/version/backup directory. Fixes require much less space than fix packs.

    The update installer checks for required space before it installs the fix pack.

    The update installer checks for required disk space in the /tmp directory and in the backup directory. If there is not enough space in the /tmp directory or there is not enough space in the backup directory, the update installer issues a warning message.

    Command name and updateSilent.bat, command-line interface to the installer.jar file.

    Related command and updateWizard.bat, graphical interface to the installer.jar file.

    Prerequisite environment setting
    The JAVA_HOME environment setting.

    If you use a non-standard installation root, it is possible that the updateWizard command cannot set the JAVA_HOME environment variable. If you receive a message that the wizard is unable to set JAVA_HOME, set the environment variable yourself, or issue the appropriate command script yourself, from the /bin directory of the installation root:

    1. Open a command line window.
    2. Change directories to the bin directory of the install_root.
    3. Run the appropriate command:
      • . install_root/bin/ (source the command on UNIX platforms)
      • source install_root/bin/ (source the command on Linux platforms )
      • install_root\bin\setupCmdLine.bat (Windows platforms only)
      • . install_root/bin/ (source the command for the Application Server client)
      • source install_root/bin/ (Linux platforms only)
      • install_root\bin\setupClient.bat (Windows platforms only)

    Download from
    Download as from the WebSphere Application Server Support page, or as part of each fix pack ZIP file package. Fix packs are named according to the Application Server product, the fix pack, and the operating system platform.

    Download to
    The default location for unpacking the update installer or fix pack zip file is the update directory. Create another directory, ../update/fixes, for a repository of fixes you download. Browse to locate the interim fixes you are installing or uninstalling.

    Create an update directory if it does not exist, download the update installer application ZIP file from the Support site to the update directory, and unzip the file.

    On Windows platforms, the pkunzip utility might not decompress the download image correctly. Use another utility (such as WinZip) to unzip the image.

    Location of extfile.jar
    WebSphere Application Server product install_root/update/lib (or install_root\update\lib for Windows platforms)

    Location of installer.jar, readme_ptf.html,, and
    WebSphere Application Server product install_root/update (or install_root\update for Windows platforms)

    Location of interim fix Java archive (JAR) files
    ../update/fixes (or ..\update\fixes)

    Files in
    Always use the updateSilent (or updateWizard) command file from the you download, to use the most recent version. Files in the package (or the fix pack ZIP package) include:

    Location of log and backup files

    The update installer records processing results in log files in theinstall_root/logs/update directory. Backup files created during the installation of interim fixes are in the install_root/properties/version/backup directory. The files are required to uninstall an interim fix.

    Syntax examples

    The silent update application actually provides two functions. Depending upon the parameters you choose, the command:

    The following examples describe the syntax of various uses of the update installer. In each example, optional parameters are enclosed by brackets ([]). Values that you supply appear in italicized font. Choices are denoted by the pipe symbol (|).


    updateSilent  -help | -? | /help | -usage
    updateSilent  /help | -? | -usage (Windows platforms only)

    Syntax for using a properties file to supply values


    Syntax for processing interim fixes

    updateSilent -installDir "fully qualified product install_root"
                 -fixDir "fully qualified fix repository root, 
                         usually install_root/update/fixes"
                 -install | -uninstall | uninstallAll
                 -fixes space-delimited list of fixes
                 -fixJars space-delimited list of fix JAR files

    Syntax for viewing applied fixes

    updateSilent -fix 
                 -installDir "fully qualified product install_root"

    Syntax for viewing available fixes

    updateSilent -fix 
                 -installDir "fully qualified product install_root"
                 -fixDir "fully qualified fix repository root, 
                          usually install_root/update/fixes"


    Use the following parameters for the updateSilent command:

    Shows command usage.

    Shows command usage on Windows platforms only.

    Interim fix only: Identifies the update as an interim fix update.

    Interim fix only: Displays interim fix detail information.

    Interim fix only: Specifies the fully qualified directory where you download interim fixes. This directory is usually the install_root/update/fixes directory.

    Interim fix only: Specifies a list of space-delimited interim fixes to install or uninstall.

    Interim fix only: Specifies a list of space-delimited interim fix JAR files to install or uninstall. Each JAR file has one or more interim fixes.

    Fix pack only: Identifies the update as a fix pack update.

    Fix pack only: Displays fix pack detail information.

    Fix pack only: Specifies the fully qualified directory where you download and unpack fix packs. By default, this directory is the install_root/update/fixpacks directory.

    Fix pack only: Specifies the ID of a fix pack to install or uninstall. The value you specify does not include the .jar extension. The value is not the fully qualified package file name, but is the name of the individual fix pack within the JAR file.

    The current Application Server strategy for fix pack JAR files is to use one JAR file per fix pack. The fix pack ID is the name of the JAR file before the .jar extension. For example:

    Shows command usage.

    Shows command usage on Windows platforms only.

    Fix pack only: Specifies the fully qualified path of the IBM HTTP Server product, and applies any service for the IBM HTTP Server product that might exist in the fix pack.

    Fix pack only: Skips the installation of all service but that for the IBM HTTP Server product, and applies any service for the IBM HTTP Server product that might exist in the fix pack. Requires the -ihsInstallDir parameter.

    Fix pack only: Specifies a space-delimited list of features. The installer applies any service for the components, if present in the fix pack. Otherwise, the installer does not apply the service.

    Installs the update type.

    Specifies the fully qualified installation root of the WebSphere Application Server product.

    Fix pack only: Specifies the fully qualified installation root of the embedded messaging feature, which is based on WebSphere MQ technology.

    Interim fix only: Overrides any installation and uninstallation prerequisite checking. The update installer does not log missing prerequisites.
    Specifies an externally supplied parameters file.

    You can supply parameters in an external .properties file, rather than directly on the command line. There are some differences in the formats of parameters:

    Use the .properties file template included as part of the update installer download.

    For example, a file for installing two interim fixes might look like this:
       #Sample parameters file to install fixes with details and prerequisite override

    Fix pack only: Skips any optional service for the IBM HTTP Server product that might exist in the fix pack.

    If you installed the IBM HTTP Server product as a feature, use the update installer to update it with service in an interim fix. Otherwise, download an updated IBM HTTP Server product and install it into the same directory as your existing version, to update the existing installation. You can also uninstall the current version and install the downloaded version to avoid any issues with migration.

    Update your configuration if you reinstall. The process is described in the Manually configuring supported Web servers (tins_manualWebserver) topic in the InfoCenter for the base Application Server.

    Fix pack only: Skips any optional service for the embedded messaging feature (which is based on the IBM WebSphere MQ product) that might exist in the fix pack.

    Always apply any outstanding corrective service to the stand-alone IBM WebSphere MQ product if you have it, before using the WebSphere Application Server update installer to update the embedded messaging feature with service in an interim fix. Skip the installation of service to the embedded messaging feature if you install corrective service to the stand-alone IBM WebSphere MQ product.

    Uninstalsl the identified interim fix.

    Interim fix only: Uninstalls all applied interim fixes.

    You must uninstall all interim fixes and fix packs before uninstalling the base WebSphere Application Server product or the Network Deployment product. However, you can use the manual uninstalling procedure described in the information center to uninstall everything manually without removing any interim fixes or fix packs.

    Shows command usage.


    The following examples assume that:

    Examples in this section include:

    Most of the examples are split into more than one line, for clarity.

    Getting help for the command

    To get help for the updateSilent command:

    C:\Program Files\WebSphere\AppServer\update> updateSilent -help 

    Using a parameter properties file

    To use the file to supply parameter values for the updateSilent command:

    C:\Program Files\WebSphere\AppServer\update> updateSilent 

    Installing interim fixes

    To install a collection of interim fixes:

    C:\Program Files\WebSphere\AppServer\update> updateSilent -fix 
              -installDir "C:\Program Files\WebSphere\AppServer" 
              -fixDir "C:\Program Files\WebSphere\AppServer\update\fixes" 
              -fixes Fix1 Fix2  

    To install a collection of interim fixes, and display interim fix details:

    C:\Program Files\WebSphere\AppServer\update> updateSilent -fix 
              -installDir "C:\Program Files\WebSphere\AppServer" 
              -fixDir "C:\Program Files\WebSphere\AppServer\update\fixes" 
              -fixes Fix1 Fix2 

    To install a collection of fixes, and override prerequisite checking:

    C:\Program Files\WebSphere\AppServer\update> updateSilent -fix 
              -installDir "C:\Program Files\WebSphere\AppServer" 
              -fixDir "C:\Program Files\WebSphere\AppServer\update\fixes" 
              -fixes Fix1 Fix2 

    To install interim fixes from a Java archive (JAR) file:

    C:\Program Files\WebSphere\AppServer\update> updateSilent -fix 
              -installDir "C:\Program Files\WebSphere\AppServer" 
              -fixDir "C:\Program Files\WebSphere\AppServer\update\fixes" 
              -fixJar Fix1

    To install interim fixes from a Java archive (JAR) file, and display interim fix details:

    C:\Program Files\WebSphere\AppServer\update> updateSilent -fix 
              -installDir "C:\Program Files\WebSphere\AppServer" 
              -fixDir "C:\Program Files\WebSphere\AppServer\update\fixes" 
              -fixJar Fix1 

    To install interim fixes from a Java archive (JAR) file, and override prerequisite checking:

    C:\Program Files\WebSphere\AppServer\update> updateSilent -fix 
              -installDir "C:\Program Files\WebSphere\AppServer" 
              -fixDir "C:\Program Files\WebSphere\AppServer\update\fixes" 
              -fixJar Fix1 

    Uninstalling interim fixes

    To uninstall a collection of interim fixes:

    C:\Program Files\WebSphere\AppServer\update> updateSilent -fix 
              -installDir "C:\Program Files\WebSphere\AppServer" 
              -fixDir "C:\Program Files\WebSphere\AppServer\update\fixes" 
              -fixes Fix1 Fix2  

    To uninstall a collection of interim fixes, and display interim fix details:

    C:\Program Files\WebSphere\AppServer\update> updateSilent -fix 
              -installDir "C:\Program Files\WebSphere\AppServer" 
              -fixDir "C:\Program Files\WebSphere\AppServer\update\fixes" 
              -fixes Fix1 Fix2 

    To uninstall a collection of interim fixes, and override prerequisite checking:

    C:\Program Files\WebSphere\AppServer\update> updateSilent -fix 
              -installDir "C:\Program Files\WebSphere\AppServer" 
              -fixDir "C:\Program Files\WebSphere\AppServer\update\fixes" 
              -fixes Fix1 Fix2 

    To uninstall interim fixes in a Java archive (JAR) file:

    C:\Program Files\WebSphere\AppServer\update> updateSilent -fix 
              -installDir "C:\Program Files\WebSphere\AppServer" 
              -fixDir "C:\Program Files\WebSphere\AppServer\update\fixes" 
              -fixJar Fix1

    To uninstall interim fixes in a Java archive (JAR) file, and display interim fix details:

    C:\Program Files\WebSphere\AppServer\update> updateSilent -fix 
              -installDir "C:\Program Files\WebSphere\AppServer" 
              -fixDir "C:\Program Files\WebSphere\AppServer\update\fixes" 
              -fixJar Fix1 

    To uninstall interim fixes in a Java archive (JAR) file, and override prerequisite checking:

    C:\Program Files\WebSphere\AppServer\update> updateSilent -fix 
              -installDir "C:\Program Files\WebSphere\AppServer" 
              -fixDir "C:\Program Files\WebSphere\AppServer\update\fixes" 
              -fixJar Fix1 

    Viewing information about interim fixes

    To view a list of installed interim fixes:

    C:\Program Files\WebSphere\AppServer\update> updateSilent -fix 
              -installDir "C:\Program Files\WebSphere\AppServer" 

    To view a list of interim fixes available in the repository:

    C:\Program Files\WebSphere\AppServer\update> updateSilent -fix 
              -installDir "C:\Program Files\WebSphere\AppServer" 
              -fixDir "C:\Program Files\WebSphere\AppServer\update\fixes" 

    UpdateWizard command

    The updateWizard command is the wizard interface to the IBM WebSphere Application Server update installer application. You can also use a silent, command-line interface to the update installer application, the updateSilent command. The update installer installs and uninstalls interim fixes and fix packs for WebSphere Application Server products.

    This topic describes using the wizard interface to the update installer to install and uninstall interim fixes. The information describes all panels and fields you might use to install or uninstall an interim fix.

    Before installing or uninstalling interim fixes, stop all Java processes that use the IBM SDK that WebSphere Application Server provides to support the Java 2 SDK on your operating system platform, such as the IBM Developer Kit for AIX, Java Technology Edition. Stop all application server processes, the nodeagent process, the deployment manager process, and all server processes, such as the jmsserver process, that belong to serviceable features. Features with server processes include the IBM HTTP Server and the embedded messaging feature.

    Stop all Java processes, if necessary. If you do install or uninstall an interim fix while a WebSphere Application Server-related Java process is running, IBM does not guarantee that the product can continue to run successfully, or without error.

    On a Windows platform, remove the WebSphere MQ tray icon if it present. The WebSphere MQ tray icon in the lower right corner indicates that a WebSphere MQ process (amqmtbrn.exe) is running. Right click the tray icon and click Hide to remove it.

    Command name and updateWizard.bat, graphical interface to the update installer (installer.jar) file

    Related command and updateSilent.bat, command-line interface to the update installer (installer.jar) file

    Starting the wizard

    The updateWizard command (install_root/update/ and install_root\update\updateWizard.bat) launches the wizard interface to the update installer application.

    For example:

    install_root\update\updateWizard.bat (Windows only)


    Apply zero, one, or more of these optional parameters in any order, by issuing the updateWizard command from the command line.

    Lets you install an interim fix when there are prerequisite check errors.

    The default behavior of the update installer application prevents further action if prerequisites are missing.

    Lets you uninstall an interim fix when there are prerequisite check errors.

    Allows interim fix installation and uninstallation only.

    To install and uninstall interim fixes, the updateWizard does not require a local copy of the IBM Developer Kit or the Java Runtime Environment (JRE) in a client environment. This option bypasses making a local copy of the IBM Developer Kit or the JRE.

    The default action for the update installer enables both interim fix and fix pack installation and uninstallation. The wizard installs a temporary version of one of the IBM products that WebSphere Application Server uses to support the Java 2 SDK on your operating system platform, such as the IBM Developer Kit for AIX, Java Technology Edition.

    The updateWizard command copies the IBM SDK from the JAVA_HOME directory to the directory where you are running the updateWizard (usually install_root/update). If the IBM SDK is already in the directory (for example, if you used the updateWizard command before), it is not necessary for the updateWizard to make a new copy.

    The copy of the IBM SDK remains in the directory until you remove it. The IBM SDK requires approximately 43 MB of free space.

    If you install on a client platform, where there is a Java runtime environment instead of the IBM SDK, the updateWizard copies the JRE to the install_root/update directory. The JRE requires about 18 MB of free space.

    Displays a list of parameters and how to use them in the correct command syntax.

    Examples of use

    Displaying usage information

    This command displays information about command syntax.

    updateWizard -usage

    Bypassing the local copy of the IBM Developer Kit

    The following command bypasses making a local copy of the IBM Developer Kit. Installing and uninstalling fixes does not require the local copy.

    updateWizard -fixOnly

    Disabling prerequisite checking

    Disabling prerequisite checking is recommended only as directed by IBM Support personnel. Disabling prerequisite checking can leave the installation in a non-valid state, unless done with caution and guidance.

    To disable prerequisite checking when installing interim fixes:

    updateWizard -fixOnly -dpInstall

    To disable prerequisite checking when uninstalling interim fixes:

    updateWizard -fixOnly -dpInstall

    To disable prerequisite locking when installing and when uninstalling interim fixes:

    updateWizard -fixOnly -dpInstall -dpUninstall

    Panel descriptions

    Panels in the wizard let you select installable interim fixes, view installed interim fixes, and view prerequisite fixes:

    Welcome panel

    Use this panel to view a welcome message that contains a brief summary of the update wizard interface, or to link to the Support Web site. (This link is not available on some UNIX-based platforms.) You can also view relevant legal notices.

    Product Selection panel

    Use this panel to select an installed WebSphere Application Server product. If the wizard cannot detect an installed product, specify the product location in the Installation directory field. To make corrections or enter another product location, click Specify product location.

    On some platforms, there is a limitation in the InstallShield for MultiPlatforms (ISMP) program that the update installer program uses. The ISMP program does not recognize previous installations of WebSphere Application Server on some operating platforms. To work around the problem, click Specify product location and type the fully qualified installation root directory for the existing product in the Installation directory field.

    Menu panel

    Use this panel to install or uninstall interim fixes. If you started the wizard in -fixOnly mode, fix pack options are disabled.

    Interim Fix Repository Specifier panel

    Use this panel to provide the interim fix repository location in a directory input field. Specify the directory location of the downloaded fix JAR files. The default location for the repository is the install_root/update/fixes directory.

    Installable Interim Fix Selection panel

    Use this panel to select one or more installable fixes for installing. Installed fixes do not appear in the list. Only uninstalled fixes or partially-installed fixes appear. The list includes fix ID name, build date, and the current applied state (uninstalled or partially-installed). Click Details for detailed information about selected fixes. The window that appears contains build version information, a long description, and a list of installation prerequisites.

    About installation status

    An interim fix is a collection of updates to one or more product components. Depending on installed product components and on update installer selections you make, the update installer applies either a full or partial set of interim fix updates to product components.

    Installed status implies that the interim fix has no more updates to product components that you can install.

    Partially installed status implies that you have updated one or more product components, but the interim fix has at least one more update to apply to an installed product component. (There might be other updates to product components you never installed. These updates do not count in the status determination.)

    Uninstalled status implies that you have not updated a single product component.

    Examples of partially installed states: Several scenarios can lead to a partial installation of an interim fix:

    Uninstallable Fix Selection panel

    Use this panel to select one or more installed interim fixes for uninstalling. Available interim fixes do not appear in the list. Only installed interim fixes appear. The list includes fix ID name, build date, and the current applied state (installed). Click Details to obtain more detailed information about a selected interim fix. The window that appears contains build version information, a long description, and a list of installation prerequisites.

    You must uninstall all interim fixes before uninstalling the base WebSphere Application Server product, the Network Deployment product, or the Enterprise product.

    Prerequisite Check panel

    Use this panel to view prerequisite information when a selected fix has prerequisite fixes that are not installed. You cannot click Next until you correct the problem. The -dpInstall and the -dpUninstall parameters can override this lock, to let you continue with the installation or uninstallation despite prerequisite failure.

    Pre-installation Summary and Pre-uninstallation Summary panels

    Pre-installation Summary panel Use this panel to display a summary of interim fixes that are selected for installation, the WebSphere Application Server product each interim fix is for, and the directory where each interim fix is located.

    Pre-uninstallation Summary panel Use this panel to display a summary of interim fixes that are selected for uninstallation, and the WebSphere Application Server product to which each interim fix is currently applied.

    Installation and Uninstallation panel

    Installation action Use this panel to view the progress of installing selected fixes. Click cancel to revert the installation. Once cancelled, a message confirms that installed fixes are being rolled back. A similar progress panel then appears, to monitor the progress of rolling back the installation of selected fixes.

    Uninstallation action Use this panel to view the progress of uninstalling selected fixes.

    Post Installation Summary and Post Uninstallation Summary panels

    Post Installation Summary panel Use this panel to view the results of the installation. Depending on the result, this panel can display a success message, a failure message, or a canceled message. When the success message appears, the installation process is complete. Click Finish to exit the panel. You can also go back and install additional interim fixes, which takes you to the Menu panel.

    Post Uninstallation Summary panel Use this panel to view the results of the uninstallation. Depending on the result, this panel can display a success message, a failure message, or a canceled message. When the success message appears, the uninstallation process is complete. Click Finish to exit the panel. You can go back and uninstall additional interim fixes, which takes you to the Menu panel.

    Product version and history information

    The WebSphere Application Server product contains structural differences from previous versions. The /properties/version directory in the installation root contains important data about the product and its installed components, such as the build version and build date. This information is included in [product].product and [component].component files.

    The /properties/version/history directory in the installation root contains a collection of records for installed interim fixes. This information is included in [interim fixID].efixApplied, [interim fixID].efixDriver, [fix packID].ptfApplied, and [fix packID].ptfDriver files.

    A driver file has useful information about the entire contents of an interim fix. The applied file has relevant information about the fixes or fix packs that are currently applied.

    Event.history files contain a detailed log about updates you have applied, either successfully or unsuccessfully. Time-stamped, detailed logs record each update process in the /properties/version/log directory of the installation root. Beginning with Fix Pack 2, the time-stamped, detailed logs are in the install_root/logs/update directory.

    This topic describes the XML data files that store product information for V5 WebSphere Application Server products. By default, the document type declarations (DTDs) for these files are in the properties/version/dtd folder of the installation root, or the server root directory. See the Storage locations section for more information.

    This topic includes:

    Product information files

    There are two kinds of product information files:

    XML files in the /properties/version directory that store version information

    The following file indicates that a WebSphere Application Server V5 product is installed:

    One file whose existence indicates that a WebSphere Application Server product is installed. An example of the file follows:

    <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
    <!DOCTYPE websphere PUBLIC "websphereId" "websphere.dtd">
    <websphere name="IBM WebSphere Application Server" version="5.0"/>

    The following XML files in the /properties/version directory represent installed items and installation events:

    One file whose existence indicates the particular WebSphere Application Server product that is installed. Data in the file indicates the version, build date, and build level. For example, the file might be the ND.product file, which indicates that the installed product is WebSphere Application Server Network Deployment. An example of the file follows:

    <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
    <!DOCTYPE product PUBLIC "productId" "product.dtd">
    <product name="IBM WebSphere Application Server for Network Deployment">
      <build-info date="10/5/02" level="s0239.28"/>

    Any number of component files that each indicate the presence of an installed component, which is part of the product. Data in the file indicates the component build date, build version, component name, and product version. For example, the file might be the activity.component file, which indicates that the activity component is installed. The activity component is part of the Network Deployment product. An example of the file follows:

    <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
    <!DOCTYPE component PUBLIC "componentId" "component.dtd">
    <component build-date="10/5/02" build-version="s0239.28" name="activity" spec-version="5.0"/>

    Any number of extension files that each indicate the presence of an extension that you install as a user extension, as part of a service engagement, or as installed by a third party product. The <>.extension files are not created, logged, or removed by WebSphere Application Server products.

    Any number of fix files that each indicate the presence of an installed interim fix.

    Any number of files, that each indicate the presence of an installed fix pack.

    XML files in the /properties/version/history directory

    This file stores version history information:

    One file that lists update events that have occurred. An update event is an operation that installs or uninstalls an interim fix or a fix pack. The file is sorted by the date and time of the events that are listed.

    The following XML files in the /properties/version/history directory describe interim fixes that are currently installed. These XML files are related to installation items by the primary ID information, which is shown here by <angle brackets> and italicized text.

    Fix-driver defining information

    Fix installation details

    fix pack-driver defining information

    fix pack installation details


    You can view product information by examining files in the install_root/properties/version directory, including the install_root/properties/version/history directory.

    WebSphere Application Server provides the ability to generate two types of reports about the data in the files, Version reports and History reports. The following report-generation scripts are available in the installation root bin directory.

    Product version reports

    The following report generation scripts extract data from XML data files in the properties/version folder.

    Lets you use parameters to create a version report on Windows platforms.

    Do not use the versionInfo command while installing or uninstalling the product, or while installing or uninstalling an interim fix.



    Selects the format of the report. The default is TEXT.


    Specifies the output file name. The report goes to standard output (stdout) by default.

    Adds a list of installed components to the report.

    Adds details about installed components to the report.

    Adds a list of applied interim fixes to the report.

    Adds details about applied interim fixes to the report.

    Adds a list of applied fix packs to the report.

    Adds details about applied fix packs to the report.
    Lets you use parameters to create a version report on UNIX-based platforms. Parameters are the same as for the Windows version.

    Do not use the versionInfo command while installing or uninstalling the product, or while installing or uninstalling an interim fix.

    Generates the versionReport.html report file in the bin directory on Windows platforms. The report includes the list of components, interim fixes, and fix packs.
    Generates the versionReport.html report file in the bin directory on UNIX-based platforms. The report includes the list of components, interim fixes, and fix packs.

    Product history reports

    The following report generation scripts extract data from XML data files in the install_root/properties/version/history folder:

    Lets you use parameters to create a history report of installed and uninstalled interim fixes, on Windows platforms. Specify a component name to create a report that shows the history for that component.



    Selects the format of the report. The default is TEXT.


    Specifies the output file name. The report goes to standard output (stdout) by default.

    -updateID ID
    Specifies the ID of an interim fix update. When specified, the product history report displays events for only the specified update. When not specified, the report displays events for all updates.

    -component componentName
    Specifies the name of a component. When specified, the product history report displays events for only the named component. When not specified, the report displays events for all components.
    Lets you use parameters to create a history report on UNIX-based platforms. Parameters are the same as for the Windows version.

    Generates the historyReport.html report file in the install_root\bin directory on Windows platforms. The report includes all updates and components.
    Generates the historyReport.html report file in the bin directory on UNIX-based platforms. The report includes all updates and components.

    Logs and component backups

    WebSphere Application Server products use two other directories when performing update operations, for logging and backups. By default, the two directories are relative to the product version directory, as follows:

    Product updates log directory from V5.0.0 and V5.0.1.

    WebSphere Application Server products store log files to document component, interim fix and fix pack operations and updates.

    Product updates log directory beginning with Fix Pack 2, which is Version 5.0.2.

    Beginning with Fix Pack 2, the update installer stores its detailed log files in the install_root/logs/update directory.

    Product updates backup directory

    WebSphere Application Server products back up components before applying interim fixes. If you uninstall an interim fix, WebSphere Application Server products restore the backed-up component JAR file.

    File naming convention

    Time stamp

    For example: 20020924_211832 is 24-Sep-2002, 9:18:32 pm, GMT. All time stamps are in GMT.

    Fix ID or fix pack ID

    For example: apar6789c is an fix ID; PTF_1 is a fix pack ID.

    install | uninstall

    Interim fix log file names

    For example: properties/version/log/20020924_211832_apar6789c_install.log and properties/version/log/20020924_211912_apar6789c_uninstall.log

    At Fix Pack 2 (V5.0.2) or later, the update installer creates these logs: install_root/logs/update/20020924_211832_apar6789c_install.log and install_root/logs/update/20020924_211912_apar6789c_uninstall.log

    Interim fix component log file names

    For example: properties/version/log/20020924_211832_apar6789c_ras_install.log and properties/version/log/20020924_211912_apar6789c_ras_uninstall.log

    At Fix Pack 2 or later, the update installer creates these logs: install_root/logs/update/20020924_211832_apar6789c_ras_install.log and install_root/logs/update/20020924_211912_apar6789c_ras_uninstall.log

    Fix pack log file names

    For example: properties/version/log/20020924_211832_PTF_1_install.log and properties/version/log/20020924_211912_PTF_2_uninstall.log

    At Fix Pack 2 or later, the update installer creates these logs: install_root/logs/update/20030324_211832_was50_fp2_install.log and install_root/logs/update/20030325_211912_was50_fp2_uninstall.log

    Fix pack component log file names

    For example: properties/version/log/20020924_211832_PTF_1_ras_install.log and properties/version/log/20020924_211912_PTF_2_ras_uninstall.log

    At Fix Pack 2 or later, the update installer creates these logs: install_root/logs/update/20030324_211832_was50_fp2_ras_install.log and install_root/logs/update/20030325_211912_was50_fp2_ras_uninstall.log

    Backup JAR file names
    <timeStamp>_<ptfId>_<componentName>_undo.jar or <timeStamp>_<fixId>_<componentName>_undo.jar

    For example: 20020924_211832_apar6789c_ras_undo.jar

    Do not delete a backup Java archive (JAR) file. You cannot remove a component update if the corresponding backup JAR file is not present.

    Update processing might also use a temporary directory, if necessary. A Java property specifies this directory as described in the next section.

    Storage locations

    Product information files are located relative to the WebSphere Application Server product installation root, or the server root directory.

    Default file paths and Java properties that set them are:

    Version directory
    install_root/properties/version or server_root/properties/version

    History directory

    Updates log directory

    The version of the update installer that is bundled with Fix Pack 2 and later fix packs, stores log files in the install_root/logs/update directory.

    Updates backup directory

    DTD directory

    Temporary directory
    Specified by the Java system property

    Operational description

    WebSphere Application Server products update the product version history information while performing events that install or uninstall fixes or fix packs. Events that might occur include:

    Data dictionary

    Type Family:      websphere product family
    File Types:       websphere
    File Type:        websphere
    Elements:         name                  string     required
                      version               string     required
    Persistence:      <versionDir>/platform.websphere
    Type Detail:
    The websphere file is placed to denote the presence of websphere family
    Element Detail:
           The WebSphere product family name.
    websphere.version        The WebSphere product family version.
    Type Family:      product
    File Types:       product
    File Type:        product
    Persistence:      <versionDir>/<id>.product
    Elements:         id                    string     required
                      name                  string     required
                      version               string     required
                      build-info            complex    required
    Type Detail:
    A product file is placed to denote the presence of a specific WebSphere family product.
    The product's id is embedded in the product file name.
    Element Detail:
               The id of the product.             The name of the product.
    product.version          The version of the product.       An element containing build information for
                             the product.
    Element Type:     build-info
    Elements:         date                  date       required
                      level                 string     required
    Type Detail:
    A build-info instance details the build of a specific installed websphere
    family product.
    Element Detail:
          The date on which the product was build.
    build-info.level         The level code of the product's build.
    File Type:        component
    Persistence:      <versionDir>/<name>.component
    Elements:         name                  string     required
                      spec-version          string     required
                      build-version         string     required
                      build-date            date       required
    File Detail:
    A component file denotes the presence of a specific component.  The
    component name is embedded in the component file name.
    Element Detail:
           The name of the component.
    component.spec-version   The specification version of the component.  The build level of the component.     The build date of the component.
    File Type:        extension
    Persistence:      <versionDir>/<id>.extension
    Elements:         id                    string     required
                      name                  string     required
    File Detail:
    An extension file denotes the presence of a specific extension.  The
    extension's id is embedded in the extension file name.
    The elements of an extension file are minimally specified.  The listed
    elements are required.  Additional elements may be present as determined
    by the actual installed extension.
    Element Detail:
             The id of the extension.           The name of the extension.
    Type Family:      update
    File Types:       efix
    File Type:        efix
    Persistence:      <versionDir>/<id>.efix
    Elements:         id                    string     required
                      apar-number           string     optional
                      pmr-number            string     optional
                      short-description     string     required
                      long-description      string     required
                      is-temporary          boolean    required
                      build-version         string     required
                      build-date            date       required
                      component-update      complex    min=1, max=unbounded
                      platform-prereq       complex    min=0, max=unbounded
                      product-prereq        complex    min=0, max=unbounded
                      efix-prereq           complex    min=0, max=unbounded
                      custom-property       complex    min=0, max=unbounded
    Type Detail:
    An efix file denotes the presence of some portion of a specific interim fix.  The
    id of the fix is embedded in the file name.
    An efix file contains all fix data, such as description, a listing of
    component updates, and prerequisite information.
    Almost always, when installing an interim fix, all of the potential component
    updates within the fix are required to be installed.
    A separate application file must be examined to determine the components
    which have been updated for a particular interim fix.
    A list of custom properties may be provided.  These are provided for
    future use.
    Element Detail:
                  The id of the interim fix.
    efix.short-description   A short description of the interim fix.
    efix.long-description    A long description of the interim fix.
            A flag indicating whether or not an interim fix is considered
                             a trial interim fix.  Generally, a trial fix will be
                             followed up with a more permanent interim fix.
    efix.expiration-date     A date on which the fix is to be considered obsolete.
       The build version of the interim fix.  This is distinct from
                             the build version of component updates contained within
                             the interim fix.
    efix-build-date          The build date of the interim fix.  This is distinct from the
                             build version of the component updates contained within
                             the interim fix.
    efix.apar-info           A list of APAR's which are associated with the interim fix.
    efix.component-update    A list of updates for components.  For an interim fix, these are
                             usually all required, and are all patch updates.  At least
                             one component update must be present.
    efix.efix-prereq         A list of prerequisite fixes for the interim fix.  Note that
                             prerequisite fixes may be negative (see below).  This
                             list may be (and is often) empty.
    efix.plaform-prereq      A list of platforms on which the fix may be installed.
                             This list may be empty, in which case the fix may be
                             installed on all platforms.
    efix.product-prereq      A list of products on which the fix may be installed.
                             This list may be empty, in which case the fix may be
                             installed on all products.
    efix.custom-proprty      A list of properties, provided for future use.
    File Type:        ptf
    Persistence:      <versionDir>/<id>.ptf
    Elements:         id                    string     required
                      short-description     string     required
                      long-description      string     required
                      build-version         string     required
                      build-date            date       required
                      component-update      complex    min=1, max=unbounded
                      product-update        complex    min=0, max=unbounded
                      platform-prereq       complex    min=0, max=unbounded
                      product-prereq        complex    min=0, max=unbounded
                      included-efix         complex    min=0, max=unbounded
                      custom-property       complex    min=0, max=unbounded
    Type Detail:
    A ptf file denotes the presence of some portion of a specific fix pack.  The id of
    the fix pack is embedded in the fix pack file name.
    A ptf file contains all fix pack data, such as description, a listing of component
    updates, and prerequisite information.
    Usually, when installing a fix pack,  omit certain potential component updates, but
    only when the corresponding component is not installed.
    Examine a separate application file to determine which components a 
    particular fix pack has updated.
    A fix pack can include updates for a number of fixes.
    A list of custom properties might be provided.  These are provided for future use.
    Element Detail:
                   The ID of the fix pack.
    ptf.short-description    A short description of the fix pack.
    ptf.long-description     A long description of the fix pack.
        The build version of the fix pack.  This is distinct from the
                             build version of component updates contained within the fix pack.
    ptf-build-date           The build date of the fix pack.  This is distinct from the
                             build version of the component updates contained within the
                             fix pack.
    ptf.component-update     A list of updates for components.  For a fix pack, these are
                             usually all required, and are all patch updates.  At least
                             one component update must be present.
    ptf.plaform-prereq       A list of platforms on which you can install the fix pack.  This
                             list might be empty. If so, you can install the fix pack on all platforms.
    ptf.product-prereq       A list of products on which you can install the fix pack.  This
                             list might be empty. If so, you can install the fix pack on all products.
    ptf.included-efix        A list of fixes which are included (fixed) by the fix pack.
    ptf.custom-proprty       A list of properties, provided for future use.
    Element Type:     component-update
    Elements:         component-name        string     required
                      update-type           enum       required [enumUpdateType]
                      is-required           boolean    required
                      is-recomended         boolean    required
                      is-optional           boolean    required
                      is-external           boolean    required
                      root-property-file    anyURL     optional
                      root-property-name    string     optional
                      root-property-value   anyURL     optional
                      is-custom             boolean    required
                      primary-content       string     required
                      component-prereq      complex    min=0, max=unbounded
                      final-version         complex    optional
                      custom-property       complex    min=0, max=unbounded
    Type Detail:
    A component update represents a potential component update which is packaged
    in an update (an interim fix or a fix pack).
    An component update may be required, in which case the parent update may not
    be installed unless the component update can be installed.  (A component update
    can be installed if the corresponding component is installed.)
    A component update may be a custom update, in which case the content which
    was provided must be an executable file.  Otherwise, the content which is
    provided must be an update jar file.
    A component update has a type.  A final version may be required according to
    the update type.
    Element Detail:
    component-update.component-name   The name the component which is to be updated.
    component-update.update-type      The type of the component update, one of 'add',
                                      'replace', 'remove', or 'patch'.  Final version
                                      information must be provided when the update type
                                      is 'add' or 'replace'.
      A flag which, when true, specifies that the parent
                                      update may not be applied unless this component
                                      update is applied.
    A flag which, when true, specifies that this
                                      component update, although optional, should be
      A flag which, when true, specifies that this update
                                      may be omitted even if its corresponding component
                                      is installed.
          A flag which, when true, specifies that this
                                          component update may live outside of the usual
                                          install root.
    component-update.root-property-file   For a component with an external root, this
                                          properties file provides the root value.
    component-update.root-property-name   For a component with an external root, this named
                                          property provides the root value.
    component-update.root-property-value  For a component with an external root, this value
                                          provides the default root value.
        A flag which, when true, specifies that the update
                                      is a custom update.  When true, the content must
                                      be an executable program.  When false, the content
                                      must be an update jar.
    component-update.primary-content  The name of the content which is provided for the
                                      update.  This will be an entry which is packaged
                                      in the 'components' directory of the update.
    component-update.component-prereq A list of component versions, one of which must
                                      be present for this update to be installed.
                                      When this list is empty, any component version
                                      is allowed.
    Final version information for the component.
                                      A final version is required when the update
                                      operation is 'add' or 'replace'.
    component-update.custom-property  A list of properties, provided for future use.
    Element Type:     apar-info
    Elements:         number                string     required
                      date                  date       required
                      short-description     string     required
                      long-description      string     optional
    Type Detail:
    An apar-info object provides information about an APAR which is associated
    with an interim fix, usually indicating that the fix provides an interim fix for the APAR.
    Element Detail:
    apar-info.number             The number of the associated APAR.               The date of the APAR.
    apar-info.short-description  A short description of the APAR.
    apar-info.long-description   An optional long description of the APAR.
    Element Type:     efix-prereq
    Elements:         efix-id               string     required
                      is-negative           boolean    required
                      install-index         int        optional
    Type Detail:
    An interim fix prerequisite instance denotes an interim fix that must be present (or, if negative,
    must be absent) for the parent fix to be installed.
    efix prerequisite instances may specify a cycle, in which case the prerequisite
    specification is treated as a corequisite specification.
    The following chart summarizes the interpretation of prerequisite information for
    two fixes:
           fix1       fix2
            -          -          The fixes may be installed without regard to each other.
           fix2        -          fix1 must be installed after fix2 is installed.
            -         fix1        fix2 must be installed after fix1 is installed.
           fix2       fix1        fix1 and fix2 must be installed together.
          !fix2        -          fix1 may not be installed after fix2 is installed.
            -        !fix1        fix2 may not be installed after fix1 is installed.
          !fix2      !fix1        fix1 and fix2 may not ever be installed together.
          !fix2       fix1        This is an erroneous specification.
           fix2      !fix1        This is an erroneous specification.
    The installation index element provides ordering information for corequisite fixes
    that must be installed in a particular order.
    Element Detail:
    fix-prereq.efix-id         The id of the prerequisite interim fix.
     A flag which indicates if the prerequisite
                               fix is required or prohibited.  If false,
                               install the interim fix before installing 
                               the parent interim fix.  If true, do not install 
                               the interim fix before you install the parent interim fix.
    fix-prereq.install-index   An optional index number used to order
                               corequisite fixes.
    Element Type:     product-update
    Elements:         product-id            string     required
                      product-name          string     required
                      build-version         string     required
                      build-date            date       required
                      build-level           string     required
    Type Detail:
    A product update specifies a replacement to a product file.
    The product update information matches the information in product files.
    Multiple product updates may be present, in which case each matching
    product is updated.
    Element Detail:
    product-update.product-id     The id of the product that is updated.
    product-update.product-name   The name of the product.  The build version of the product.     The build date of the product.    The build level of the product.
    Element Type:     component-prereq
    Elements:         component-name        string     required
                      spec-version          string     required
                      build-version         string     required
                      build-date            date       required
    Element Type:     platform-prereq
    Elements:         architecture          string     required
                      os-platform           string     optional
                      os-version            string     optional
    Type Detail:
    A platform prerequisite instance denotes a platform which must be present
    for an update to be installed.  The element values are according to the
    values supplied for the matching java properties.
    Note that when multiple platform prerequisites are specified, these
    prerequisites have an OR relationship: At least one of the platform
    prerequisites must be satisfied.
    Element Detail:
    platform-prereq.architecture  The name of an architecture which must be
    platform-prereq.os-platform   The name of an operating system which
                                  must be present.  This element is optional.
                                  When absent, the architecture is checked,
                                  but the os-platform and os-version are not.
    platform-prereq.os-version    The version of a the operating system which
                                  must be present.  This element is optional.
                                  When absent, the architecture and os-platform
                                  are checked, but os-version is not.  (When
                                  os-platform is absent, os-version should not
                                  be set.)
    Element Type:     product-prereq
    Elements:         product-id            string     required
                      build-version         string     optional
                      build-date            date       optional
                      build-level           string     optional
    Type Detail:
    A product prerequisite specifies that a particular product must be present for
    an update to be installed.
    Note that when multiple product prerequisites are specified, these
    prerequisites have an OR relationship: At least one of the product
    prerequisites must be satisfied.
    Note that all of the elements are required.  When multiple products having
    the same id are supported by an update, multiple product prerequisites must
    be specified.
    Element Detail:
    product-prereq.product-id     The id of the product which must be present.  The version of the product which must be present.     The build date of the product which must be present.    The level date of the product which must be present.
    Element Type:     component-prereq
    Elements:         component-name        string     required
                      spec-version          string     required
                      build-version         string     required
                      build-date            date       required
    Type Detail:
    A version prerequisite specifies that a particular component version must be
    present for an update to be installed.
    Note that when multiple version prerequisites are specified, these
    prerequisites have an OR relationship: At least one of the version
    prerequisites must be satisfied.
    Element Detail:
    version-prereq.component-name  The name of the component which must be present.
    version-prereq.spec-version    The specification version of the component which
                                   must be present.
                                 The version of the component which must be present.
      The build date of the component which must be
    Element Type:     included-efix
    Elements:         efix-id               string     required
    Type Detail:
    An included-efix identifies an interim fix by ID and indicates that the fix
    is included in the fix pack.
    Element Detail:
    included-efix.efix-id    The ID of the fix that the fix pack includes.
    Element Type:     custom-property
    Elements:         property-name         string     required
                      property-type         string     optional
                      property-value        string     optional
    Type Detail:
    A custom property encodes a key-value pair, with an optional type
    element.  Custom properties are provided for future use.
    Element Detail:
   The name of the custom property.   An optional type of the custom property.
                                    The semantics of this type are defined
                                    by user of the property value.  The value of the custom property.
    File Type:        efix-applied
    Persistence:      <versionDir>/<id>.efixApplied
    Elements:         efix-id               string     required
                      component-applied     complex    min=0, max=unbounded
    Type Detail:
    An efix-applied collection specifies what components have been updated for
    the fix as specified by the efix id.
    Element Detail:
    efix-applied.efix-id            The id of the fix for which applieds are
    efix-applied.component-applied  The list of recorded applications.
    File Type:        ptf-applied
    Persistence:      <versionDir>/<id>.ptfApplied
    Elements:         ptf-id                string     required
                      component-applied     complex    min=0, max=unbounded
    Type Detail:
    A ptf-applied collection specified what components have been updated for
    the fix pack as specified by the fix pack ID.
    Element Detail:
    ptf-applied.efix-id            The ID of the fix pack for which applieds are
    ptf-applied.component-applied  The list of recorded applications.
    Element Type:     component-applied
    Elements:         component-name        string     required
                      update-type           enum       required [enumUpdateType]
                      is-required           boolean    required
                      is-optional           boolean    required
                      is-external           boolean    required
                      root-property-file    anyURL     optional
                      root-property-name    string     optional
                      root-property-value   string     optional
                      is-custom             boolean    required
                      log-name              anyURL     required
                      backup-name           anyURL     required
                      time-stamp            date       required
                      initial-version       complex    optional
                      final-version         complex    optional
    Type Detail:
    An applied instance is present to indicate the application of an
    update for a particular fix or fix pack to a particular component.
    (The particular fix or fix pack is as specified by the applied's
    parent.)  An applied provides sufficient information
    to undo itself.
    The elements of an applied are copies of values from update
    Element Detail:
    component-applied.component-name   The name of the component which was updated.
    component-applied.update-type      The type of the component update.      A flag which, when true, specifies that the parent
                                       update requires this component update.      A flag which, when true, specifies that the parent
                                       update does not require this component update,
                                       even if the component is installed.          A flag which, when true, specifies that this
                                           component update was applied to a location
                                           different than the usual install_root.
    component-applied.root-property-file   For an update against a component having an
                                           external root, this properties file provides
                                           the root value.
    component-applied.root-property-name   For an update against a component having an
                                           external root, this named property provides
                                           the root value.
    component-applied.root-property-value  For an update against a component having an
                                           external root, this is a record of the
                                           actual external root.        A flag which, when true, specifies that the
                                       application was a custom update.  When true, an
                                       executable program was applied.  When false, the
                                       contents of an update jar were applied.
    component-applied.log-name         The name of the log file which was generated by
                                       this application.
    component-applied.backup-name      The name of the backup file which was generated
                                       by this application.
    component-applied.time-stamp       The time of this application (the ending time
                                       of the corresponding update event).
    component-applied.initial-version  The version of the component before the
                                       application.  This version will be null if
                                       the application was an add.    The version of the component after the application.
                                       This will be null if the update was a removal.
    Element Type:     initial-version
    Elements:         component-name        string     required
                      spec-version          string     required
                      build-version         string     required
                      build-date            string     required
    Type Detail:
    A initial-version instance is used to describe a component level as
    the initial version of a component.
    Element Detail:
    initial-version.component-name The name of the component.
    initial-version.spec-version   The new specification version for the
                                   component following the update.  The new build version for the component.     The new build date for the component.
    Element Type:     final-version
    Elements:         component-name        string     required
                      spec-version          string     required
                      build-version         string     required
                      build-date            string     required
    Type Detail:
    A final-version instance is used to supply a component level for a
    component which has been added or replaced.
    Element Detail:
    final-version.component-name The name of the new component.
    final-version.spec-version   The new specification version for the
                                 component following the update.  The new build version for the component.     The new build date for the component.
    Enum Type:        enumUpdateType
    Values:           0 add
                      1 replace
                      2 remove
                      3 patch
    Type Detail:
    An update type instance specifies the type of an update.  An 'add' update adds
    a component into an installation.  A 'replace' update replaces a particular
    version of a component with a different version of that component.  A 'remove'
    update removes a component.  A 'patch' update performs a limited update to a
    component, in particular, without changing the version of the component.
    When adding a component, that component may not already be present.
    When replacing or removing a component, that component must be present.
    When patching a component, that component must be present.
    When replacing or removing a component, or when patching a component, usually,
    at least one version prerequisite will be specified for the component update.
    Value Detail:
    enumUpdateType.add       Specifies that an update adds a component.
    enumUpdateType.replace   Specifies that an update replaces a component.
    enumUpdateType.remove    Specifies that an update removes a component.
    enumUpdateType.patch     Specifies that an update modifies a component, but
                             does not change its version.
    Type Family:      history
    File Type:        event-history
    Persistence:      <historyDir>/event.history
    Elements:         update-event          complex    min=0, max=unbounded
    Type Detail:
    One event history is provided for a websphere product family installation.
    This event history contains history of update events, corresponding with
    the actual update events for that product family.
    Element Detail:
    event-history.update-event  The list of update events for the websphere
                                product family.  The top level events are fix
                                and fix pack events, each containing one or more
                                component events.
    Element Type:     update-event
    Elements:         event-type            enum       required [enumEventType]
                      parent-id             string     required
                      id                    string     required
                      update-type           enum       required [enumUpdateType]
                      is-required           boolean    required
                      is-optional           boolean    required
                      is-external           boolean    required
                      root-property-file    anyURL     optional
                      root-property-name    string     optional
                      root-property-value   string     optional
                      is-custom             boolean    required
                      primary-content       anyURI     required
                      event-action          enum       required [enumEventAction]
                      log-name              anyURI     required
                      backup-name           anyURI     required
                      start-time-stamp      dateTime   required
                      end-time-stamp        dateTime   optional
                      status                enum       optional [enumEventResult]
                      status-message        string     optional
                      initial-version       complex    optional
                      final-version         complex    optional
                      update-event          complex    optional
    Type Detail:
    An update event denotes a single update action, applying to either a
    fix, a fix pack, or to a component, according to the set event type.
    Fix (efix) and fix pack (ptf) type events each have a collection of component events.
    Currently, component events have no child events.
    Element Detail:
    update-event.event-type        The type of this event, either an interim fix or
                                   fix pack (ptf) type event, or a component type event.
    update-event.parent-id         This element is present only for component
                                   events.  The ID of the parent fix or fix pack of
                                   this event.
                The ID of the fix, fix pack, or component that
                                   was updated, interpreted according to the type
                                   of the event.
    update-event.update-type       The type of update for component events.
       A flag which, when true, specifies that this
                                   component update is required.
                                     A flag which, when true, specifies that this
                                   component update is optional, even if the
                                   component is installed.
          A flag which, when true, specifies that this
                                      update used an external root.
    update-event.root-property-file   For an update of an external component, this
                                      properties file contains the external root value.
    update-event.root-property-name   For an update of an external component, the
                                      property having this name specifies the external
                                      root value.
    update-event.root-property-value  For an update of an external component,
                                      the root value.
         A flag that, when true, specifies that the
                                   application was a custom update.  When true,
                                   an executable program was applied.  When false,
                                   the contents of an update jar were applied.
    update-event.primary-content   The URL of the primary content for the update.
    update-event.event-action      The type of action for this event.
    update-event.log-name          The name of the log file which was generated
                                   for this event.
    update-event.backup-name       The name of the backup file which was generated
                                   for this event.
    update-event.start-time-stamp  The XML timestamp of the starting time of the
                                   event.  This timestamp follows the XML timestamp
                                   format, meaning that time zone information is
    update-event.end-time-stamp    The XML timestamp of the ending time of the
                                   event.  This timestamp follows the XML timestamp
                                   format, meaning that time zone information is
                                   included.  When absent, the update operation
                                   corresponding to the parent event failed with
                                   a non-recoverable exception.
    update-event.status            The result of the update.
    update-event.status-message    Message text provided in addition to the basic
                                   status code.  Exception text is provided through
                                   the status-message when an update fails.
    update-event.initial-version   This element is not used unless the update is
                                   a component type update.  The initial version of
                                   the component which was updated.    This element
                                   is absent when the update is an add type update.
     This element is not used unless the update is a
                                   component type update.  The final version of the
                                   component which was updated.  This element is absent
                                   when the update is a remove type update.
    update-event.update-event      A collection of child events.  This collection is
                                   used for fix and fix pack type events.  This collection
                                   is empty for component type events.
    Element Type:     initial-version
    Elements:         spec-version          string     required
                      build-version         string     required
                      build-date            string     required
    Type Detail:
    A initial-version instance is used to describe a component level as
    the initial version of a component.
    Element Detail:
    initial-version.spec-version   The new specification version for the
                                   component following the update.
  The new build version for the component.
     The new build date for the component.
    Element Type:     final-version
    Elements:         spec-version          string     required
                      build-version         string     required
                      build-date            string     required
    Type Detail:
    A final-version instance is used to supply a component level for a
    component which has been added or replaced.
    Element Detail:
    final-version.spec-version   The new specification version for the
                                 component following the update.
  The new build version for the component.
     The new build date for the component.
    Enum Type         enumEventType
    Values:           0 Fix (efix)
                      1 fix pack (ptf)
                      2 Component
    Type Detail:
    An event type instance specifies the type of an update event, which is either
    an interim fix (efix) event, a fix pack (ptf) event or a component event.  The interpretation of
    particular event elements depends on the set event type.
    Value Detail:
    enumEventType.efix       Specifies that an event is for an interim fix update.
    enumEventType.ptf        Specifies that an event is for a fix pack update.
    enumEventType.component  Specifies that an event is for a component update.
    Enum Type:        enumEventAction
    Values:           0 Install
                      1 Uninstall
                      2 Selective install
                      3 Selective uninstall
    Type Detail:
    An event action instance specified the operation performed by an update, which
    can be an install or uninstall operation, and which may be a selective operation.
    Component operations are always either install or uninstall type operations, only
    fix and fix pack operations may be selective operations.
    A selective operation is an installation which is applied to a preset list of
    components.  In particular, potential component updates may be skipped, and
    component updates which were already applied may be reapplied.
    A selective uninstall operation is used to back out an update which was cancelled
    by the user.
    Value Detail:
    enumEventAction.install              Specifies that an event is an install
    enumEventAction.uninstall            Specifies that an event is an uninstall
    enumEventAction.selective-install    Specifies that an event is an install
                                         operation with a preset list of components
                                         which are updated.
    enumEventAction.selective-uninstall  Specifies that an event is an install
                                         operation with a preset list of components
                                         which are updated.
    Enum Type:        enumUpdateType
    Values:           0 Add
                      1 Replace
                      2 Remove
                      3 Patch
    Type Detail:
    An update type instance specifies the type of a component update.  An 'add'
    update adds a component into an installation.  A 'replace' update replaces
    a particular version of a component with a different version of that component.
    A 'remove' update removes a component.  A 'patch' update performs a limited
    update to a component, in particular, without changing the version of the
    To add a new component, the component must not exist. To replace or remove a component,
    the component must exist. To patch a component, the component must exist.
    When replacing or removing a component, or when patching a component, usually,
    at least one version prerequisite is specified for the component update.
    Value Detail:
    enumUpdateType.add       Specifies that an update adds a component.
    enumUpdateType.replace   Specifies that an update replaces a component.
    enumUpdateType.remove    Specifies that an update removes a component.
    enumUpdateType.patch     Specifies that an update modifies a component, but
                             does not change its version.
    Enum Type:        enumEventResult
    Values:           0 Succeeded
                      1 Failed
                      2 Cancelled
    Type Detail:
    An event result instance denotes a particular result for an update event. The result 
    indicates success, failure, or cancellation.
    Value Detail:
    enumEventResult.succeeded  Specifies that the operation was successful.
    enumEventResult.failed     Specifies that the operation failed.
    enumEventResult.cancelled  Specifies that the operation was cancelled.


    Third party license terms and conditions, notices and information

    The relevant terms and conditions, notices and other information are provided in the "LICENSE.TXT" file on the root directory of the first installation CD-ROM for the product that the update installer updates. Please note that any non-English version of the information in this file is unofficial and is provided to you for your convenience only. The English version of the file is the official version.

    Accessing the product Web site

    To see the most updated product information, please go to the WebSphere Application Server Library page

    Accessing product documentation

    The following documentation is available when you use the update installer application:

    readme_updateInstallerIF.txt, readme_updateInstallerIF.html and readme_updateInstallerIF.pdf files
    You are currently viewing the readme_updateInstaller file. This file is available in three formats from the directory where you download and unpack the update installer application ZIP file. They are identical files except for small formatting differences.

    Trademarks and service marks

    The following terms are trademarks of IBM Corporation in the United States, other countries, or both:

    Java and all Java-based trademarks are trademarks of Sun Microsystems, Inc. in the United States, other countries, or both.

    Microsoft, Windows, Windows NT, and the Windows logo are trademarks of Microsoft Corporation in the United States, other countries, or both.

    Intel, Intel Inside (logos), MMX and Pentium are trademarks of Intel Corporation in the United States, other countries, or both.

    UNIX is a registered trademark of The Open Group in the United States and other countries.

    SET and the SET Logo are trademarks owned by SET Secure Electronic Transaction LLC.

    Other company, product and service names may be trademarks or service marks of others.

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