© Copyright International Business Machines Corporation 2003, 2007. All rights reserved. US Government Users Restricted Rights - Use, duplication or disclosure restricted by GSA ADP Schedule Contract with IBM Corp.
1.0 About this releaseFor an updated version of this readme file, see the file available online at: http://www.ibm.com/support/docview.wss?uid=swg24017816.
This fix pack contains new fixes to the version 6.1.1 release of IBM® WebSphere® Application Server Toolkit. It also includes all fixes and enhancements from Fix Pack 1, Fix Pack 2, Fix Pack 3, Fix Pack 4, Fix Pack 5, Fix Pack 6, and , Fix Pack 7
The following APARs are fixed in this release:
Web service deployment tools
- (PK66468) If a WSDL contains a service name containing a hyphen character then webservice client code generation will fail
- (PK66687) When generating a JAX-RPC webservice client using the wsgen Ant task targeting a WebSphere Application Server then the Mappings option for namespace to package mapping is not used by the underlying WebSphere Application Server webservice code emitter
- (PK66515) If the annotation builder is enabled on a project but the WebSphere Application Server annotation facet is not then it's possible to have a project without the gen/src source folder. The WebSphere Application Server webservice code generation tool was using the existence of the annotation builder to determine if annotation support is enabled and defaulting to the gen/src folder as the folder to generate the service code into. The gen/src folder is only ever created if the WebSphere Application Server annotation facet ('WebSphere XDoclet Support') is enabled and since this facet is not enabled then the deployment fails
- (PK67458) If a WSDL contains a service that has the same name as a complex type then the JAX-RPC webservice proxy generation will fail with a NullPointerException
- (PK66098) If an EJB project is configured to have an EJB client project and a webservice client is being constructed with the output folder being set to the EJB project then duplicate deployment code will be generated as a result of the wizard completely and the 'Prepare for Deployment' action being executed. The 'Prepare for Deployment' action will generate deployment code into the EJB client project while the wizard generates to the EJB project
- (PK69766) After making modifications to the underlying bindings.xml file by either attaching a new policy set or modifying an existing attachment a publish does not occur meaning that the new bindings.xml file is never updated in the WebSphere Application Server
- (PK71798) If a namespace to package entry is defined like the following:
namespace = "http://addressbook.com/AddressBook/"
package = "custom.javapackage.addressbook "
(notice the extra space at the end of the package)
then the XML validation on the JAX-RPC Mapping file will fail as well as the underlying WSDL2Java tooling that will generate the Java artifactsEJB deployment and mapping tools
- (PK69362) If an Enterprise Application Archive contains a web module that contains an enterprise beans reference then EJBDeploy will generate the RMIC code for this reference and store it in a JAR file within that web module. However, if that enterprise beans reference requires class files that exist in a JAR file that is passed as an argument to the EJBDeploy tool via the classpath argument(-cp) then the RMIC process will fail because the classes in that JAR will not be found
- (PK69370) Under very rare situations when generating the EJB Deployment code an XML Transformation error may occur when attempting to write the .settings/.websphereDeploy file. If this occurs when attempting to see if an SQLj Ant file exists during EJB Deploy then the following NullPointerException will occur:
at com.ibm.etools.ejbdeploy.exec.sqlj.SQLJOperation.getAntScriptFile(Unknown Source)
at com.ibm.etools.ejbdeploy.plugin.EJBDeployOperation.validateEdit(Unknown Source)- (PK68982) An EJB Query requiring LEFT JOIN SQL syntax may result in incorrect SAL code generated
- (PK70272) When EJBDeploy invokes the RMIC tool to generate the stubs and ties it builds a classpath taking all of the JAR files from the $WAS_HOME/lib/ and $WAS_HOME/plugins/ contents. However, it excludes JAR files that can be found in sub-directories of these directories. This can lead to ClassNotFoundExceptions if the EJB requires, for example, the MQ libraries found in the $WAS_HOME/lib/WMQ/java/lib/ directory
- (PK71447) The option to generate EJB Deployment code against DB2 v9.5 does not exist in the EJB Bottom-up creation wizard. If Top-down is used against an existing DB2 v9.5 data model then the backend that gets created is null_1 rather than DB2UDBNT_V95. This is happening because DB2 v9.5 is not currently supported by the EJB Mapping tooling
- (PK68767) Default mapping of DB2 v9.1 XML column to java.lang.String field results in "Invalid type mapping exist for attribute:
in file: DB2UDBNT_V91_1. Add converter or change the data type" Default mapping to java.lang.String will continue but validation error will be corrected allowing ejbdeloy to successfully complete. EJB deployment code will use PreparedStatement.getString() and PreparedStatement.setString() against the JDBC driver when reading/writing to a column of this type. Server tools
- (PK67688) The automatically created WebSphere Application Server v6.x servers that are created when the product starts are hardcoded to look in the $WAS_HOME/profiles/ directory for the default profile. If the default profile does not exist within this location then an error will occur stating that the security.xml file is empty because it could not be found
- (PK69506) A NullPointerException occurs when creating a new WebSphere Application Server script launch configuration
- (PK69837) The WebSphere Application Server JAR file rsadbutils.jar is missing in the WebSphere Application Server v6.1 classpath container on the Java Build Path. This JAR file contains classes needed for compilation of EJBDeploy generated code utilizing SQLj functionality
- (PK70394) The J2EE WebSphere Application Client launcher toggles between running the client from the 'deployable1' and 'deployable2' directories found in the .metadata when running a non single-root J2EE Application Client module. In some scenarios the toggling fails and the application client always launches the content from the 'deployable1' directory even if the new content is published to the 'deployable2' directory
- (PK71783) If a .server file for WebSphere Application Server is created in Rational Application Developer v6.0 and the security information is stored in this file then it will be lost when the .server file is migrated to Rational Application Developer v7.0. This is happening because .server file is reconstructed during migration and the security information is not being copied to the new .server file
J2EE Extensions
- (PK69243) The underlying Eclipse Project Set import functionality stores the the Concurrent Versions System (CVS) repository references as-is. Since the projectSetImport Ant task does not contain a CVS authenticator then it requires that the userid and password be written in plain text to the repository reference stored in the project set file
EJB Mediator
- (PK67545) When adding a new EJB mediation handler the local-home interface and local interface for the enterprise bean are created based on the name of the mediation handler rather than the default com.ibm.websphere.sib.mediation.handler.ejb.GenericEJBMediationHandler* interfaces
- (PK70825) The 'Modify' button for the Mediation handler was opening the mediation creation wizard without allowing the mediation handler lists to be edited
z/OS Profile Management Tool
- (PK67056) The generated instructions need to be updated with information on how to set a password phrase for the WebSphere administrator user ID. Prereq information (z/OS version 1.9 and Fix Pack or later) for making use of RACF password phrase support also needs to be added to the generated instructions
- (PK68907) The Feature Pack for Web Services and the Feature Pack for EJB 3.0 do not support augmentation of a deployment manager that was created using the cell environment. Only deployment managers that were created using the deployment manager environment can be augmented by the Feature Pack for Web Services or the Feature Pack for EJB 3.0. While this restriction is documented in the Information Center, it is desirable to remind users of this restriction when using the zPMT to augment a deployment manager with the Web Services or EJB 3.0 feature pack
To install the interim fix directly from the IBM update server, you will require 885 MB of disk space.
3.2 Software requirements
Before you can install this fix pack, you must install WebSphere Application Server Toolkit, Version 6.1.1.
3.3 Installation instructions
For information about installing an uninstalling the fix pack, see the instructions at ftp://ftp.software.ibm.com/software/websphere/appserv/support/tools/AST/local/fixpacks/ast61/fp6118/html/install_local_6118_fixpack8.html.
Known problems are documented in the form of individual technotes in the Support knowledge base at: http://www.ibm.com/software/webservers/appserv/was/support/. As problems are discovered and resolved, the knowledge base will be updated and maintained with any new information. By searching the knowledge base, you can quickly find workarounds or solutions to problems.
© Copyright IBM Corporation 2003, 2006. All Rights Reserved. Note to U.S. Government Users Restricted Rights -- Use, duplication or disclosure restricted by GSA ADP Schedule Contract with IBM Corp.
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