© Copyright International Business Machines Corporation 2003, 2007. All rights reserved. US Government Users Restricted Rights - Use, duplication or disclosure restricted by GSA ADP Schedule Contract with IBM Corp.
1.0 About this releaseFor an updated version of this readme file, see the file available online at: http://www.ibm.com/support/docview.wss?uid=swg24017816.
This fix pack contains new fixes to the version 6.1.1 release of IBM® WebSphere® Application Server Toolkit. It also includes all fixes and enhancements from Fix Pack 1, Fix Pack 2, Fix Pack 3, and Fix Pack 4
The following APARs are fixed in this release:
Web service deployment tools
- (PK49272) The following error occurs in the workspace .log file when invoking the validation on a project containing a webservice application:
!ENTRY org.eclipse.wst.validation 4 0 2007-07-05 12:41:50.245 !MESSAGE *** ERROR ***: Thu Jul 05 12:41:50 CEST 2007 org.eclipse.emf.ecore.resource.impl.ResourceSetImpl$1$DiagnosticWrappedException: org.eclipse.emf.ecore.xmi.ClassNotFoundException: Class 'WSBinding' not found. platform:/resource/LogEJB/ejbModule/META-INF/ibm-webservices-bnd.xmi- (PK50353) If a WSDL file contains a port definition such as the following:
<port binding="test:TestJms" name="TestJmsPort1"> <jms:address destinationStyle="queue" initialContextFactory="com.sun.jndi.ldap.LdapCtxFactory" jndiConnectionFactoryName="%facade_v30_jndi_conn_fact%" jndiDestinationName="%facade_v30_destination_name%" jndiReplyDestinationName="%facade_v30_reply_name%" jndiProviderURL="%facade_v30_provider_url%" java.naming.security.principal="%facade_v30_naming_p%" java.naming.security.credentials="%facade_v30_naming_cred%" connectionUserName="%facade_v30_connection_user_name%" connectionPassword="%facade_v30_connection_password%" messageType="text"/> </port>then the WSDL2Java tool will not generate a getTestJmsPort1() method on the service interface class. However, the generated Proxy client class that is generated may attempt to reference this method even though it does not exist, resulting in a compilation error.- (JR27171) If a J2EE 1.3 module already contains a webservice client then the webservicesclient.xml file will contain the one service reference and all values are set correctly. However, if a second webservice client is added to this module then the value for the first service reference will be the WSDL file for the newly created webservice client.
- (PK52983) When generating a JAX-WS webservice application the resulting Impl class that is generated may contain a compilation error that states the package is invalid.
- (PK51969) If a WSDL file has a service definition that begins with a lowercase character than the corresponding service class that is generated is not located during the proxy client generation and results in the proxy class to be either generated incorrectly or not at all.
- (PK54578) The WebSphere Application Server webservice code emitter WSDL2Java option -all provides functionality to generate java files for all types, even unreferenced ones. However, this preference is not exposed as an option for users generating webservices against the WebSphere Application Server runtime.
EJB deployment and mapping tools
- (PK50461) When a foreign key constraint in the database model in the EJB backend has been defined in the tblxmi file such as:
<constraints xmi:id="SQLConstraint_1155600532562" name="C0813894" type="FOREIGNKEY"> <referenceByKey href="META-INF/backends/DB2UDBAS400_V53_1/TEST_TABLE.tblxmi#C0813894"/> </constraints>then during the migration the constraint details change resulting in a null constraint. However, the Map migration is attempting to locate the name of this constraint within the data model and fails to locate it. This results in a NullPointerException and causes the backend migration to halt and leaves the EJB backend in an unusable state for the corresponding product to utilize.- (PK50604) If an EJB field of type java.util.Date is currently mapped to a DATE columnn in the database then a converter is automatically applied if the backend is created top-down. However, if the backend is created in a meet-in-the-middle scenario then the converter is not automatically applied and when ejbdeploy is run against this EJB it will fail with an error message stating that a type-mapper does not exist for java.util.Date <--> DATE mappings. This previously worked in Rational Application Developer v6 ejbdeploy as the DATE column was treated as a TIMESTAMP field under the covers.
- (PK54053) A WQRY0092E error will occur EJB Deploy code generation if an EJB-QL statement contains the word DEFAULT.
- (PK51281) When attempting to load the backend Map file (Map.mapxmi) the schema file for the database is also loaded after the model for the Map has disposed. This causes the following exception to be visible in the console for the EJB Deployment tool:
java.lang.IllegalStateException: Edit Model already disposed at class: EditModel, in package: org.eclipse.wst.common.internal.emfworkbench.integration Method: getEmfContext(EditModel.java:924)- (PK51249) As a result of combining the WebSphere Rapid Deploy (wrd) and EJB Deploy tools into the $WAS_HOME/deploytool/itp/ directory, a server connection is automatically created when running the EJB Deployment code generation tool. If the server has security enabled then an error will be written in the log file stating that a client connection was made without valid security credentials:
[07/06/27 17:10:26:890 JST] 00000042 RoleBasedAuth 3 Unauthenticated or missing subject/credentials. java.lang.Exception: Unauthenticated or missing subject/credentials. at com.ibm.ws.security.role.RoleBasedAuthorizerImpl. getEffectiveCredentials(RoleBasedAuthorizerImpl.java:710) at com.ibm.ws.security.role.RoleBasedAuthorizerImpl. checkAccess(RoleBasedAuthorizerImpl.java:276)- (PK51592) If an EJB project contains a nested source folder such as src/code/repository then when a new CMP backend is created using the Top Down wizard the Mapping wizard fails to complete the DDL generation. No error is seen on the screen however the Map wizard does not properly close upon hitting the Finish button.
- (PK53679) During EJB deployment code generation the query engine will parse all EJB-QL statements and produce SQL for them. If an EJB-QL statement is found to join tables together than it may (under certain situations) join them using a LEFT OUTER JOIN clause however it will incorrectly put parenthesis around the table name, for example:
SELECT q1.ColumnA, q2.ColumnB FROM MyTable1 q1 LEFT OUTER JOIN (MyTable2 q2) ON ...where it should produce:SELECT q1.ColumnA, q2.ColumnB FROM MyTable1 q1 LEFT OUTER JOIN MyTable2 q2 ON ...- (PK48002) In Rational Application Developer v6.0 there is a dialog for specifying schema filtering when doing EJB Bottom-up creation. This wizard page is missing in Rational Application Developer v7.0 and WebSphere Application Server Toolkit v6.1.1 and therefore makes it difficult to filter out results. Without the schema filtering page then a performance impact may occur with the Bottom-up EJB creation wizard as all schemas will retrieved from the database.
Server tools
- (PK39723) WebSphere Application Server V6.0 in Rational Application Developer V6.0 will not start if a proxy server is enabled.
- (PK50979) If two server configuration based on different profiles of the same WAS 6.0 are added in RAD7 and both started, when user try to access to admin console by choosing "Run administrative console" of BOTH servers(profiles), the earlier session will be killed. It seems that same session id or user id is passed in both session. A default username relating to the server configuration, which makes it unique, is suggested.
- (PK51228) APAR PK43743 causes a regression when a JAR file is referenced from another project. In that case, the reference to the JAR file is not added to the looseconfig.xmi file. This results in ClassNotFoundException errors when the module is started.
- (PK52201) When launching an Administrative Script against a v6.0 WebSphere Application Server the servers default profile properties directory is added to the classpath of the script launcher. This entry causes the script launcher to connect to the wrong server port and therefore the script will fail if the default server is stopped.
- (PK52592) If the Server project containing the v5.1 WebSphere Test Environment is checked into a source control system such as ClearCase then the underlying configuration files are marked as read-only. If these files are not properly checked out prior to modifying any information in these files then the WebSphere Test Environment editor does not display any type of message stating that the write failed.
- (PK53754) The static web publishing server publishes the entire application rather than a delta on every publish. This can result in longer than expected publishing as a result of a small change within an application.
- (PK53565) The various WebSphere Application Server Application Client launcher do not filter out non Application Client projects in the 'Application Client Module' combo field.
- (PK52649) Changes to the server via the J2EE Publishing Server editor are not used until the product is restarted.
J2EE Extensions
- (PK48712) The classpath variable XERCES_API_JAR when it exists points to an invalid path. This classpath variable is no longer needed and should be removed.
To install the interim fix directly from the IBM update server, you will require 850 MB of disk space.
3.2 Software requirements
Before you can install this fix pack, you must install WebSphere Application Server Toolkit, Version 6.1.1.
3.3 Installation instructions
For information about installing an uninstalling the fix pack, see the instructions at ftp://ftp.software.ibm.com/software/websphere/appserv/support/tools/AST/local/fixpacks/ast61/fp6115/html/install_local_6115_fixpack5.html.
Known problems are documented in the form of individual technotes in the Support knowledge base at: []http://www.ibm.com/software/webservers/appserv/was/support/[]. As problems are discovered and resolved, the knowledge base will be updated and maintained with any new information. By searching the knowledge base, you can quickly find workarounds or solutions to problems.
© Copyright IBM Corporation 2003, 2006. All Rights Reserved. Note to U.S. Government Users Restricted Rights -- Use, duplication or disclosure restricted by GSA ADP Schedule Contract with IBM Corp.
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