© Copyright International Business Machines Corporation 2003, 2007. All rights reserved. US Government Users Restricted Rights - Use, duplication or disclosure restricted by GSA ADP Schedule Contract with IBM Corp.
1.0 About this releaseFor an updated version of this readme file, see the file available online at: http://www.ibm.com/support/docview.wss?uid=swg24017088.
This fix pack contains new fixes to the version 6.1.1 release of IBM® WebSphere® Application Server Toolkit. It also includes all fixes and enhancements from Fix Pack 1, Fix Pack 2 and Fix Pack 3
The following APARs are fixed in this release:
Web service deployment tools
- (PK43586) The security token combo box on the WS extensions page, Token Generator section, is always empty even if a security token is already defined for the port
- (PK46870) When publishing a webservice application to a v6.1 WebSphere Application Server the webservice code generation facility is run to ensure that the deploy codeis completely generated. There is no way to disable this code generation if the developer already knows that the generated code is correct and therefore must wait for the code generation to complete
EJB deployment and mapping tools
- (PK41548) The data type is missing for the generated database OCC Column when doing a top-down EJB to RDB Mapping to an Oracle database
- (PK41668) An EJB-QL statement using a EJB field called 'key' will cause a WQRY0092E error message to be displayed when running the EJB Deployment code generation functionality
- (PK43438) If an EJB extends an existing EJB and defines a Date type field then the EJB Deployment code generation functionality will fail with an 'unknown data type' error
- (PK47700) A PMGR6036E error may occur when running the EJB Deployment code generation functionality against a bean that does not use fully qualified types when defining method parameters
Server tools
- (PK42952) When a web application containing a Web Library project is published to a WebSphere Application Server using the publishing option 'Run with resources on Server' then the Web Library project becomes a JAR file in the WEB-INF\lib\ directory of the Web module. When the application code in the Web Library project is modified and then published to the server again the resulting JAR file is not updated on the WebSphere Application Server. This means that the the code modifications done to the Web Library project will not be reflected when the application is run on the WebSphere Application Server.
- (PK44021) The looseconfig.xmi file that is generated by the IDE fails to add a binaryPath for Web Libraries which causes a NullPointerException on a WebSphere Application Server runtime when the application is started
- (PK44206) A new WebSphere Application Server definition had default values of 2809 for the RMI Connector port and 8880 for the SOAP Connector port even if the default WebSphere Application Server profile had different port values. This is happening because the default values are hardcoded to 8880 and 2809 rather than reading the correct values from the local WebSphere Application Server profile
- (PK44689) If a version 6.x WebSphere Application Server definition is created as a local server then the automatic publishing time interval is set to 5 seconds. For remote WebSphere Application Server instances the time is set to 60 seconds. If a local definition is created and then converted to a remote definition the automatic publishing time is not changed from 5 seconds to 60 seconds
- (PK46065) A thread is constructed during publishing that waits for the WebSphere Application Server notification that an application is published successfully. This thread will timeout after 10 minutes, however you should not have to wait this long if the tooling knows that the server has been terminated
- (PK47240) When changing the output folder of an Application Client project to anything other than the default then a ClassNotFoundException occurs for the class containing the main() method when launching this application client
Annotation Processor
- (PK43536) Adding a @ejb.resource-env-ref annotation to a session bean does not generate the corresponding
element in the extension binding file - (PK44287) A hidden NullPointerException occurs during validation of the EJB roles and this keeps the relationship from being added correctly to the EJB Deployment Descriptor and therefore the generated Mapping file will not have the roles mapped correctly
- (PK47229) When adding an @ejb.security-role-ref annotation to an EJB the attributes that are expected for this annotation are 'link' and 'name' when they should be 'role-link' and 'role-name'
- (PK45770) If a Java class contains the @ejb.session annotation then the Annotation processor will attempt to generate the necessary EJB artifacts for this annotation. However, a hidden NullPointerException will occur and result in the code generation to fail with no visible feedback
Jython editor
- (PK45235) A newly created Jython file always uses the \n character for linefeeds rather than the Operating Systems line separator
- (PK47701) when a SIP Servlet is set to 'Load on startup' within the SIP Deployment Descriptor the corresponding web.xml does not get updated with the Load on Startup value
To install the interim fix directly from the IBM update server, you will require 700 MB of disk space.
3.2 Software requirements
Before you can install this fix pack, you must install WebSphere Application Server Toolkit, Version 6.1.1.
3.3 Installation instructions
For information about installing an uninstalling the fix pack, see the instructions at ftp://ftp.software.ibm.com/software/websphere/appserv/support/tools/AST/local/fixpacks/ast61/fp6114/html/install_local_6114_fixpack4.html.
Known problems are documented in the form of individual technotes in the Support knowledge base at: []http://www.ibm.com/software/webservers/appserv/was/support/[]. As problems are discovered and resolved, the knowledge base will be updated and maintained with any new information. By searching the knowledge base, you can quickly find workarounds or solutions to problems.
© Copyright IBM Corporation 2003, 2006. All Rights Reserved. Note to U.S. Government Users Restricted Rights -- Use, duplication or disclosure restricted by GSA ADP Schedule Contract with IBM Corp.
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