IBM WebSphere Application Server Toolkit Fix Pack 3 - Readme

for WebSphere Application Server Toolkit, Version 6.1.1

© Copyright International Business Machines Corporation 2003, 2007. All rights reserved. US Government Users Restricted Rights - Use, duplication or disclosure restricted by GSA ADP Schedule Contract with IBM Corp.

1.0 About this release
2.0 Fixes contained in this release
3.0 Installation information
   3.1 Hardware requirements
   3.2 Software requirements
   3.3 Installation instructions
4.0 Known limitations, problems, and workarounds
   4.1 TCP/IP monitor is not shown on the server's monitoring properties page
   4.2 Projects may not be added to the server when completing wizards such as the Run On Server wizard.
   4.3 JSR-109 and JAX-WS Web Services tree node might not update, even after a refresh
   4.4 NullPointerException error thrown at runtime when using an EJB reference from a Web Module due to missing JNDI binding information
   4.5 Error "Unnecessary classpath entries duplicating MANIFEST.MF entries" in J2EE project
   4.6 Long delays when publishing applications with large JAR files in a Web module to a WebSphere Application Server V6.1 with Feature Pack for Web Services
5.0 Customer support
6.0 Notices and trademarks

1.0 About this release

For an updated version of this readme file, see the file available online at:

This fix pack contains new fixes to the version 6.1.1 release of IBM® WebSphere® Application Server Toolkit. It also includes all fixes and enhancements from Fix Pack 1 and Fix Pack 2.

2.0 Fixes contained in this release

The following APARs are fixed in this release:

Web service deploy

EJB deployment tools

Server tools

Jython editor

EJB mediator


WebSphere Application Server extensions

3.0 Installation information

3.1 Hardware requirements

To install the interim fix directly from the IBM update server, you will require 600 MB of disk space.

3.2 Software requirements

Before you can install this fix pack, you must install WebSphere Application Server Toolkit, Version 6.1.1.

3.3 Installation instructions

For information about installing an uninstalling the fix pack, see the instructions at

4.0 Known limitations, problems, and workarounds

This section describes known limitations and problems specific to this release, and any workarounds that are available.

4.1 TCP/IP monitor is not shown on the server's monitoring properties page

After creating a Web service client with TCP/IP monitoring enabled, the TCP/IP monitor is set up but it does not show up in the server's monitoring properties page (which is accessed by right-clicking on the server in Servers view and selecting Monitoring > Properties).


To view or change the settings for the TCP/IP monitor, the open the TCP/IP monitor page (Window > Preferences > Run/Debug > TCP/IP monitor) page instead; the TCP/IP monitor will be shown on this page.

4.2 Projects may not be added to the server when completing wizards such as the Run On Server wizard.

In the following wizards, there is a page called Add and Remove Projects that enables you to add projects to the server:

On the Add and Remove Projects page, if you add projects to the server and then complete the wizard by selecting Finish while still on this page, then the projects are added to the server as expected. However, if you add projects to the server on the Add and Remove Projects page, click Next, and then click Finish on the subsequent page, the projects are not added to the server.


To add projects to the server using the wizards mentioned above, perform one of the following tasks:

4.3 JSR-109 and JAX-WS Web Services tree node might not update, even after a refresh

When you create, change, or delete a JSR-109 or JAX-WS Web service or Web service client with the IBM WebSphere Application Server Toolkit, the corresponding Web services tree node might not update to reflect the change. This problem occurs even if you perform a manual refresh.


In most cases, restarting the Application Server Toolkit workspace corrects the problem. If the tree node for the JSR-109 or JAX-WS Web services is still not updated with the changes, then perform the following actions:

  1. Close all of the perspectives in the workbench by clicking Window > Close all perspectives.
  2. Re-open the Java 2 Platform Enterprise Edition (J2EE) perspective by clicking Window > Open perspective > J2EE.

4.4 NullPointerException error thrown at runtime when using an EJB reference from a Web Module due to missing JNDI binding information

If you use the Web Application editor to add an EJB reference, the JNDI binding information may be missing, causing a NullPointerException error. This might happen if both the Web module and EJB module are contained within the same enterprise application.


Manually add the JNDI binding information to the EJB reference with the Web Application editor. The correct format for the binding information is similar to:

ejb/the fully qualified EJB home class name

For example, if the EJB home class is, then the default bindings information would be:


4.5 Error "Unnecessary classpath entries duplicating MANIFEST.MF entries" in J2EE project

When working with J2EE projects, you might see an error message "Unnecessary classpath entries duplicating MANIFEST.MF entries" in the Problems view. These errors might prevent you from being able to deploy the application to the sever.


The project contains a .classpath entry which is unnecessary because the class path information is computed dynamically from the META-INF/MANIFEST.MF file (which is the method that is used at runtime). The result is an error message reporting that the .classpath entry is unnecessary.


To fix this error, either remove the .classpath entry manually or right-click on the error and select Quickfix to have the .classpath entry automatically removed. If there are many errors of this type in the project, they can all be fixed simultaneously:

  1. Right-click one of the errors,
  2. Select Quickfix.
  3. In the Quickfix dialog, select Find similar problems.

4.6 Long delays when publishing applications with large JAR files in a Web module to a WebSphere Application Server V6.1 with Feature Pack for Web Services

When an application contains many JAR files or a large sized JAR file in the WEB-INF/lib folder of a Web module, the application may take a long time to publish to the server.  This problem will happen on a WebSphere Application Server v6.1 with Feature Pack for Web Services installed on remote servers.  In addition, the problem occurs on local servers when the publishing option, Run server with resources on Server is selected.  For example, an application with 15 JAR files with a total file size of 17 megabyte in the WEB-INF/lib directory may take around 15-20 minutes to publish the application. 

During the publishing of the server, in the Servers view the server remains in the Publishing state and appears as if the server has hung. However, the publish should complete and until the publish completes the state of the server changes to Synchronized.

You might experience similar performance problems with other tasks, such as running applications with JavaServer Faces (JSF).


This is a known problem in the WebSphere Application Server v6.1 with the Feature Pack for Web Services and there is an interim fix available for the server.  To fix the problem occurring on the server, visit the following link:

5.0 Customer support

6.0 Notices and trademarks

© Copyright IBM Corporation 2003, 2006. All Rights Reserved. Note to U.S. Government Users Restricted Rights -- Use, duplication or disclosure restricted by GSA ADP Schedule Contract with IBM Corp.

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