© Copyright International Business Machines Corporation 2003, 2007. All rights reserved. US Government Users Restricted Rights - Use, duplication or disclosure restricted by GSA ADP Schedule Contract with IBM Corp.
1.0 About this releaseFor an updated version of this readme file, see the file available online at: http://www.ibm.com/support/docview.wss?uid=swg24015495.
This fix pack contains fixes to the version 6.1.1 release of IBM® WebSphere® Application Server Toolkit and the following enhancements:
- Platform, operating system, and browser support enhancements:
- Eclipse 3.2.2 (for compatibility with previous releases and known issues, see the Eclipse 3.2.2 Project Release Notes).
- Mozilla Firefox 2.0.
- IBM Runtime Environment for Windows®, Java™ 2 Technology Edition, Version 5.0 service release 4.
- IBM Runtime Environment for Linux®, Java 2 Technology Edition, Version 5.0 service release 4.
- Microsoft® Internet Explorer 7.0.
- Microsoft Windows Vista Business, Windows Vista Enterprise, and Windows Vista Ultimate.
The following APARs are fixed in this release:
Web services deployEJB deployment tools
- (JR25649) The preference to use generate WebSphere Application Server version 5.1.0 Web service emitter code using the version 5.1.1 runtime was removed in version 7.0 of the product. However, it is still needed for customers that want to develop Web service applications for WebSphere Application Server version 5.1 on z/OS as it is currently using at the version 5.1.0 release. Therefore, the Web service emitters need to generate code for WebSphere Application Server version 5.1.0 and not version 5.1.1.
- (JR25242) Excessive amount of JNDI lookups occur when using the generator Web service Proxy class resulting in performance degradation.
- (JR25396) WSDL files cannot import XSD files using a relative "../" directory structure as it causes deployment and runtime problems as the imported XSD files will not be found by the WebSphere Application Server runtime.
- (PK35624) If a WSDL file contains an xsd:include statement then it will not be parsed and processed correctly and result in a NullPointerException being displayed in the console window used to launch the Web service command-line scripts.
- (JR25257) An EJBQL finder method using a local EJB interface as input parameter results in a 'Unknown EJB or ASN name' validation error.
- (JR25368) If an EJB project has been configured to use a source folder that is a linked to a directory in a non-source folder than EJB Deploy may fail to locate this directory properly. The result is some EJB deploy code will go to the non-source folder parent directory followed by deploy failing with a NullPointerException.
- (JR25549) Type mismatch: cannot convert from char to String error in the deployed code after deploying a EJB project containing a CMP entity with a char primary key CMP attribute.
- (PK36222) Preparation for Deployment fails on an EJB project checked into ClearCase® in a workspace that is not connected to ClearCase.
To install the interim fix directly from the IBM update server, you will require 900 MB of disk space.
3.2 Software requirements
Before you can install this fix pack, you must install WebSphere Application Server Toolkit, Version 6.1.1.
3.3 Installation instructions
For information about installing an uninstalling the fix pack see, the instructions at ftp://ftp.software.ibm.com/software/websphere/appserv/support/tools/AST/local/fixpacks/ast61/fp6112/html/install_local_6112_fixpack2.html.
This section describes known limitations and problems specific to this release, and any workarounds that are available.
The "Developing data access applications" section of the information center incorrectly contains a reference to functionality supporting the deployment of JAR files for Java stored procedures, in the topic called "Routine and JAR file deployment."
JAR file deployment is not supported, and the reference should be ignored. The rest of the information in this topic is accurate.
Use of this feature is subject to the same terms and conditions which govern the use of the Product which included this feature.