IBM WebSphere Update Installer for WebSphere Software



Before using this information, be sure to read the general information under Appendix A. Notices.

Compilation date: 02 Mar 2005
Copyright International Business Machines Corporation 2004, 2005. All rights reserved.
US Government Users Restricted Rights -- Use, duplication or disclosure restricted by GSA ADP Schedule Contract with IBM Corp.


How to send your comments
Applying service
Location of the response file
Installing silently
Response file user entry validation
Usage notes
Example install.txt file
Uninstalling service
Location of the response file
Uninstalling silently
Response file user entry validation
Usage notes
Example uninstall.txt file
update command
Command options
Commands for installing interim fixes
Commands for uninstalling interim fixes
Installing multiple interim fixes
Automating maintenance operations
Logs created when installing service
Logs created when uninstalling service
Indicators of success
Known problems and workarounds for the update command
Known problems in Version
Product uninstall
Relaunch fails
Appendix A. Notices
Appendix B. Trademarks and service marks

How to send your comments

Your feedback is important in helping to provide the most accurate and highest quality information.

When you send information to IBM, you grant IBM a nonexclusive right to use or distribute the information in any way it believes appropriate without incurring any obligation to you.

Applying service

This topic describes how to use the IBM Update Installer for WebSphere Software to install interim fixes, fix packs, and refresh packs. The Update Installer for WebSphere Software is also known as the update installer program, the UpdateInstaller program, and the Update installation wizard.

Use the proper authorizations to successfully install product updates. Use the update installer program as the root user on a Linux or UNIX platform, or as the administrator on a Windows platform.

The Update Installer wizard is an InstallShield for Multiplatforms wizard that runs with either a graphical user interface or in silent mode with or without a response file. When you omit the response file in silent mode, the wizard installs the last maintenance package that you downloaded to the default maintenance directory.

The following descriptions contain reference information about installing interim fixes, fix packs, and refresh packs on WebSphere Application Server products:

Overview of the installation procedure
To install an interim fix:
  1. To update an existing copy of the update installer, back up and delete the updateinstaller directory of the existing update installer before downloading the new ZIP or TAR file into the install_root directory.
  2. Download the most current version of the update installer, fix pack, or refresh pack ZIP or TAR file from the Support site into the install_root directory.
  3. Unpack the ZIP or TAR file that you downloaded to create the updateinstaller directory and several subdirectories, including the maintenance directory.
  4. Interim fix only: Download the interim fix from the Support Web site into the maintenance directory.
  5. Use the update installer to install the interim fix, fix pack, or refresh pack. The update installer creates a backup file in the install_root/properties/version/update/backup directory. IBM does not support user modifications to backup files.
Updating existing profiles in WebSphere Application Server products
The update installer updates the core product files in a WebSphere Application Server product. Service in a maintenance package might update the following files in the installation root directory:

Maintenance packages do not update existing profiles. Existing profiles might not have all of the bug fixes, new functionality, and new features of the installed maintenance package.

To receive all the bug fixes, functionality, and features from a maintenance package, create a new profile after installing the maintenance package.

Viewing the fix level of the node
You can use the versionInfo command in the install_root/bin directory to display the exact fix and version level of the product. However, do not use the versionInfo command while installing or uninstalling a maintenance package.
Updating cluster members

Apply the same maintenance packages to all of the WebSphere Application Server nodes in a cluster. When all of the cluster members are not at the same service level, the following exception can occur:

DRSCacheApp   E DRSW0008E: 
   Exception is: 

This error can cause memory replication to not function properly.

Do not launch multiple copies of the Update Installer wizard at one time: Concurrent launches of the update installer program are not supported. Performing more than one update at the same time can produce unpredictable results, which might include a failed or faulty installation.

Required information

The graphical interface requires the following information that you must supply:

Table 1. Information required when installing a maintenance package
Field Valid values Description
File path of the installation root directory of the WebSphere product and the Update Installer Identify the installation root directory for one of the following products:
  • IBM WebSphere Application Server
  • IBM WebSphere Application Server - Express
  • Embedded version of the IBM WebSphere Application Server - Express
  • IBM WebSphere Application Server Network Deployment
  • IBM WebSphere Extended Deployment
  • IBM Application Client for WebSphere Application Server
  • IBM WebSphere Business Integration Server Foundation
  • Web server plug-ins for WebSphere Application Server
Download and unpack the Update Installer for WebSphere Software within each set of core product files that you intend to update.

The Update Installer application selects the product in its parent directory by default.

File name of the maintenance package to install. Select a maintenance package to install from the maintenance directory. The default maintenance package is the package with the latest date stamp and time stamp.
See Known problems and workarounds for the update command for information about known problems and workarounds.

The following procedure describes how to install a maintenance package. See Uninstalling service for a description of how to remove a maintenance package.

  1. Log on as root on a Linux or UNIX operating system, or as a member of the administrator group on a Windows system.

    [Linux] [UNIX]In addition, verify that the umask setting is 022. To verify the umask setting, issue the following command:


    To set the umask setting to 022, issue the following command:

    umask 022
  2. Install the product that you intend to update.

    You have very likely already installed the software that you are now updating. But if not, install the software now.

  3. Back up and delete any older copy of the update installer before downloading the current update installer. To use a newer version of the update installer, you must first remove the older version.
    1. Back up any files and subdirectories in the install_root/updateinstaller/maintenance directory, if necessary.
    2. Delete the install_root/updateinstaller/maintenance directory and all of its subdirectories.
  4. Refresh packs and fix packs only: Download the fix pack or refresh pack ZIP file or TAR file from the Support site into the installation root directory.

    The ZIP file or TAR file for a refresh pack or a fix pack contains the update installer. Download the ZIP or TAR file for the Update Installer for WebSphere Software from one of the following IBM Web sites:

    For example, download the refresh pack or fix pack to one of the following directories in a Version 6 environment:

    Or to one of the following directories in a Version Extended Deployment environment:

  5. Interim fixes only: Download the update installer from the Support site into the installation root directory.

    Download the ZIP or TAR file for the Update Installer for WebSphere Software from one of the following IBM Web sites:

    For example, download the Update Installer to one of the following directories in a Version 6 environment:

    Or to one of the following directories in a Version Extended Deployment environment:

  6. Unpack the ZIP file or the TAR file to create the following directory structure:

    Version information is stored in the version.txt file in the updateinstaller directory. A new version might ship to correspond to any new fix. Information in the version.txt file is displayed prominently in the title bar of the wizard and is also recorded in the updatelog.txt file.

    Always download and use the latest version of the Update Installer wizard when installing an interim fix.

  7. Interim fixes only: Download the maintenance package *.pak file from the Support Web site into the maintenance directory.

    Download maintenance packages for the Update Installer for WebSphere Software to install from the following IBM Web pages:

    Do not attempt to unzip or unpack the *.pak file.
  8. [Windows]Use the Windows Services panel to stop all services for WebSphere Application Server processes.
  9. Stop all Java processes that use the IBM Software Developer Kit (SDK) that the WebSphere Application Server product provides.

    Before installing or uninstalling interim fixes, fix packs, and refresh packs on a machine, stop all Java processes on the machine that use the IBM SDK, Java Technology Edition that WebSphere Application Server provides.

    WebSphere Application Server processes include:

    Stop all Java processes, if necessary. If you install an interim fix while a WebSphere Application Server-related Java process runs, IBM does not guarantee that the product can continue to run successfully, or without error.

    See the following technote for more information, Stop all WebSphere Application Server-related Java processes before using the Update Installer for WebSphere software.

  10. Determine if you are updating the IBM SDK, Java Technology Edition. If so, you can clone the IBM SDK from the parent product to the Update Installer wizard directory during the installation of the maintenance package.

    Cloning the SDK copies the install_root/java directory to the install_root/updateinstaller/java directory.

    The Update Installer for WebSphere Software searches known locations for a suitable IBM SDK to use. In order, the Update Installer wizard looks for a valid Java Virtual Machine (JVM) in the following locations:

    1. The install_root/updateinstaller/java directory (when updating the product SDK)
    2. The install_root/java directory (preferred SDK to use)
    3. [Linux] [UNIX]The directory identified by one of the following environment variables on a Linux or UNIX system:
      1. JAVA_HOME
      2. JAVAHOME
      3. JRE_HOME
      4. JREHOME

      When no JVM is present in one of the first two locations, set one of the environment variables to point the Update Installer wizard to a valid JVM.

    In some cases, you might have to source the setupCmdLine script to properly set the JAVA_HOME variable. See the following technote for more information, Using the setupCmdLine script to set JAVA_HOME before running the Update Installer for WebSphere software.

  11. Verify that the following prerequisite conditions are met:
  12. Use the update installer to install the maintenance package.

    Install the maintenance package on the deployment manager node before installing the maintenance package on each application server node that you intend to update.

    Issue one of the following commands to use the graphical interface:

    Table 2. Update installer commands for installing with the graphical interface
    Command example Type of installation Description
    update Graphical interface mode Initializes the maintenance package field with the name of the maintenance package that has the most recent date stamp and time stamp.

    Accept all of the default values to install the maintenance package with the most recent time stamp.

    update -W "false" Graphical interface mode that bypasses prerequisites checking Initializes the maintenance package field with the name of the maintenance package that has the most recent date stamp and time stamp. Bypasses prerequisites checking.
    update -options "responsefiles/file_name" Graphical interface mode with an options file Overrides all graphical interface values with values that you specified in the options response file.

    If you omit either value, the default maintenance package is the one with the most recent date stamp and time stamp. The default software is the software installed in the parent directory.

    update -W maintenance.package="e: \IBM\WebSphere\AppServer \updateinstaller\maintenance\ PQ20029.pak" Graphical interface mode Overrides the name of the maintenance package to apply.
    update -W product.location="e: \IBM\WebSphere\AppServer" Graphical interface mode Overrides the location of the WebSphere software to update.
    update -W product.location="e: \IBM\WebSphere\AppServer" -W maintenance.package="e: \IBM\WebSphere\AppServer \updateinstaller\maintenance\ PQ20029.pak" Graphical interface mode Overrides the location of the WebSphere software to update and the name of the maintenance package to apply.

    Issue one of the following commands to use the silent interface:

    Table 3. Update installer commands for installing in silent mode
    Command example Type of installation Description
    update -silent Silent mode Installs the maintenance package with the most recent time stamp to update the software that is installed in the parent directory.
    update -silent -W "false" Silent mode that bypasses prerequisites checking Installs the maintenance package with the most recent time stamp to update the software that is installed in the parent directory. Bypasses prerequisites checking.
    update -W maintenance.package="e: \IBM\WebSphere\AppServer \updateinstaller\maintenance \PQ20029.pak" -silent Silent mode By default, the wizard installs the maintenance package with the most recent date stamp and time stamp.

    Use the package override to install another maintenance package. You do not need a response file. The default software is the software installed in the parent directory.

    update -silent -options "responsefiles/file_name" Silent mode with an options file Overrides all default values with values that you specified in the options response file.

    If you omit either value from the response file, the default maintenance package is the one with the most recent date stamp and time stamp. The default software is the software installed in the parent directory.

    update -W product.location="e: \IBM\WebSphere\AppServer" -silent Silent mode Updates the WebSphere software specified in the command with the maintenance package that has the most recent date stamp and time stamp. The silent installation does not refer to a response file.
    update -W product.location="e: \IBM\WebSphere\AppServer" -W maintenance.package="e: \IBM\WebSphere\AppServer \updateinstaller\maintenance\ PQ20029.pak" -silent Silent mode Updates the WebSphere software specified in the command with the maintenance package specified in the command. The silent installation does not refer to a response file.

This procedure results in installing maintenance packages to update WebSphere software.

After installing an maintenance package, continue to use your WebSphere software.


This topic describes the response file for installing service using the Update Installer for WebSphere Software.

Install an update silently using the options response file.

The install.txt file has one directive that identifies the backup file for installing a service update. Comments in the file describe how to set the string value.

The Update Installer for WebSphere Software wizard reads the options file to determine responses and does not display the graphical user interface. The following command uses a copy of the options file named myresponsefile.txt for a silent installation:

./update -options "responsefiles/myresponsefile.txt" -silent

If you do not use the -silent option, the response file provides initial values for the graphical interface.

Location of the response file

The sample options response file is named install.txt. The file is in the install_root/updateinstaller/responsefiles directory after you unzip the Update Installer for WebSphere Software into the installation root directory of the WebSphere software product.

Installing silently

The options file supplies the values to the Update installer wizard when installing silently. The wizard reads the options file to determine responses and does not display the graphical user interface. The following command uses a copy of the options file named myresponsefile.txt for a silent installation:

update -options "myresponsefile.txt" -silent

Response file user entry validation

In a silent installation, response file validation is coded into the installation. If the validation does not pass, the failure is recorded in the log files in the install_root/logs/update/tmp directory.

Location of the maintenance package to be installed
Default directive setting
-W maintenance.package=""
Valid setting
You must set this directive to the location of the PAK file. For example, you might specify the following location on a Linux system:
Error identifiers:
  • Maintenance package maintenance_package_name is already installed on the system.
  • Selected product is not supported.
  • Configuration failed. The config action that failed was: configuration_action.
  • Install the following prerequisite APARs before installing the current maintenance to the target product: list_ of_ prerequisite_ maintenance_ packages_ to_ install
  • Install the following prerequisite maintenance packages before installing the package you are currently attempting to install: list_ of_ prerequisite_ maintenance_ packages_ to_ install
  • Uninstall the following APARs before applying the current maintenance to the target product: list_ of_ prerequisite_ maintenance_ packages_ to_ uninstall
  • Uninstall the following maintenance packages before applying the current maintenance to the target product: list_ of_ prerequisite_ maintenance_ packages_ to_ uninstall
  • Unable to locate the correct version of the_update_installer. Looking for version version_identifier.
  • Maintenance_package is not a valid maintenance package.
Alternate product location

Although applying maintenance to another product is possible, always use the Update installer wizard within the directory structure of the product that you are updating. Do not use this directive unless absolutely necessary.

Default directive setting
-W product.location=""
Valid setting
You must set this directive to the installation root directory of the alternate product. For example, you might specify the following location on a Linux system:
Error identifiers:
  • Maintenance package maintenance_package_name is already installed on the system.
  • Selected product is not supported.
  • Configuration failed. The config action that failed was: configuration_action.
  • Install the following prerequisite APARs before installing the current maintenance to the target product: list_ of_ prerequisite_ maintenance_ packages_ to_ install
  • Install the following prerequisite maintenance packages before installing the package you are currently attempting to install: list_ of_ prerequisite_ maintenance_ packages_ to_ install
  • Uninstall the following APARs before applying the current maintenance to the target product: list_ of_ prerequisite_ maintenance_ packages_ to_ uninstall
  • Uninstall the following maintenance packages before applying the current maintenance to the target product: list_ of_ prerequisite_ maintenance_ packages_ to_ uninstall
  • Unable to locate the correct version of the_update_installer. Looking for version version_identifier.
  • Maintenance_package is not a valid maintenance package.
  • Alternate_product_directory could not be validated as an existing directory.

Usage notes

Example install.txt file

Edit the version of the file that is included in the Update Installer for WebSphere Software ZIP file. The following example is not guaranteed to be an accurate representation of the actual file.

# This is the silent install response file for installing maintenance packages
# using the update installer.
# A common use of an options file is to run the wizard in silent mode. This lets
# the options file author specify wizard settings without having to run the
# wizard in graphical or console mode. To use this options file for silent mode
# execution, *uncomment* and modify the parameters defined within.
# Use the following command line when running the wizard from the update 
# installer directory:
#    update -options responsefiles/install.txt -silent

# Used to input the maintenance package full filename specification to be installed. 
# Edit as appropriate.
# ie. -W maintenance.package="C:\Program Files\WebSphere\AppServer\
#          updateinstaller\maintenance\PQ20029.pak"
# Note: If no package is specified, a default of the last downloaded maintenance 
# package will be used (based on timestamp).
#-W maintenance.package=

# Used to modify the product install location that will be updated. 
# This value should be left commented out if the Update Installer is 
# being run from the recommended location
# ie. -W product.location="C:\Program Files\WebSphere\AppServer"
# Note: If no location is specified, the parent directory to update installer 
# will be used as default
#-W product.location=""

# Do not edit these values.
-W update.type="install"

Uninstalling service

This topic describes how to use the Update Installer for WebSphere Software to uninstall interim fixes, fix packs, and refresh packs. The Update Installer for WebSphere Software is also known as the update installer program, the updateInstaller program, and the Update installation wizard.

Use the proper authorizations to successfully uninstall product updates. Use the update installer program as the root user on a Linux or UNIX platform, or as the administrator on a Windows platform.

The Update Installer wizard is an InstallShield for Multiplatforms wizard that runs with either a graphical user interface or in silent mode with a response file.

See Known problems and workarounds for the update command for information about known problems and workarounds.

The following descriptions contain reference information about uninstalling interim fixes, fix packs, and refresh packs on WebSphere Application Server products:

Overview of the uninstall procedure
To uninstall a maintenance package:
  1. Use the update installer to install the maintenance package, which creates a backup file in the install_root/properties/version/update/backup directory. IBM does not support user modifications to backup files.
  2. Use the update installer program to remove the maintenance package as described in this topic.
Viewing the fix level of the node
You can use the versionInfo command in the install_root/bin directory to display the exact fix and version level of the product. However, do not use the versionInfo command while installing or uninstalling a maintenance package.

Do not launch multiple copies of the Update Installer wizard at one time: Concurrent launches of the update installer program are not supported. Performing more than one update at the same time can produce unpredictable results, which might include a failed or faulty installation.

Required information

The graphical interface requires the following information that you must supply:

Table 4. Information required when uninstalling a maintenance package
Field Valid values Description
File path of the installation root directory of the WebSphere product and the Update Installer Identify the installation root directory for one of the following products:
  • IBM WebSphere Application Server
  • IBM WebSphere Application Server - Express
  • Embedded version of the IBM WebSphere Application Server - Express
  • IBM WebSphere Application Server Network Deployment
  • IBM WebSphere Extended Deployment
  • IBM Application Client for WebSphere Application Server
  • IBM WebSphere Business Integration Server Foundation
  • Web server plug-ins for WebSphere Application Server
The Update Installer application defaults to select the product in its parent directory.
File name of the maintenance package to uninstall. Select a maintenance package to uninstall from the install_root/properties/version/ update/backup directory. The default maintenance package is the package with the latest date stamp and time stamp in the install_root /properties/version/ update/backup directory.

The following procedure describes how to uninstall a maintenance package.

  1. Log on as root on a Linux or UNIX operating system, or as a member of the administrator group on a Windows system.

    [Linux] [UNIX]In addition, verify that the umask setting is 022. To verify the umask setting, issue the following command:


    To set the umask setting to 022, issue the following command:

    umask 022
  2. Change directories to the updateinstaller directory in the installation root directory.

    For example, change directories to one of the following directories in a Version 6 environment:

    Or change directories to one of the following directories in a Version Extended Deployment environment:

  3. [Windows]Use the Windows Services panel to stop all services for WebSphere Application Server processes.
  4. Stop all Java processes that use the IBM Software Developer Kit (SDK) that the WebSphere Application Server product provides.

    Before uninstalling interim fixes, fix packs, and refresh packs on a machine, stop all Java processes on the machine that use the IBM SDK, Java Technology Edition that WebSphere Application Server provides.

    WebSphere Application Server processes include:

    Stop all Java processes, if necessary. If you uninstall a maintenance package while a WebSphere Application Server-related Java process runs, IBM does not guarantee that the product can continue to run successfully, or without error.

  5. Determine if you are removing a maintenance package that updated the IBM SDK, Java Technology Edition. If so, you can clone the IBM SDK from the parent product to the Update Installer wizard directory. Cloning the SDK copies the install_root/java directory to the install_root/updateinstaller/java directory.

    The Update Installer for WebSphere Software searches known locations for a suitable IBM SDK to use. In order, the Update Installer wizard looks for a valid Java Virtual Machine (JVM) in the following locations:

    1. The install_root/updateinstaller/java directory (when updating the product SDK)
    2. The install_root/java directory (preferred SDK to use)
    3. [Linux] [UNIX]The directory identified by one of the following environment variables on a Linux or UNIX system:
      1. JAVA_HOME
      2. JAVAHOME
      3. JRE_HOME
      4. JREHOME

      When no JVM is present in one of the first two locations, set one of the environment variables to point the Update Installer wizard to a valid JVM.

    The preferred SDK for starting the Update Installer wizard is the SDK in the parent product. Always use the product SDK when possible.

    To uninstall a fix pack or interim fix for the IBM SDK in the parent product, do not start the Update Installer wizard using the product SDK that you intend to update. Using the SDK locks the SDK and prevents the update. Copy the SDK from the install_root/java directory to the install_root/updateinstaller/java directory. The Update Installer wizard uses the SDK in the install_root/updateinstaller/java directory if it is present.

    Alternatively, copy the IBM SDK from the parent product to a temporary location and use the -is:javahome ISMP parameter to identify the location as you run the update installer command:

    update -is:javahome="my_fully_qualified_temp_SDK_location"
  6. Use the update installer to uninstall the maintenance package.

    Uninstall the interim fix on each application server node in a cell before uninstalling the maintenance package from the deployment manager node.

    Issue one of the following commands to uninstall with the graphical interface:

    Table 5. Update installer commands for uninstalling with the graphical interface
    Command example Type of installation Description
    update -W update.type="uninstall" Graphical interface mode Initializes the maintenance package field with the name of the maintenance package that was most recently installed.

    Accept all of the default values to uninstall the maintenance package with the most recent date stamp and time stamp.

    update -W product.location="e: \IBM\WebSphere\AppServer" -W update.type="uninstall" Graphical interface mode Overrides the graphical interface with the location of the WebSphere software to update. The default maintenance package to uninstall is the most recently installed maintenance package for that software.
    update -W backup.package="PQ20029.pak" -W update.type="uninstall" Graphical interface mode Overrides the maintenance package field with the name of the maintenance package to uninstall.
    update -W product.location="e: \IBM\WebSphere\AppServer" -W backup.package="PQ20029.pak" -W update.type="uninstall" Graphical interface mode Overrides the location of the WebSphere software to update and the name of the maintenance package to uninstall.
    update -options "responsefiles/file_name" Graphical interface mode with an options file Overrides all default values with values that you specified in the options response file.

    If you omit either value from the response file, the default maintenance package is the installed package with the most recent date stamp and time stamp. The default software is the software installed in the parent directory.

    Issue one of the following commands to use the silent interface:

    Table 6. Update installer commands for installing in silent mode
    Command example Type of installation Description
    update -W update.type="uninstall" -silent Silent mode Uninstalls the maintenance package with the most recent date stamp and time stamp to update the software that is installed in the parent directory.
    update -W product.location="e: \IBM\WebSphere\AppServer" -W update.type="uninstall" -silent Silent mode Overrides the default location of the WebSphere software to update. The default maintenance package to uninstall is the most recently installed maintenance package for that software.
    update -W backup.package="PQ20029.pak" -W update.type="uninstall" -silent Silent mode Overrides the interim fix field with the name of the maintenance package to uninstall.
    update -W product.location="e: \IBM\WebSphere\AppServer" -W backup.package="PQ20029.pak" -W update.type="uninstall" Silent mode Overrides the location of the WebSphere software to update and the name of the maintenance package to uninstall.
    update -silent -options "responsefiles/file_name" Silent mode with an options file Overrides all default values with values that you specified in the options response file.

    If you omit either value from the response file, the default maintenance package is the installed package with the most recent date stamp and time stamp. The default software is the software installed in the parent directory.

This procedure results in uninstalling maintenance packages to update WebSphere software.

After uninstalling maintenance packages, you can continue to use the WebSphere software.


This topic describes the response file for uninstalling service using the Update Installer for WebSphere Software.

Uninstall an update silently using the options response file.

The uninstall.txt file has one directive that identifies the backup file for uninstalling a service update. Comments in the file describe how to set the string value.

The Update Installer for WebSphere Software wizard reads the options file to determine responses and does not display the graphical user interface. The following command uses a copy of the options file named myresponsefile.txt for a silent uninstall:

./update -options "responsefiles/myresponsefile.txt" -silent

If you do not use the -silent option, the response file provides initial values for the graphical interface.

Location of the response file

The sample options response file is named uninstall.txt. The file is in the install_root/updateinstaller/responsefiles directory after you unzip the Update Installer for WebSphere Software into the installation root directory of the WebSphere software product.

Uninstalling silently

The options file supplies the values to the Update installer wizard when uninstalling silently. The wizard reads the options file to determine responses and does not display the graphical user interface. The following command uses a copy of the options file named myresponsefile.txt for a silent uninstall:

update -options "myresponsefile.txt" -silent

Response file user entry validation

In a silent uninstall, response file validation has been coded into the installation. If the validation does not pass, the failure is recorded in the log files in the install_root/logs/update/tmp directory.

Location of the maintenance package to be uninstalled
Default directive setting
-W backup.package=""
Valid setting
You must set this directive to the location of the backup file. The backup file reverses the application of the maintenance. For example, you might specify the following location on a Linux system:
Error identifiers:
  • The maintenance package cannot be uninstalled. Uninstalling the maintenance would break the following superseding maintenance packages. Uninstall the superseding maintenance packages first: list_of_superseding_maintenance_packages
  • This maintenance package cannot be uninstalled. The following maintenance packages are dependent on the package that you are attempting to uninstall: list_of_dependent_maintenance_packages
  • This maintenance package cannot be uninstalled. The following maintenance packages are dependent on the APARs you are attempting to uninstall: list_of_dependent_maintenance_packages
  • No installation backup packages are available for uninstalling maintenance.
Alternate product location

Although uninstalling maintenance from another product is possible, always use the Update installer wizard from the directory structure of the product that you are updating. Do not use this directive unless absolutely necessary.

Default directive setting
-W product.location=""""
Valid setting
You must set this directive to the installation root directory of the alternate product. For example, you might specify the following location on a Linux system:
Error identifiers:
  • The maintenance package cannot be uninstalled. Uninstalling the maintenance would break the following superseding maintenance packages. Uninstall the superseding maintenance packages first: list_of_superseding_maintenance_packages
  • This maintenance package cannot be uninstalled. The following maintenance packages are dependent on the package that you are attempting to uninstall: list_of_dependent_maintenance_packages
  • This maintenance package cannot be uninstalled. The following maintenance packages are dependent on the APARs you are attempting to uninstall: list_of_dependent_maintenance_packages
  • No installation backup packages are available for uninstalling maintenance.

Usage notes

Example uninstall.txt file

Edit the version of the file that is included in the Update Installer for WebSphere Software ZIP file. The following example is not guaranteed to be an accurate representation of the actual file.

# This is the silent install response file for uninstalling maintenance packages
# using the update installer.
# A common use of an options file is to run the wizard in silent mode. This lets
# the options file author specify wizard settings without having to run the
# wizard in graphical or console mode. To use this options file for silent mode
# execution, *uncomment* and modify the parameters defined within.
# Use the following command line when running the wizard from the update 
# installer directory:
#    update -options responsefiles/uninstall.txt -silent

# Used to input the maintenance backup package filename to be uninstalled. 
# This is the same filename as the package that was originally installed.
# A maintenance package can only be uninstalled if a backup package exists.
# ie. -W backup.package="PQ20029.pak"
# Note: If no package is specified, a default of the last installed maintenance 
# package will be used.
#-W backup.package=""

# Used to modify the product install location that will be updated. 
# This value should be left commented out if the Update Installer is 
# being run from the recommended location
# ie. -W product.location="C:\Program Files\WebSphere\AppServer"
# Note: If no location is specified, the parent directory to update installer 
# will be used as default
#-W product.location=""

# Do not edit these values.
-W update.type="uninstall"

update command

The update command is the Update Installer for WebSphere Software program. The Update installer wizard is also known as the Update installation wizard, the update installer program, and the updateInstaller program.

The update installer program installs and uninstalls interim fixes, fix packs, and refresh packs to update WebSphere software.


The update command calls the update installer program to install and uninstall service to update WebSphere software. This topic describes the update installer command and its command-line parameters.

The following descriptions contain reference information about the command.

See Applying service and Uninstalling service for information about using the command.

See Known problems and workarounds for the update command for information about known problems and workarounds.

Command options

The following table list commands for installing and uninstalling interim fixes.

Commands for installing interim fixes

Issue one of the following commands to use the graphical interface:

Table 7. Update installer commands for installing with the graphical interface
Command example Type of installation Description
update Graphical interface mode Initializes the interim fix field with the name of the interim fix that has the most recent date stamp and time stamp.

Accept all of the default values to install the interim fix with the most recent time stamp.

update -W "false" Graphical interface mode that bypasses prerequisites checking Initializes the interim fix field with the name of the interim fix that has the most recent date stamp and time stamp. Bypasses prerequisites checking.
update -options "responsefiles/file_name" Graphical interface mode with an options file Overrides all graphical interface values with values that you specified in the options response file.

If you omit either value, the default maintenance package is the one with the most recent date stamp and time stamp. The default software is the software installed in the parent directory.

update -W maintenance.package="e: \IBM\WebSphere\AppServer \updateinstaller\maintenance \PQ20029.pak" Graphical interface mode Overrides the name of the maintenance package to apply.
update -W product.location="e: \IBM\WebSphere\AppServer" Graphical interface mode Overrides the location of the WebSphere software to update.
update -W product.location="e: \IBM\WebSphere\AppServer" -W maintenance.package="e: \IBM\WebSphere\AppServer \updateinstaller\maintenance \PQ20029.pak" Graphical interface mode Overrides the location of the WebSphere software to update and the name of the maintenance package to apply.

Issue one of the following commands to use the silent interface:

Table 8. Update installer commands for installing in silent mode
Command example Type of installation Description
update -silent Silent mode Installs the interim fix with the most recent time stamp to update the software that is installed in the parent directory.
update -silent -W "false" Silent mode that bypasses prerequisites checking Installs the interim fix with the most recent time stamp to update the software that is installed in the parent directory. Bypasses prerequisites checking.
update -W maintenance.package="e: \IBM\WebSphere\AppServer\updateinstaller \maintenance\PQ20029.pak" -silent Silent mode By default, the wizard installs the interim fix with the most recent date stamp and time stamp.

Use the package override to install another maintenance package. You do not need a response file. The default software is the software installed in the parent directory.

update -silent -options "responsefiles/file_name" Silent mode with an options file Overrides all default values with values that you specified in the options response file.

If you omit either value from the response file, the default maintenance package is the one with the most recent date stamp and time stamp. The default software is the software installed in the parent directory.

update -W product.location="e: \IBM\WebSphere\AppServer" -silent Silent mode Updates the WebSphere software specified in the command with the maintenance package that has the most recent date stamp and time stamp. The silent installation does not refer to a response file.
update -W product.location="e: \IBM\WebSphere\AppServer" -W maintenance.package="e: \IBM\WebSphere\AppServer\updateinstaller \maintenance\PQ20029.pak" -silent Silent mode Updates the WebSphere software specified in the command with the maintenance package specified in the command. The silent installation does not refer to a response file.

Commands for uninstalling interim fixes

Issue one of the following commands to uninstall with the graphical interface:

Table 9. Update installer commands for uninstalling with the graphical interface
Command example Type of installation Description
update -W update.type="uninstall" Graphical interface mode Initializes the interim fix field with the name of the interim fix that was most recently installed.

Accept all of the default values to uninstall the interim fix with the most recent date stamp and time stamp.

update -W product.location="e: \IBM\WebSphere\AppServer" -W update.type="uninstall" Graphical interface mode Overrides the graphical interface with the location of the WebSphere software to update. The default interim fix to uninstall is the most recently installed interim fix for that software.
update -W backup.package="PQ20029.pak" -W update.type="uninstall" Graphical interface mode Overrides the interim fix field with the name of the maintenance package to uninstall.
update -W product.location="e: \IBM\WebSphere\AppServer" -W backup.package="PQ20029.pak" -W update.type="uninstall" Graphical interface mode Overrides the location of the WebSphere software to update and the name of the maintenance package to uninstall.
update -options "responsefiles/file_name" Graphical interface mode with an options file Overrides all default values with values that you specified in the options response file.

If you omit either value from the response file, the default maintenance package is the installed package with the most recent date stamp and time stamp. The default software is the software installed in the parent directory.

Issue one of the following commands to use the silent interface:

Table 10. Update installer commands for installing in silent mode
Command example Type of installation Description
update -W update.type="uninstall" -silent Silent mode Uninstalls the interim fix with the most recent date stamp and time stamp to update the software that is installed in the parent directory.
update -W product.location="e: \IBM\WebSphere\AppServer" -W update.type="uninstall" -silent Silent mode Overrides the default location of the WebSphere software to update. The default interim fix to uninstall is the most recently installed interim fix for that software.
update -W backup.package="PQ20029.pak" -W update.type="uninstall" -silent Silent mode Overrides the interim fix field with the name of the maintenance package to uninstall.
update -W product.location="e: \IBM\WebSphere\AppServer" -W backup.package="PQ20029.pak" -W update.type="uninstall" Silent mode Overrides the location of the WebSphere software to update and the name of the maintenance package to uninstall.
update -silent -options "responsefiles/file_name" Silent mode with an options file Overrides all default values with values that you specified in the options response file.

If you omit either value from the response file, the default maintenance package is the installed package with the most recent date stamp and time stamp. The default software is the software installed in the parent directory.

Installing multiple interim fixes

Use a script to issue more than one command. Each command identifies one maintenance package to install. For example:

update -W maintenance.package="e:\IBM\WebSphere\AppServer\updateinstaller\maintenance\PQ20028.pak" -silent
update -W maintenance.package="e:\IBM\WebSphere\AppServer\updateinstaller\maintenance\PQ20029.pak" -silent

Automating maintenance operations

Most fix packs and refresh packs include some maintenance for the IBM SDK, Java technology edition in the install_root/java directory. When a refresh pack, fix pack, or interim fix updates the SDK, the Update Installer for WebSphere Software program clones the SDK in the product by starting an ISMP process to copy the SDK to the install_root/updateinstaller/java directory:


To use a script to perform a silent maintenance installation, you must launch the update installer program twice. The first command clones the SDK only and does not automatically relaunch the update installer program. The second command uses the cloned SDK to update the product and the SDK in the product.

The Update Installer for WebSphere always uses the SDK in the install_root/updateinstaller directory if the SDK is present.

Issue the following commands from the script:

  1. update -silent [other_options] -W

    For example, use the following command to clone the SDK:

    /opt/WebSphere/AppServer/updateinstaller/update \
       -silent \
       -W \

    Identify the interim fix in the first command if the interim fix is not the last maintenance package that you downloaded. {Omit the Linux and UNIX line-continuation characters (\) when issuing the command on one line.}

  2. update -silent

    The update installer program uses the cloned copy of the SDK in the install_root/updateinstaller directory at the next invocation of the command. For example, use the following command to install the update using the cloned SDK:

    /opt/WebSphere/AppServer/updateinstaller/update \
       -silent -W maintenance.package=\
       "/opt/WebSphere/AppServer/updateinstaller/maintenance/\" \
       -W update.type="install" \
       -W product.location="/opt/WebSphere/AppServer" 

    {Omit the Linux and UNIX line-continuation characters (\) when issuing the command on one line.}


The following sections describe logging that occurs when installing and uninstalling service.

Logs created when installing service

If no installation log file exists, refer to the temporary log file in the install_root/logs/update/tmp directory. If all validations pass, the installation occurs.

Then the update installer program creates the install_root/logs/update/maintenance_package.install directory.

Within the directory are the updatelog.txt file, the compressed updatetrace.log.gz file, and the compressed updateconfig.log.gz file. The updateconfig.log.gz file exists only when the installation of service uses the internal configuration manager utility to run ANT scripts.

Logs created when uninstalling service

If no log file exists after uninstalling an interim fix, refer to the temporary log file in the install_root/logs/update/tmp directory. If all validations pass, the uninstall procedure occurs.

Then the update installer program creates the install_root/logs/update/maintenance_package.uninstall directory.

Within the directory are the updatelog.txt file, the compressed updatetrace.log.gz file, and the compressed updateconfig.log.gz file. The updateconfig.log.gz file exists only when the removal of service uses the internal configuration manager utility to run ANT scripts.

Indicators of success

The log file includes an indicator of success:

The current operation was successful. You do not need to review the log file any further.
The current operation was partially successful. System should still be in a usable state, however some non-critical actions have failed. Consult the log file to determine what has failed and how to recover from the failure, if possible.
The current operation failed. The system is no longer in a usable state. Consult the log file for more information.

Known problems and workarounds for the update command

This topic describes known problems and issues associated with the Update Installer for WebSphere Software program.

The update installer program displays its version information in the title bar of the graphical interface. Version information is stored in the version.txt file in the updateinstaller directory.

A new version might ship to correspond to any new fix. Information in the version.txt file is displayed prominently in the title bar of the wizard and is also recorded in the updatelog.txt file.

Always download and use the latest version of the Update installer wizard when installing an interim fix.

Known problems in Version

The following table describes known problems and when the problems were resolved. See the Workarounds section that follows the table for more information.

Table 11.
Description of problem Workaround Version with resolution
Product uninstall does not remove the updated product correctly. Product uninstall Current problem
Relaunch action for SDK updates does not relaunch the update installer.

[HP-UX]This is a known problem on some HP-UX systems.

Relaunch fails Current problem


The following section describes workarounds for current problems.

Product uninstall

Problem: The product uninstaller for Version 6.0.x.x cannot delete all files and directories that exist after installing a refresh pack or a fix pack.

Description: If you apply a refresh pack or a fix pack using the update installer program and then uninstall the whole product using the Version product uninstaller program, many files are left on the system.

Cause: The product uninstaller program will be fixed in a later release.

Customer action: Two workarounds exist. Use either of the following workarounds to circumvent the problem:

Relaunch fails

[HP-UX]This is a known problem on some HP-UX systems.

Problem: The update installer program cannot launch a second ISMP process that uses the cloned copy of the SDK in the install_root/updateinstaller/java directory.

Description: When a refresh pack, fix pack, or interim fix updates the IBM SDK, Java Technology edition (SDK), the update installer program clones the SDK in the product by starting an ISMP process to copy the SDK to the install_root/updateinstaller/java directory:


After copying the SDK, the update installer program stops the first ISMP process and launches a second process that uses the SDK in the install_root/updateinstaller/java directory.

Cause: The update installer program will be fixed in a later release.

Customer action: If this problem occurs, launch the update installer program again. The update installer program uses the cloned copy of the SDK in the install_root/updateinstaller/java directory if the copy is present.

Appendix A. Notices

References in this publication to IBM products, programs, or services do not imply that IBM intends to make these available in all countries in which IBM operates. Any reference to an IBM product, program, or service is not intended to state or imply that only IBM's product, program, or service may be used. Any functionally equivalent product, program, or service that does not infringe any of IBM's intellectual property rights may be used instead of the IBM product, program, or service. Evaluation and verification of operation in conjunction with other products, except those expressly designated by IBM, is the user's responsibility.

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    IBM Director of Licensing
    IBM Corporation
    500 Columbus Avenue
    Thornwood, New York  10594 USA

Appendix B. Trademarks and service marks

For trademark attribution, visit the IBM Terms of Use Web site (