IBM WebSphere Application Server - Express, Version 5.1 Fix Pack 1
IBM WebSphere Application Server, Version 5.1 Fix Pack 1
IBM WebSphere Application Server Network Deployment, Version 5.1 Fix Pack 1
IBM WebSphere Business Integration Server Foundation, Version 5.1 Fix Pack 1
IBM WebSphere Application Server client, Version 5.1 Fix Pack 1
IBM WebSphere Application Server Edge Components, Version 5.1 Fix Pack 1
IBM WebSphere Application Server Application Server Toolkit, Version 5.1 Fix Pack 1

Compilation date: 2004/07/30

© Copyright International Business Machines Corporation 2003, 2004.
All rights reserved.
US Government Users Restricted Rights – Use, duplication or disclosure restricted by GSA ADP Schedule Contract with IBM Corp.

Abstract: Documentation for Fix Pack 1 of Version 5.1 of the WebSphere Application Server product family.

Table of Contents

The license.txt file is updated in WebSphere Business Integration Server Foundation, Version 5.1.1. The updated version of the license.txt file is in the root directory of the wbisf51_fp1_<os> downloadable image.

An important note for Windows 2003 users

If you are installing Fix Pack 1 on a Windows 2003 system, you might encounter an error that causes the Fix Pack installation to fail. The error occurs when installing the component prereq.jsse. You are notified of the error by the message "Fix Pack installation failed".

The message refers to an installation log, which contains this entry for the error:

Exception: WUPD0248E: Fix pack update failure: The processing of fix pack was51_fp1_win, component prereq.jsse failed.

If you get this error, click Finish in the installation GUI to immediately exit the installation GUI program. Open a command prompt window. Go to the java subdirectory under the installation root directory where WebSphere Application Server, Version 5.1 is installed. For example, change directory to "C:\Program Files\WebSphere\AppServer\java. Run this command:

attrib -r /s  

Install Fix Pack 1 again by running the updateWizard.bat command script. The Wizard shows Fix Pack 1 as partially installed, which you can ignore. The installation program continues the installation with the 'prereq.jsse' component. The final component 'webui' takes about 5 minutes to install.

The problem is related to the read-only file attribute being set for a number of files in the install_root/java directory and subdirectories.

About Fix Pack 1

There are several platform-specific fix packs that are each referred to as Fix Pack 1 for their respective product and platform. The complete list of fix packs appears in a series of tables in the Retrieving Fix Pack 1 section, which is organized by product as follows:

This document also describes prerequisites, space requirements, download instructions, and where to find detailed installation instructions and more information about the update installer application.


Additional information

You can find the most current information about installing fix packs in the Version 5.1 information center located at The information center describes using the update installer program.

The information center is available in several different languages although the English version is the only official version. Language versions are selected automatically in the information center based on the locale of your machine. If no translation is available, the information center displays in English.

The readme_updateinstaller.* files in the fix pack contain detailed information about installing fix packs on more than one product on a machine. The information in each readme file is identical except for the format, which is HTML, text, or Adobe Acrobat PDF. The information in each readme file is from the information center. The information center and the readme files for the update installer application have detailed information about each of the two interfaces to the update installer application, which are the updateSilent and updateWizard interfaces.

The list of fixes and the Release Notes for Fix Pack 1 are on the product support Web site at Look for the appropriate link in the Download section on the page.



All required hardware and software prerequisites are described in the Supported hardware and software Web site at

The correct Java run-time environment must be available, even if the Java installation is not being updated. The Java run-time environment is embedded within each WebSphere Application Server product. Source the setupCmdLine program to set the JAVA_HOME variable to let you use the appropriate Java run-time environment, as described in the readme file for the update installer application. You can also use the following simple process for setting the correct Java run-time environment:

  1. Open a command window to stop the WebSphere Application Server Java processes, such as the deployment manager or server1, for example.
  2. Change directories to the bin directory of the installation root directory and issue the appropriate command to stop the server process, either -user user_name -password password or server1 -user user_name -password password.
  3. The JAVA_HOME environment variable is now set. Use the same command window to use the update installer application. If you close the command window, follow the procedure in the readme file for the update installer application to set the JAVA_HOME environment variable in the command window that you use to start the update installer application.

A unique Fix pack exists for each of the products in the following list. Download each Fix Pack 1 file that you require. Download and install the appropriate Fix Pack 1 to:

Download Fix Pack 1 to a read/write directory as described in Steps for installing Fix Pack 1. Installing from a read-only drive is not supported.

WebSphere Business Integration Server Foundation customers: Fix Pack 1 for the WebSphere Business Integration Server Foundation product is not available until several weeks after the availability of Fix Pack 1 for Version 5.1 of the base product and Fix Pack 1 for Version 5.1 of the Network Deployment product.

WebSphere Business Integration Server Foundation 5.1 customers must wait for the WebSphere Business Integration Server Foundation Fix Pack 1 before applying Fix Pack 1 to the extended base WebSphere Application Server product or to the extended Network Deployment product. The WebSphere Business Integration Server Foundation product must be at the same fix level as the base product or the Network Deployment product that it extends. Applying Fix Pack 1 to the extended base product without applying it to the WebSphere Business Integration Server Foundation product causes the WebSphere Business Integration Server Foundation environment to not work.

The fix level of the WebSphere Business Integration Server Foundation product must match the fix level of the product that it is extending. A unique fix pack exists for the WebSphere Business Integration Server Foundation product. For example, install the fix pack for the extended deployment manager product first. Before you use the startManager command to start the deployment manager, install the fix pack for the WebSphere Business Integration Server Foundation product that extends the deployment manager. Then you can use the startManager command.

Network Deployment customers: In a multinode cell environment, the deployment manager must be at the highest fix level within the cell. This means that you must install Fix Pack 1 for Network Deployment before you install Fix Pack 1 for each base node. The fix pack download files vary by product as described previously. You do not install the same fix pack download file on both the deployment manager and a base node in the cell. Each node has its own unique fix pack file.

After installing the fix pack on the deployment manager node, use the startManager command and verify that the deployment manager is running successfully at the V5.1.1 level. After verifying the deployment manager node, you can install the base fix pack to any base node in the cell.

Apply the base fix pack to each node in a cluster, to update the cluster successfully.

IBM HTTP Server customers: If you installed the IBM HTTP Server or a plug-in for a remote Web server using the installer program for WebSphere Application Server, install the base fix pack on the remote Web server node. This updates the IBM HTTP Server product or the plug-in for the remote Web server.

Detailed installation instructions: More information about prerequisites and detailed installation instructions are in the readme file for the update installer application. The readme file for the update installer application is available on the same download page where you downloaded this readme file.



Space requirements

The update installer program checks for required space before it installs an interim fix, a cumulative fix, or a fix pack.

Space requirements vary depending on what you are installing. The size of each download is available on the Support site. For a fix pack, have approximately 400 MB of free space in the system temporary directory (typically /tmp) and another 400 MB in the file system that hosts the WebSphere Application Server image (typically /opt) on a Linux or UNIX technology-based platform, or approximately 800 MB of free space on the disk drive where you are installing on a Windows platform.

The system temporary directory is determined by the JVM and by the operating system. It is possible for the system temporary directory and the installation root directory to be on the same partition.

Space is also required for the /update directory of the product installation root. The space required is about the same as the size of the fix pack, typically somewhere between 50 MB to 450 MB. The download sizes appear on the Support page.

Space is also required for backup files in the /properties/version/backup directory of the product installation root. The space required is about the same as the size of the fix pack, somewhere between 50 MB to 450 MB, varying by product and platform.

Verify that the required space is available before beginning the installation. After unpacking the ZIP file, you can delete the ZIP file to free space if necessary. After it is installed, the Fix Pack 1 code increases the IBM WebSphere Application Server installation and run-time footprints by a small amount.


Retrieving Fix Pack 1

Supported operating system versions and patch levels are described in the Supported hardware and software Web site at

Fix Pack 1 platform-specific files for the WebSphere Application Server - Express product:

Operating system platform Fix Pack 1 ZIP file Fix Pack 1 ID
AIX was51_express_fp1_aix
HP-UX was51_express_fp1_hpux
Linux was51_express_fp1_linux
Linux for S/390 was51_express_fp1_linux390
Solaris was51_express_fp1_solaris
Windows was51_express_fp1_win




Fix Pack 1 platform-specific files for the base WebSphere Application Server product:

Operating system platform Fix Pack 1 ZIP file Fix Pack 1 ID
AIX was51_fp1_aix
HP-UX was51_fp1_hpux
Linux was51_fp1_linux
Linux for S/390 was51_fp1_linux390
Solaris was51_fp1_solaris
Windows NT and Windows 2000 was51_fp1_win



Fix Pack 1 platform-specific files for the Network Deployment product:

Operating system platform Fix Pack 1 ZIP file Fix Pack 1 ID
AIX was51_nd_fp1_aix
HP-UX was51_nd_fp1_hpux
Linux was51_nd_fp1_linux
Linux for S/390 was51_nd_fp1_linux390
Solaris was51_nd_fp1_solaris
Windows was51_nd_fp1_win



Fix Pack 1 platform-specific files for the WebSphere Business Integration Server Foundation product:

Operating system platform Fix Pack 1 ZIP file Fix Pack 1 ID
AIX wbisf51_fp1_aix (to extend the base product)
wbisf51_nd_fp1_aix (to extend the Network Deployment product)
HP-UX wbisf51_fp1_hpux (to extend the base product)
wbisf51_nd_fp1_hpux (to extend the Network Deployment product)
Linux wbisf51_fp1_linux (base)
wbisf51_nd_fp1_linux (Network Deployment)
Linux for S/390 wbisf51_fp1_linux390 (base)
wbisf51_nd_fp1_linux390 (Network Deployment)
Solaris wbisf51_fp1_solaris (base)
wbisf51_nd_fp1_solaris (Network Deployment)
Windows wbisf51_fp1_win (base)
wbisf51_nd_fp1_win (Network Deployment)


Fix Pack 1 platform-specific files for the WebSphere Application Server client:

Operating system platform Fix Pack 1 ZIP file Fix Pack 1 ID
AIX was51_client_fp1_aix
HP-UX was51_client_fp1_hpux
Linux was51_client_fp1_linux
Linux for S/390 was51_client_fp1_linux390
Solaris was51_client_fp1_solaris
Windows was51_client_fp1_win


Fix Pack 1 platform-specific files for the WebSphere Application Server Edge Components:

Operating system platform Fix Pack 1 ZIP file Fix Pack 1 ID
AIX 4.3 EdgeComponents-5.1.1-aix43.tar EdgeComponents-5.1.1-aix43
AIX 5.1 EdgeComponents-5.1.1-aix51.tar EdgeComponents-5.1.1-aix51
HP-UX EdgeComponents-5.1.1-hpux.tar EdgeComponents-5.1.1-hpux
Linux EdgeComponents-5.1.1-linux.tar EdgeComponents-5.1.1-linux
Solaris EdgeComponents-5.1.1-solaris.tar EdgeComponents-5.1.1-solaris
Windows EdgeComponents-5.1.1-win


Fix Pack 1 platform-specific files for the Application Server Toolkit:

Operating system platform Fix Pack 1 ZIP file Fix Pack 1 ID
AIX ASTK_aix.tar
HP-UX ASTK_hpux.tar
Linux xSeries Intel-based (PCs) ASTK_linux.tar
Solaris ASTK_solaris.tar


Steps for installing Fix Pack 1

  1. Run the backupConfig command to back up configuration files. See Backing up and restoring administrative configurations (tcfg_svr_conf_backup) in the information center located at

  2. Verify required disk space.

  3. After backing up the configuration and before installing Fix Pack 1, stop all Java processes that use the IBM Developer Kit that WebSphere Application Server provides to support the Java 2 SDK on your operating system platform, such as the IBM Developer Kit for AIX, Java Technology Edition.

    Stop all Application Server processes, the nodeagent process, the deployment manager process, and all server processes, such as the jmsserver process, that belong to serviceable features. Features with server processes include the IBM HTTP Server and the embedded messaging feature. Stop all Java processes, if necessary. Stop any process_spawner.exe processes on Windows platforms.

    If you do install a fix pack while a WebSphere Application Server-related Java process is running, IBM does not guarantee that the product can continue to run successfully, or without error.
  4. Obtain each Fix Pack 1 file that you need from the product support Web site located at Download the files into the install_root/update directory, which you must create.

    On Windows platforms, download each Fix Pack 1 ZIP file to an /update directory in a file path that does not have a space in any part of the name. Do not download to the default installation root directory, which has a space in the Program Files directory. You must set the JAVA_HOME environment variable (as described in a later step) if the /update directory is not in the installation root.

    WebSphere Business Integration Server Foundation customers: The update installer can hang during the base Fix Pack was51_fp1_platform installation when installing in the recommended order:

    1. Base 5.1
    2. WebSphere Business Integration Server Foundation 5.1
    3. Base Fix Pack 1
    4. WebSphere Business Integration Server Foundation Fix Pack 1

    If a problem occurs, install in this order:
    1. Base 5.1
    2. Base Fix Pack 1
    3. WebSphere Business Integration Server Foundation 5.1
    4. WebSphere Business Integration Server Foundation Fix Pack 1.

    Follow this procedure to correct any problems:
    1. Stop installing Fix Pack 1 for the base product by killing the process.
    2. Uninstall WebSphere Business Integration Server Foundation 5.1.
    3. Verify that the server starts successfully.
    4. Stop the server.
    5. Install Fix Pack 1 for the base product.
    6. Repeat steps 3 and 4.
    7. Install WebSphere Business Integration Server Foundation 5.1.
    8. Install Fix Pack 1 for the WebSphere Business Integration Server Foundation product.
    9. Repeat steps 3 and 4.

    IBM HTTP Server and Web server plug-in updates: When installing Fix Pack 1 on the IBM HTTP Server product that you installed on a remote machine using the installation program of the base product, or when installing Fix Pack 1 to update a plug-in for a remote Web server, use Fix Pack 1 for the base product, was51_fp1_platform. Do not use Fix Pack 1 for the Network Deployment or WebSphere Business Integration Server Foundation products.

    The IBM HTTP Server and the Web server plug-ins are part of the base product. Because you initially installed the remote Web server or the plug-in features using the base IBM WebSphere Application Server, Version 5.1 installation program, you must use Fix Pack 1 for the base product to update the features.

  5. At a system command prompt, change directories to where you download the file, for example:
     # cd /opt/WebSphere/DeploymentManager/update 
     > cd \WebSphere\update (Windows platforms)
  6. Unzip the file.

    On Windows platforms, the pkunzip utility might not decompress the download image correctly. Use another utility (such as WinZip) to unzip the image.

  7. (Optional) Delete the ZIP file if you need more space.

  8. At a system command prompt, call the or the updateWizard.bat script from the directory where you unpacked Fix Pack 1. Calling the script begins the installation. Refer to the readme_updateinstaller.html (or PDF) file for detailed information about using the updateWizard script.

    If the update installer program cannot set the JAVA_HOME environment variable for some reason, such as when the update directory is not in the installation root directory, you must set the variable yourself.

    You can use the setupCmdLine script to source the appropriate command:

    • source install_root/bin/ (Source the command on Linux platforms.)
    • . install_root/bin/ (Source the command on UNIX platforms. There is a space between the period and the installation root directory.)
    • install_root\bin\setupCmdLine.bat (Windows platforms only.)

    On some platforms, the updateWizard interface to the update installer program does not recognize the existing WebSphere Application Server product. This is due to a limitation in the InstallShield for MultiPlatforms (ISMP) program that the update installer program uses - the ISMP program does not recognize previous installations of WebSphere Application Server on some operating platforms.

    To work around the problem, click Specify product information and type the fully qualified installation root directory for the existing product in the Installation directory field of the updateWizard panel.

Detailed installation instructions: Detailed installation instructions are in the readme file for the update installer application. The readme file for the update installer application is available on the same download page where you downloaded this readme file.


Finding the readme_updateinstaller.txt, readme_updateinstaller.html, and readme_updateinstaller.pdf files

Open the readme_updateinstaller file in the format of your choice for more information about using the or the updateWizard.bat scripts, and for information about using the or updateSilent.bat scripts. The updateSilent script lets you install a fix pack silently without interaction. It is useful for installing a fix pack in an environment that does not provide a graphical user interface, for example.

The readme_updateinstaller file describes an overall procedure for installing multiple fix packs on machines with multiple products, including how to install a WebSphere Business Integration Server Foundation product fix pack, and how to install fix packs on nodes in a deployment manager cell.

The readme_updateinstaller file describes how to verify that you have successfully installed the fix pack. The readme_updateinstaller file also describes how to uninstall a fix pack.

Download the readme for the update installer application from the Support Web site where you download Fix Pack 1. See the product support Web site at Look for the appropriate link to the Download page for Fix Pack 1 in the Download section on the Web page.

Trademarks and service marks

The following terms are trademarks of International Business Machines Corporation in the United States, other countries, or both:

Java and all Java-based trademarks are trademarks of Sun Microsystems, Inc. in the United States, other countries, or both.

Microsoft, Windows, Windows NT, and the Windows logo are trademarks of Microsoft Corporation in the United States, other countries, or both.

UNIX is a registered trademark of The Open Group in the United States and other countries.

Other company, product, and service names may be trademarks or service marks of others.