General advice on using the UDDI Registry and advice on applying WebSphere Application Server, Version 5.0.1
This file contains information about troubleshooting, details about UDDI Samples and advice on applying service to the UDDI Registry.

Troubleshooting Information and UDDI Samples

  • General

    Note: There is a section on "UDDI Troubleshooting Tips" in the product documentation listing the common errors and resolutions for setting up or using the UDDI Registry.

    You can run the IBM WebSphere UDDI Registry with WebSphere Application Server security either enabled or disabled. However, you can see unpredictable results if you change between the two settings. For example, if you publish an entity with security disabled, you might not find it if you enable security.

  • Samples

    There are a number of samples available for the UDDI Registry showing how to use the UDDI APIs. The UDDI samples package is available from the Samples Central page of the IBM WebSphere Developer Domain Web site at:

Applying Service to the UDDI Registry in a Network Deployment and single Application Server environment

  • SetupDB2UDDI Database Wizard (for Network Deployment and Base Application Server)

    WebSphere Application Server, Version 5.0.1 includes an updated version of the SetupDB2UDDI Database Wizard.

    Note: You must apply WebSphere Application Server Network Deployment, Version 5.0.1 to your Network Deployment product to get the updated version of the SetupDB2UDDI.jar file which will be found under <DeploymentManager-install-dir>\UDDIReg\scripts for Windows (<DeploymentManager-install-dir>/UDDIReg/scripts for UNIX Platforms). You must then copy this to the system on which you wish to run it, if this is not the same system on which you have your Network Deployment product.

  • Running the SetupDB2UDDI.jar file in a non-English configuration

    If you are using a non-English installation of DB2, then ensure you have applied WebSphere Application Server Network Deployment, Version 5.0.1 before continuing.

    Failure to apply WebSphere Application Server, Version 5.0.1 could result in an invalid username/password message being reported by the wizard.
  • Installing WebSphere Application Server, Version 5.0.1 into a Network Deployment configuration

    The installation of WebSphere Application Server, Version 5.0.1 into a Network Deployment environment updates the UDDI Registry application automatically in the appropriate application servers across the cell.

  • Installing WebSphere Application Server, Version 5.0.1 into a Base Application Server only configuration

    Follow these steps to install WebSphere Application Server, Version 5.0.1:

    1. Stop all servers (as this is a base application server only setup this might simply mean stopping server1).
    2. Install the base part of WebSphere Application Server, Version 5.0.1 onto the base WebSphere Application Server product.
    3. Install the Network Deployment part of WebSphere Application Server, Version 5.0.1 onto the Network Deployment product
    4. (Optionally) check DeploymentManager\installableApps to see that the UDDI version.txt is at the new level (level is 2.04)
    5. Deploy the new version of the UDDI Registry from the Network Deployment setup to the base application server following the instructions in the InfoCenter at;=en called Reinstalling into single application server.
    6. (Optionally) check that the UDDI version.txt in ApplicationServer\installedApps is at the new level (version.txt=2.04).
    7. Restart the base application server.
  • Uninstalling WebSphere Application Server, Version 5.0.1 from a Network Deployment configuration

    The uninstallation process automatically reinstates the UDDI Registry application to the original version.

  • Uninstalling WebSphere Application Server, Version 5.0.1 from a Base Application Server only configuration

    Follow these steps to uninstall WebSphere Application Server, Version 5.0.1:

    1. Stop all servers (as this is a base application server only this might simply mean stopping server1).
    2. Uninstall the Network Deployment part of WebSphere Application Server, Version 5.0.1 from the Network Deployment product. This removes the later version and reinstates the GA version
    3. Uninstall the base part of WebSphere Application Server, Version 5.0.1 from the base WebSphere Application Server product.
    4. (Optionally) check that the Network Deployment DeploymentManager\installableApps is at the base GA level (version.txt will be 2.03). The base application server will still have the UDDI Registry at the later level (version.txt=2.04)
    5. Redeploy the (original) GA version of UDDI Registry from the Network Deployment setup to the base application server following the instructions in the InfoCenter at;=en called Reinstalling into a single application server.
    6. (Optionally) check that the base application server level is correct (version.txt=2.03).
    7. Restart the base application server.