Setting EJB Container pool sizes

To set the size of entity bean pools, configure the System property

Format for specifying the bean type and minimum and maximum values

The format you use to set the size of an entity bean pool is as follows:


where beantype is the name of the EJB implementation class and min,max are the minimum and maximum pool size parameters for that bean type. Do not specify the square brackets shown here in the string; they denote optional additional bean types that you can specify after the first one. The delimiter between each new bean type specification is a colon (:). (This is similar to the format of a trace specification string.)

You can specify an asterisk (*) for one of the bean type attributes to indicate that all bean types should use those values unless further overridden by specifying an exact EJB implementation class name somewhere else in the string. To specify that the default value be used, omit either min or max but retain the comma (,) between the two values. If you do not specify a default value with a * bean type, the container defaults of 50 and 500 are used.

For example, suppose you specify the following one-line string (shown here on two lines to improve readability):,,,300:*=30,100

The string sets the bean pool sizes as follows:

You can specify the bean types in the string in any order, including the * bean type.

Setting the minimum and maximum values on the JVM Settings tab

The easiest place to set this string is on the JVM Settings tab of your application server's properties in the administrative console. To access the tab:

  1. Go to the administrative console.
  2. Expand Nodes.
  3. Expand Application Servers and select your server.
  4. Select the JVM Settings tab in the properties view.

To specify the pool size for a bean type in the JVM Settings tab:

  1. Under System Properties, click Add.
  2. In the dialog that opens, for Name specify and, for Value, specify beantype=min,max using the format described above. Then, click Apply.

After you add the System property bean pool size, the console will display the resulting -D command-line form of the property specification in the Generated Command Line Arguments box. Also, a message will be written to the standard out file to indicate the pool size for each bean type in the server.

Messages printed to the standard out (stdout) file

Messages written to the standard out file to indicate the pool size for each bean type in the specified server resemble the following:

[11/20/01 16:30:03:015 CST] 5b3febeb EJBEngine  I WSVR0037I: Starting EJB jar: Increment Bean Jar
[11/20/01 16:30:05:489 CST] 5b3febeb SystemOut  U pool:(200,800)
[11/20/01 16:30:05:969 CST] 5b3febeb EJBEngine  I WSVR0037I: Starting EJB jar: BeenThere EJB Jar
[11/20/01 16:30:06:030 CST] 5b3febeb SystemOut  U pool:(50,500)