Apar/ Description
Defect List
PQ57643 WebSphere Application Server does not recognize expired passwords on the Solaris platforms
PQ58365 Setting the object request broker value for requestTimeout and locateRequestTimeout
PQ58881 Enabling certain characters to be valid in a trace string
PQ59624 The HTTP server port is configurable
PQ60522 Address remove server to ensure database updates occur in a single transaction
PQ60657 An EAR file is not expanded after installation when using a remote administrative console
PQ60772 wscp bug in validating the user and group name on role-user and group
mapping when using the Lightweight Directory Access Protocol authentication
PQ60843 The nodeName property cannot be used and an EAR file cannot expand properly
PQ61342 Performance improvement for transaction logging
PQ61849 The class files from the deleted applications are not removed when deleting applications
using wscp
PQ61864 If the module name has a back slash, WSCPqualifiedname.getname() is unable to parse it properly
PQ61931 The XMLConfig creates wrong system properties entry
PQ61935 SOAP ignores the HTTPS proxy settings
PQ62005 Configuring the wscp.sh script to uninstall the repository changes using the
nonstandard ports
PQ62103 The XMLConfig full export fails with NullPointerException in a
multinode environment
PQ62167 iPlanet 6.0.2 using the CGI scripts plug-in is not parsing correctly
PQ62188 Naming exceptions and warnings thrown when the Nanny is waiting for the administrative
server to start up in the NameServices
PQ62229 wscp corrupts repository
PQ62333 The administrative console stops when checking with wscp
PQ62459 Trust association does not execute cleanup() when it is unloaded
PQ62471 Security administrative roles not getting exported during XML export
PQ62494 If a nanny process stops, it starts a new administrative server process
PQ62502 Running wscp session does not recognize the changes made by XMLConfig
PQ62577 Wild card characters are not treated properly
PQ62586 Allowing administrative server stateful session beans to be persisted to a directory
PQ62683 WebSphere Application Server plug-in malfunction in a load-balancer configuration
PQ62748 Pass static object request broker to CreateSession() method when using Lotus API to
communicate with domino backend
PQ62857 wscp does not relay the XMLConfig exit code in the wscp-XMLConfig operation
PQ62942 SetAttribute method fails to set attribute value to null
PQ63071 Incorrect output from the command line WASService -stop
PQ63130 The transaction context changes to tx_not_supported if deployed when an
enterprise bean is built with a remove method
PQ63146 Customize the Dr. Admin ports for the application servers
PQ63158 Entries in the welcome-file list not showing up on the administrative console
PQ63182 Spaces in the userprofile.xml tags fail to load the user profile
PQ63281 A new session ID is assigned to the newly created session object
PQ63303 Ignoring the URL rewrite portion when doing route determination
PQ63308 Deadlock with session trace enabled
PQ63362 Client closed connections are logged as 500 errors in the HTTP error log
PQ63508 Environment editor fails to create or save modifications
PQ63523 When an enterprise application is removed, the entry under the installedApps
directory is not removed, if it is a symbolic link to another file system
PQ63531 Exception thrown by session manager when an object is not serializable
PQ63590 The creation of the sxpparser object fails
PQ63643 The IBM HTTP Server plug-in does not handle large POST data (60 MB and up)
PQ63672 Error message thrown when installation the FixPak or fix on a UNIX platform
PQ63677 JSP IOException inside finally block of service method and broken pipe exception
PQ63768 Add support for wildcard matching of virtual host entries
PQ63812 JSPBatchCompiler is unable to handle -filename parameter when the
argument is a directory instead of a file
PQ63815 "=" is not a valid character in the value string in XMLConfig
PQ63817 After PQ57773, plug-ins use the wrong URI in conjunction with rewriting modules
result in a 404 error
PQ65078 WebSphere Application Server FixPak installer changes wording for installing FixPak
on plug-in only machine
PQ65109 wscp fails to deploy a WAR file remotely
PQ65120 Exception thrown when the total length of response header is more than 8k
PQ65134 The timeout directive specified in the httpd.con file not honored by the
WebSphere Application Server plug-in
PQ65135 The plug-in core dumps the Web server at startup on Linux/390 of Apache
PQ65145 J2C run time installation does not work for FixPak 3
PQ65178 Increased concurrency of getConnection requests which result in creating a new connnection
PQ65214 Application server command line arguments containing space characters within quoted
strings not parsed correctly
PQ65232 The application server errors occur during duplicate port check
PQ65263 JAVA_HOME not found when migrating WebSphere Application Server on Linux/390
PQ65264 Object request broker client hangs when workload management and security are enabled
PQ65297 Java.Lang.LinkAgeError: Class violates classloader when using class sharing
PQ65336 Java to JavaServer Pages line number map broken
PQ65395 EJB container is not compliant with the 1.1 EJB specification
PQ65410 JSPBatchCompiler does not provide an error message to indicate an invalid enterprise
application or Web module
PQ65485 Unbind fails in rolledback transaction
PQ65491 Node-start-state option for Generic Servers not available
PQ65492 The prepared statement for DB2 is not used for SQLServer
PQ65513 The JAR files being loaded display twice when snoop servlet is running
PQ65565 Secure Sockets Layer client side certificates work with iPlanet 4.1, but not with iPlanet 6.x
PQ65568 JSPBatchCompiler fails to utilize the manifest class path
PQ65589 javax.naming.NameNotFoundException when performing the the Java Naming
and Directory Interface operation
PQ65641 XML_imports does not remove the Java virtual machine properties from the repository
PQ65647 Application server arguments sequence is wrong when setting up split security
PQ65676 Transaction manager must detect stale connection and retry on a new one
PQ65696 The enterprise bean workload management does not work until you recycle the
administrative server
PQ65713 Live session counter in Resource Analyzer takes a negative value
PQ65733 isRequestedSessionIdValid() method returns true after session is invalidated
PQ65742 The URI matching is inconsistent between the plug-in processing stages
PQ65763 Add extended document root capability for WebSphere Application Server
PQ65929 Loading of resource provider classes by the bootstrap classloader occurs only when the
application module references the resource
PQ65979 JavaServer Pages receive a 404 error when dynamic cache is enabled
PQ66004 Multiple security log entries for one invalid user ID and password
PQ66035 An additional entry in EJSAdmin.Lock_Table for every start of
WebSphere Application Server
PQ66060 Session manager does not properly unwrap the object of type Javax.Naming.Context
PQ66067 The session affinity does not work properly when using SimpleFileServlet
PQ66085 WebSphere Application Server fails to handle request header fields greater than 10K
PQ66136 Single sign-on from Websphere Application Server to Domino server fails when the user
name contains double-byte character set
PQ66147 FixPak installation fails if setting TMP environment variable to a directory that
contains spaces
PQ66156 Javax.Naming.NamingException thrown when using local name space
PQ66158 JSPBatchCompiler does not return status code of 1 when the Web module is not found
PQ66162 ServerSideAuthenticator should throw LoginFailed when login fails
PQ66175 Extensive garbage collection occuring with Mark Stack overflow
PQ66190 Running the PropFilePasswordEncoder.sh command changes the ownership
of property files and permissions
PQ66193 Modification of default data source by wscp not reflected in repository
or administrative console
PQ66262 Unknown private header message displays when running the server in a Turkish locale
PQ66342 Dynamic cache generated objects are not getting garbage collected
PQ66352 Ripple command works although stdout does not show successful server starts
PQ66355 A problem with getSession() when using dynamic cache and WebSphere Portal Server
PQ66381 Unauthenticated users are being authenticated using data from the request of another user
PQ66485 RuntimeException thrown from valueUnbound() terminates the session manager invalidation thread
PQ66536 Load XMLConfig file dynamically when it is not in PerfModules
PQ66547 A new Secure Sockets Layer connection for each request created when making
connections to another system using Java TM Secure Socket Extension
PQ66565 The correct values for the advanced properties should be in terms of seconds
PQ66566 An SQL exception thrown when running an Oracle prepared statement with the NOWAIT keyboard
PQ66574 Regenerating the plug-in fails if any node is down in the multinode environment
PQ66621 The LogEvent.sh command continues to write to the current directory
when installing FixPak with TMP variables
PQ66627 Security exposure in exception strings
PQ66649 The proxy firewall accepts the connections for the WebSphere Application Server
PQ66726 IKEYMAN cannot be started when installing WebSphere administrative client
PQ66830 After applying PQ54217, chainerservlet fails to handle request with sessions
PQ66848 Java Transaction Service recovery does not complete if there are duplicate XAResources
PQ66857 SSOAuthenticator.getSSOCookieValue() was removed but the customers want it back
PQ66875 After running WASPostUpgrade, the wrong JRE is used and the server does not start
PQ66923 Using one common proxy ID for all sessions causes session timeout
PQ66974 GetCallerPrincipal() should always return "unauthenticated"
PQ67024 WebSphere Application Server Version 4.0 for Solaris DumpNameSpace.sh
utility is missing
PQ67062 WebSphere Application Server Version 4.0.4 Lightweight Third Party Authentication
token gets corrupted
PQ67128 Running domino client in WebSphere Application Server without memory leaking
PQ67210 Generic Java Message Service providers do not support WebSphere Application Server transactions
PQ67211 Re-enter the data source password if backing up from FixPak 5 to a previous version
PQ67220 White space in Content-length header causes an error in SOAP
PQ67287 The application SUN JDK 1.3.1_05 causes an error
PQ67354 JSPBatchCompiler fails if the EAR files are installed in different directory on
horizontal clone
PQ67391 Security component does not take the full Lightweight Directory Access Protocol name
PQ67437 A CSI transaction rollback error occurs when navigating through topology and specific
enterprise modules
PQ67446 The administrative console fails to display the Java Naming and Directory Interface
name mapping correctly
PQ67453 Different packages for home or remote interfaces and enterprise beans fail
PQ67473 Unicode character in the principal name gets changed after logging in with SSOAuthenticator
PQ67506 WebSphere Application Server Version 4.0.4 plug-in truncates end-user certificate
PQ67536 JSPBatchCompiler is unable to locate Tag Library Descriptors that are shared across
Web applications
PQ67566 Slow performance is being caused by delay in garbage collection of session objects
PQ67570 Option to turn off Dr. Admin ports for administrative and application servers
PQ67571 Add support for ConnectJDBC 3.1
PQ67573 Add support for SequeLink 5.3 driver
PQ67726 Administrative Server does not reconnect to the running application servers
PQ67750 JSPBatchCompiler needs to compile JavaServer Pages in the WEB-INF directory of the WAR file
PQ67759 The Secure Sockets Layer properties being retained during the plug-in regeneration
PQ67763 wscp ignores error during installation and creates folders
PQ67800 The default URL provider shows up on only one node in the cluster
PQ67801 The "user" and "password" fields for an Oracle data source are required
PQ67836 Delete button on the virtual hosts General tab says "supprim" not "supprimer"
PQ67913 The compilation is not thread safe only when the Java virtual machine system property
com.sun.tools.javac.main.largebranch is set to true
PQ67926 Cannot start the administrative server with a user assigned to administrative role
PQ67971 ClassCastException thrown when a servlet attempts to retrieve a session object
PQ68069 ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsExceptions occurs when using multiple threads for a
standalone enterprise bean client
PQ68139 The plugin-cfg.xml file must have property name = CacheLibrary
at top of the file to load the cache library
PQ68143 The session object is not put into the memory sessions upon creation when using the
persistent sessions
PQ68145 Valueunbound() is not being called in certain situations when using the multirow sessions
PQ68146 Setting the system property NoLocalCopies to true causes entity bean references
to get mixed up
PQ68147 Storing objects in multirow that are bigger than 2MB is a problem
PQ68148 Request dispatch.forward() to a protected servlet fails
PQ68149 The use of ../ in URI is not handled correctly
PQ68150 Session Invalidation thread is stopped if a run-time exception thrown
PQ68151 Node for restart option fails to stop the Java virtual machine to process ID
PQ68152 WebSphere Application Server intermittently hangs under heavy load when it loses
connection to the database
PQ68153 The session object not put into cache upon creation when using persistent sessions
PQ68154 Data source lookup being performed only once during session manager initialization
PQ68217 When specifying port properties in the system properties table, the properties do
not get propagated to the clones
PQ68235 NullPointerException appears in cache monitor when viewing contents and simultaneously
loading two or more uncompiled cacheable JavaServer Pages
PQ68237 URI names omitted and a "/*" added instead after applying FixPak 4
PQ68309 Secured JavaServer Pages can be accessed without authentication and authorization
PQ68507 Can not start the administrative server on the HP-UX 11i platforms when using
Sybase 12 as the repository
PQ68509 Application Assembly Tool corrupts the JAR file when applying the Java Naming Directory
Interface names
PQ68063 WebSphere Application Server fails to reload the Secure Sockets Layer configuration
from the repository during security configuration
PQ68519 A new HTTP request from one user can be switched to the session of another user
PQ68522 The clustered WebSphere Application Server with workload management on an AIX platform
gets an out of memory error
IBM HTTP Server Defects
Apar/ Description
Defect List
PQ63615 Netscape fails to connect to the IBM HTTP Server
PQ61731 Changes made to Apache HTTPD.H module to allow compiling of LIBPHP4.SO without
editing HTTPD.H
PQ62795 IBM HTTP Server administrative console locks up on the authentication files
PQ63135 Advanced Properties Form error in IBM HTTP Server
PQ63771 Error given on Advanced Properties form in Japanese language
PQ65518 Secure Sockets Layer communication are terminated while writing data from servlet