Application Server
and E-fixes
WebSphere Application Server Version 4.0 FixPak 4
Last updated: 10/02/2002
Apar/ Description
Defect List
114841 Test Connection button displays an error when used more than once
119926 getCharacterEncoding( ) does not match encoding of getReader( )
120162 SEAppInstall collapses an EAR if -ear points to directory
121091 Alarm threads are not being reused causing excessive thread spawning
127558 Periods (.) in path are malformed to dashes (_) during JAR and WAR file installation
129452 Unable to serve static content when context root is "/"
PQ50188 IBM HTTP Server Performance Monitor not working on Windows 2000 MMC
PQ54168 Display a message when PTF install process completes
PQ54572 Signed JAR files cause a security exception to be thrown
PQ56335 URL is formatted incorrectly by the common archive of WCCM
PQ56497 CHK2000W warning message appears when verifying an enterprise application in Application Assembly Tool
PQ57073 Deadlocks with DB2/390 using TX_Serializable
PQ57182 Unable to validate credentials from LTPA Token
PQ57337 Accept mutex build problem on Solaris platforms
PQ57643 WebSphere Application Server does not recognize expired passwords on Solaris
PQ57867 Dr. Watson on Apache.exe occurring on step-up
PQ58119 The installation package for IBM HTTP Server on HP-UX did not include necessary scripts or makefiles to compile DSO's
PQ58313 jspInit() method is not involved on startup
PQ58377 A JSP located in the Web-INF directory is accessible through a browser
PQ58445 Java.Lang.ClassCast exception caused as a result of an JAVAX.EJB.HANDLE OBJECT into the session object
PQ58634 Machine translation information in IBM HTTP Server online documentation
PQ58651 Resource Analyzer stops after an administrative server is interrupted
PQ58764 Long request causes client to fail
PQ58776 When installing an EAR file with WSCP, only the first JNDI name appears
PQ58795 An empty string as the attribute value for a custom tag causes an error message
PQ58961 Cannot disable HP-UX JDK hotspot support for an application
PQ59006 When the administrative server fails, it tries to restart
PQ59150 Users and groups whose names and strings more than 127 bytes long will get exceptions
PQ59241 Need EAPI complied HTTP server and plug-in
PQ59243 Flush is performed when the inside JSP body tag is included
PQ59244 The Web browser displays an "Internal Server" error when the content-length response header is set incorrectly
PQ59279 Removing clone does not remove JNDI name with WebSphere Application Server Version 4.0.2
PQ59307 The nested JSP include causes the javax.servlet.include.context_path request attribute to be set incorrectly
PQ59321 Resource Analyzer will not work when a node has a generic server installed
PQ59426 The WebSphere Application Server plug-in does not have the capability to limit the request body
PQ59464 Missing XML tags during import result in 0 value for that Web container property
PQ59504 SSI directives displays "An Error Occurred While Processing" error
PQ59508 The Statement Cache Size for a data source does not accept the value of 0 (zero) as a valid entry
PQ59543 Context path as a link in a JSP does not work when URL rewriting is enabled
PQ59634 WebSphere Application Server file permissions problem under the file tab in the administrative console
PQ59650 Problems occur when the XML import enables the "Use Global SSL Default Configuration!"
PQ59651 The session cookie name is not allowed to be changed
PQ59684 The return URL is not correct when the servlet is in a subdirectory
PQ59756 WebSphere Application Server, AE and ASSE differ during server shutdown
PQ59932 Try or Finally blocks for JSP custom tags are causing performance problems
PQ59975 Test Connection button fails when used more than once
PQ60006 The setting of the stderr and stdout properties on the first run is not allowed
PQ60064 User defined properties are exposed and causes a security risk at certain FixPak Levels (4.0.2)
PQ60077 Regen of plug-in overwrites manual edits of plugin-cfg.xml attributes
PQ60103 The error message does not appear when the stack size is too low
PQ60145 HTTP header performance enhancement
PQ60191 WSCP.SH does not correctly provide return values if the command failed for some reasons
PQ60264 In AIX / IBM HTTP Server, defunct "Zombie" processes
PQ60281 A NullPointerException is generated where a StaleConnectionException is expected
PQ60317 An application server re-registration failure error occurs when restarting an application server
PQ60364 Enablement of business partner extended functions
PQ60371 Try or Finally needs to check for null page content inside the finally block
PQ60420 Executing select query to SetStringMethod results in illegal access exception
PQ60430 CMP entity beans accessed through less session bean are blocked
PQ60431 Exception occurs when processing in connection creation
PQ60432 No exception throw when a DB2 error occurs
PQ60433 An application using DB2 XAConnection (JTA enabled) will hang if stale connection exception occurs during the use of connection
PQ60441 Improvement in the naming code to increase the performance of ECperf
PQ60468 Getting InvalidBeanOStateException when creating an enterprise application
PQ60500 Log Analyzer unable to show the Chinese language
PQ60569 The plug-in will allocate a big buffer when a large content length is set
PQ60580 Setting "Pass by Reference" on an application server ORB can result in an error
PQ60594 Duplicate ports during a rollout of scripts causes errors
PQ60615 Cannot load class when com.ibm.ws.classloader.classSharing is set to false
PQ60675 Generic "*.JSP" rule is causing problems
PQ60676 IVB11024E "Chosen Date And Timeformat is invalid "(German translation) when starting the Log Analyzer with non-English regional setting
PQ60692 JAVA.IO.STREAMCORRUPTED exception when a servlet attempts to unserialize an object passed from an applet
PQ60717 After PQ43476, the Secure Sockets Layer authentication cookie fails with Internet Explorer 5.0
PQ60746 When migrating from 3.5 to 4.0, migration prereq does not check correctly for versions of 3.5.5 or higher
PQ60787 Problem with the Alarm thread management
PQ60796 The subdirectory under /IntalledApps is not removed upon removal of enterprise bean
PQ60807 Incorrect return port using IBM HTTP Server after PQ60145 is applied
PQ60827 The classpath does not contain the security.jar file which has PropFilePasswordEncoder path
PQ60828 Inconsistency with WLMBOOTSRVRS_TABLE causing administrative server not to start properly
PQ60862 Configuration file to be specified in trustedservers.properties
PQ60885 Add support for Microsoft SQL Server driver
PQ60895 Authentication information is not returned to the browser
PQ60908 JSP 1.1 performs slower than JSP 1.0 when a large Web application classpath is configured
PQ60981 ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException on Windows NT systems with JIT on
PQ60990 Calling set method on the field array when the first item is blank and no other items are set
PQ61172 Cannot disable HP-UX JDK hotspot support for an application server's JVM
PQ61191 AFPA.SYS is not being installed by WebSphere Application Server Version 4.0.3
PQ61209 WSCP "MODULE SHOW" command reports "WSCP0061E: OBJECT NOT FOUND" when requested module exists
PQ61243 Enterprise application hangs when using RMI-IIOP to send data
PQ61277 Correction to InfoCenter article 6.6.a.1: Running the product servers and consoles as non-root
PQ61346 Customize Dr. Admin ports for the application servers
PQ61381 Authentication fails when the user ID belongs to a double byte character set (DBCS) group name
PQ61390 Servlet cannot forward to another servlet
PQ61392 Updates for InfoCenter article 6.6.49: Administering National Language Support
PQ61438 Create an option to show the depreciated methods when compiling JSP with the 1.1 processor
PQ61441 EARExpander no longer collapses utility JAR or zip files
PQ61462 Nanny service failed to start using a non-900 port number in WebSphere Application Server Version 4.0.3
PQ61550 Extended JTA support TX not recovering
PQ61587 Regenerate plug-in configuration after installing FixPaks
PQ61654 Plug-in does not correctly handle chunked request content
PQ61670 Valuebound method from HTTPSESSIONBINDINGLISTENER is not being called
PQ61712 Win32 Security: CAN-2002-0061 .bat/.cmd CGI scripts
PQ61723 LTPA Token cookie is not created for the certification authentication case
PQ61724 WebSphere Application Server trust association does not allow other types of authentication to work
PQ61731 Customer request APAR to correct changes made to Apache HTTP.H
PQ61735 JAVA.LANG.ILLEGALARGUMENTEXCEPTION thrown when using error map property on a data source
PQ61779 Authentication fails with an externally created LTPA Token
PQ61809 PMIService get -Recursive Throws Naming Service Exception
PQ61833 PMI cannot refresh the configuration value after creation of the same application server with a new configuration
PQ61842 Servlet instance creation and destroy in a SingleThreadModleServlets
PQ62067 Plug-in regen message on administrative console needs to be modified
PQ62144 Limit on size of single header in plug-in code
PQ62196 Clone failover for WebSphere Application Server Version 4.0.3 does not work on Solaris
PQ62200 Primary key constraint violations when trying to use the Microsoft type 4 driver to MSSQLServer
PQ62249 WebSphere Application Server plug-in causes Dr. Watson errors in IBM HTTP Server
PQ62260 Out of memory condition when WebSphere Application Server Version 4.0.3 is under heavy load with security enabled
PQ62277 Data corruption following a rollback in one server
PQ62295 Unable to start administrative server using WebSphere Application Server Version 4.0.3 and PQ60281 or PQ61735 levels of CM code and SQL Server repository
PQ62330 Error in trace file java.lang.NumberFormatException
PQ62369 Cert advisory CA-2002-17 Apache Web Server chunk handling
PQ62438 Unable to login to WebSphere portal server with a user ID belonging to a DBCS in active directory
PQ62479 Problem with xalan.jar file that is shipped with WebSphere Application Server Version 4.0
PQ62519 Trust association is much slower than basic authentication
PQ62537 Connection manager does not handle the property of EJB "FOR UPDATE" correctly
PQ62562 NullPointerException after server started up
PQ62564 WebSphere Application Server transaction coordinator cannot recover the in-doubt transaction when the Resource Manger is not available
PQ62597 When specifying the same parameter name multiple times in a JSP include tag, a compilation failure will occur
PQ62632 The secbootstrap file corrupts when security is enabled and more than sixteen application servers are running
PQ62682 All URL mappings are case sensitive
PQ62684 Create accessID at run time if they have not been created
PQ62776 SendRedirect throws an IllegalStateException when attempting to call sendRedirect multiple times
PQ62795 IBM HTTP Server administration GUI locks up on the authentication files
PQ62941 Correction to InfoCenter article Updating Location Server Daemon configuration with the Web console
PQ62961 NullPointerExceptions being thrown when a request for an HTTPSession is made after the WebSphere Application Server is reloaded
PQ63020 Add functionality to TOGGLE GETREMOTEUSER() to return actual user ID instead of the display name when using custom registry
PQ63023 No copyrights are available for some shell scripts in WebSphere Application Server
PQ63062 Restarting WCS application server causes an error when security is enabled
PQ63116 Authentication errors occur when the administration server is restarted without restarting the clients
PQ63146 Customize Dr Admin ports for the application servers
PQ63229 Correction to InfoCenter article Creating an enterprise application
PQ63243 Authorization fails when using a Custom Registry
PQ63355 WebSphere Application Server fails to restart and throws a ProcessOpException
PQ63377 SQLExceptions thrown on a commit with Informix as the sessions database for persistence
PQ63409 Unable to propagate a Java virtual machine system property from a server group
PQ63457 AllAuthenticatedUsers cannot work for role mapping
PQ63548 Inter-op problem found when passing embedded valueTypes between WebSphere Application Server releases
PQ63551 Session manager does not use PreparedStatement objects for the select statement in the invalidation thread
PQ63553 The message "SessionContext:putValue is null" is hard to use
PQ63574 Intermittent authorization problems due to improper authorization table initialization
PQ63615 Netscape fails to connect to IBM HTTP Serve
PQ63670 setMaxRows(0) are not working correctly when the statement cache is used
PQ63671 XMLConfig being non-transactional causes database corruption
PQ63688 Incorrect parameter thrown by Initialcontext.list (string name)
PQ66600 WebSphere Application Server Version 4.0.3 and below, Performance degradation on JNDI name not found exceptions