Configuring the Merant ConnectJDBC data source for MS SQL Server for the WebSphere Application Server Advanced Single Server Edition

This file describes how to configure the Merant ConnectJDBC data source for Microsoft SQL Server on the Advanced Single Server Edition for WebSphere Application Server Version 4.0.x. The instructions in this file replace such information in the Version 4.0 InfoCenter.

Before installing WebSphere Application Server

Before you install WebSphere Application Server, ensure that you have done the following:

  1. Installed Microsoft SQL Server and the Merant ConnectJDBC (type 4) driver.
  2. Using the SQL Server, created a user, created a database, and associated the user with that database. Write down the server name and port number MS SQL Server is using; the default port number is 1433.
  3. Started the Microsoft SQL Server service.

Adding the Merant ConnectJDBC driver

  1. Start WebSphere Application Server and log in to the Advanced Single Server Edition administrative console.
  2. In the tree view on the left of the console, expand Resources and select JDBC Drivers.
  3. Under JDBC Drivers on the right, click New.
  4. Select the resource provider Merant ConnectJDBC Driver (Type 4) for MS SQL Server from the drop-down list, and click Next.
  5. Under Properties, do the following:
    1. Type the location of the ConnectJDBC driver jar files for the server class path. For Windows platforms, use a semicolon (;) to separate the two paths. For UNIX platforms, use a colon (:). For example, on Windows you might use
    2. Type a name for the driver. The name will appear on the JDBC Drivers list.
    3. Type a description (optional).
    4. For the implementation class, type

      Merant uses the same data source class for both one phase and two phase. You can fill in a special WebSphere Application Server property later on in the configuration process to distinguish between the phases.

    5. Click OK.

    The driver you specified is added to the WebSphere Application Server JDBC Drivers list.

  6. Click Save in the top frame to save your data source configuration.

Configuring the Merant ConnectJDBC data source for MS SQL Server

  1. In the tree view on the left of the adminstrative console, expand JDBC Drivers, expand the category for the driver you just created, and select Data Sources. A list of data sources created with the driver (initially empty) displays on the right.
  2. Click New to create a new data source.
  3. Under Properties, do the following:
    1. Type a name for your data source. The name will be used to identify your data source on the data sources list.
    2. Type a JNDI name for applications to look up your data source (for example, jdbc/myDataSource).
    3. Optionally, type a description and specify a category.
    4. Type the name of an existing MS SQL Server database to use for your data source.
    5. Type a valid user ID to use as the default ID for connecting to MS SQL Server.
    6. Type the default password for the chosen user ID.
    7. In the remaining fields, specify the connection pooling properties as you would for any other data source.
  4. Under Driver Specific Settings, click Properties and set values for the resource properties according to your configuration. Click on the serverName link and do the following:
    1. Leave the values for Name and Type as is. Only change these values when adding in new properties.
    2. For Value, type the name of the server where you are running SQL Server (for example, localhost).
    3. Optionally, type a description or change the existing description to any value.
    4. Click OK. The serverName property updates.

    If necessary, update the portNumber, disable2Phase, and selectMethod properties. Then, click OK on the Resource Properties panel.

  5. Click OK on the Data Sources panel to add your data source to the list.
  6. Click Save in the top frame to save your data source configuration.
  7. Expand the ConnectJDBC driver entry you created under Resources and JDBC Drivers, select DataSources, and verify that your data source is in the list on the Data Sources panel.