Installing DB2 Universal Database (UDB) 7.2

This article describes how to do the following:

These instructions assume the following:

Installing DB2 UDB

The DB2 software CD-ROM contains the packages necessary to install and configure DB2 on a local Linux machine.

Before installing DB2, it is recommended that you prepare you Linux distribution for database installation. See the Linux Documentation Project's HOWTO Web site for databases at for more information about preparing your specific distribution.

Note: Installing DB2 on a machine running certain Linux distributions requires installation of the Public Domain Korn Shell (pdksh), which is not part of a default Linux installation. Refer to your Linux documentation for information about installing this package by using the rpm command.

Perform the following steps to install DB2:

  1. Ensure that you are logged into the machine with superuser (root) privileges.
  2. Insert the DB2 UDB software CD-ROM into the CD-ROM drive.
  3. If necessary, use the mkdir command to create a mount point for the CD-ROM. The following command creates a mount point at the directory /cdrom; you can mount the CD-ROM at any location on the machine's local file system.
    # mkdir /cdrom

    The commands in these steps assume the CD-ROM is mounted at /cdrom. If you mount the CD-ROM at a different location, use that location when issuing commands.

  4. Mount the CD-ROM drive by entering the following command:
    # mount -t iso9660 -o ro  /dev/cdrom /cdrom

    This command assumes that the CD-ROM is mounted at /cdrom.

    Note: Some window managers automatically mount a CD-ROM for you. Consult your operating system documentation for more information.
  5. Navigate to the /cdrom directory.
  6. Start the DB2 Setup Utility by using the db2setup command, as follows:
    # ./db2setup
    Note: The DB2 Setup Utility works with only the bash, Bourne, and Korn shells.
  7. The Install DB2 V7 window opens. Press Tab to move between available options and fields. Press Return to select or deselect an option. Perform the following steps to select the appropriate products and components for installation:
    1. Highlight and press Return for the following products:
      • DB2 Administration Client
      • DB2 UDB Enterprise Edition
      • DB2 Connect Enterprise Edition
      • DB2 Application Development Client
    2. Highlight the Customize option for the DB2 Product Library option and press Return.
    3. The DB2 Product Library dialog box opens. In the DB2 Product Library (HTML) section, highlight the appropriate option for your locale (en_US for U.S. English) and press Return.
    4. On the DB2 Product Library dialog, highlight OK and press Return.
    5. On the Install DB2 V7 dialog, highlight OK and press Return.
  8. On the Create DB2 Services dialog, accept the default values Do not create DB2 Instance and Do not create the Administration Server, ensure that OK is highlighted, and press Return. You will create a DB2 instance and Administration Server after installing the required FixPak. Installing a FixPak is discussed in the section "Upgrading DB2 UDB with a FixPak."
  9. A Warning dialog informs you that you are not creating a DB2 instance. Ensure that OK is highlighted, and press Return to exit from the Warning dialog.
  10. A Warning dialog informs you that you are not creating an Administration Server. Ensure that OK is highlighted, and press Return to exit from the Warning dialog.
  11. The Summary Report dialog box opens. Ensure that Continue is highlighted, and press Return to continue with the installation.
  12. A Warning dialog informs you that it is your last chance to stop the installation. Ensure that OK is highlighted, and press Return to continue with the installation. When installation is complete DB2 software is installed in the /usr/IBMdb2/V7.2 directory.
  13. A Notice dialog informs you when the installation process has completed successfully. Ensure that OK is highlighted, and press Return.
  14. You can be prompted to register the DB2 software. Enter the information required to register DB2, or exit from the registration window by clicking Exit.
  15. The Status Report dialog displays the status of each component you selected for installation. You can choose to view the contents of the installation log file by highlighting View Log and pressing Return, or highlight OK and press Return to continue.
  16. The DB2 Setup Utility dialog box opens. Highlight Close and press Return to exit from the DB2 Setup Utility.
  17. A Warning dialog informs you that a DB2 instance has not been created. Ensure that OK is highlighted, and press Return.
  18. A Warning dialog informs you that the Administration Server has not been created. Ensure that OK is highlighted, and press Return.
  19. A Notice dialog prompts you to exit from the DB2 Installer. Ensure that OK is highlighted and press Return.
  20. Unmount the CD-ROM before removing it from the CD-ROM drive by using the umount command, as follows:
    # umount /cdrom
  21. See the WebSphere Application Server Supported Software and APIs Web site at to determine if it is necessary to install a DB2 FixPak for your version of WebSphere Application Server. If you need to update your DB2 UDB installation with a FixPak, note the FixPak level and proceed to the section Upgrading DB2 UDB with a FixPak.

Upgrading DB2 UDB with a FixPak

Perform the following steps to install a FixPak for DB2:

  1. See the WebSphere Application Server Supported Software and APIs Web site at to determine the required FixPak level for your version of WebSphere Application Server.
  2. Go to the DB2 Universal Database and DB2 Connect Online Support Web site at, navigate to the download page for the required FixPak, and download the appropriate file. Read the accompanying README file for installation suggestions.
  3. Ensure that you are logged into the machine with superuser (root) privileges.
  4. Navigate to the directory containing the downloaded tar file.
  5. Untar the file you downloaded to extract the DB2 packages by using the tar command, as follows:
    # tar -xvf file_name.tar

    In this command, file_name is the name of the tar file you downloaded.

  6. After you untar the file you downloaded, the directory containing the tar file now also contains a new subdirectory. Navigate to the new subdirectory.
  7. Install the FixPak by using the installpatch script, as follows:
    # ./installpatch
  8. Proceed to the article "Configuring and testing DB2 UDB 7.2."