Application Server
and E-fixes
WebSphere Application Server Version 4.0 FixPak 3
Apar/ Description
Defect List
78864 Pick up service name for administrative server
79533 Pass back cookies properly through reverse proxy
79581 ENOBUFS is not necessarily an error on HP-UX11
91878.1 Increase alarm thread pool size to 2
101506 XMLConfig leaks FileServiceBrowser beans during enterprise bean support
103404.2 Activation of entity bean after module stop/start fails
110231/PQ57773 SVT-Directory browsing of directoryNames contains spaces
110326 Resource Analyzer displays negative numbers for database connection pool percent used 111683 Serviceability of enterprise bean exceptions
111891 Improve entity bean remove
111410.1 Add dependent classpath to -cp attribute of enterprise bean deploy
112512.6 Add support for Informix 9.3
113136.2 Silent install fixes for PTF installer
113380 Pass-by-value class enhancements for WS/390 interoperability
113710 Changing database name in data source does not take effect
113864 No error reported when taglib.tld has incorrect order to document type description (DTD)
114240 Unable to install with spaces in installation directory's name
114402 Putting HTTP directory name in quotes skips HTTP upgrade
114663 Document-root file limit
114756/PQ57024 ISEL-usage information is incorrect in Japanese (EARExpander)
114893 Capitalization and punctuation in install.bat messages
114926 Test fails with TransactionRolledbackLocalException
114934 Add diagnostic message for transaction timeouts
115046 Vector.isEmpty() called excessive amount of times in performance testing
115392 Inconsistent terminology in install.bat script
115480 ISEL-Large Data Caching causes IllegalStateException
115608 Add symbolic links to additionalClassPath
115626 MSG_CONM_6015E needs to include class name
115641 Updating database password in data source does not allow access to the database
115698 Administrative server does not shut down properly
115725 Dynamic cache: Support new cachespec.xml for servlets
116204 Administrative server in Work Load Management does not work for security failover
116521 Invalid package statement generated for JSP files in some folders
116630 Test connection using Informix failed without user name and password
116778 Remove button not available to remove clone system properties
116869 Advanced Edition remote file browser fails for root
116978 Oracle 9i stale connection results in an error
117050 Allow application server to create directory structure for JSP classes
117141 Install PTF2 overwrites existing java.policy file
117297 Restart server TCL script does not print the desired state
117813 NamingException on start up of Advanced Edition and Advanced Edition WSAD
117470 Object Request Broker initialization does not set requestTimeout=0
117486 EntApp Remove:InvalidBeanOStateException thrown
117516 DefaultErrorReporter shows incorrect requested/error URL
117586 Fix initial context problem in wscp with security on
117618 PTF uninstall script does not run outside WebSphere directory
117713 Data source class name not found during direct JNDI lookup
117746 XMLCONFIG should be able to handle simultaneous updates
117813/PQ58724 NamingException on start up of AE (and AEs within WSAD)
117854 VirtualScripts not handled correctly
117985 XML import improperly sets attributes
117988/PQ57190 Plug-in rediscovery can be improved
118023/PQ57252 REG:RedHat7.2:PTF install gsk rpm cannot be removed
118117 ContextPath is incorrect after include with dynacache enabled
118134 IllegalArgumentException occurs when retrieving XA resources
118235 Security logon only allows 15 chars, but with CustReg it needs more
118317 1 PC errors from Custom User Registry using a data source.
118436 XMLConfig: export of server group fails to import
118607 Native Registry Impls fail to log native API error codes
118772 Cache Monitor must display cache policies
118893 PTF3 install fails as it cannot recognize space in path
119052 Fix potential deadlock in CompoundClassloader
119070 Improve tracing for NamingExceptions in LdapRegistryImpl
119079 Errors in IHS PTFs installation
119148 Enabling dynamic cache appserver throws exception
119271 Enable JDK restore for unix platforms.
119355/PQ58576 Extra path information causes error
119564 NullPointerException is an attempt to export the LTPA key data
119692 Upgrade to LotusXSL 2.2
119927 JDBC driver with multiple data sources is not migrated properly
119963 Database password in clear text in XAResources file
120015 Error starting default server with Java 2 security enabled
120178 AEs uninstall does not work
120209 Wrong return code on ptf3 uninstall for DeleteTranLog
120343 Deadlock in classloaders
120423 Security failures after PTFf 3 is uninstalled
120802 JNDI causes LDAP authentication to hang if given wrong password
120842/PQ58678 Trade 2.7 does not run with dynamic cache enabled
121290 Display error message when WAS_HOME not set
121307 WASPostUpgrade fails with a NoClassDefFoundError
121790 Performance improvement in LDAP authentication
122812 Apache Web server fails after plug-in
121813 WebSphere Application Server iKeyman core dumps when accessing crypto card on AIX
121813.1 Update WebSphere Application Server iKeyman script for AIX
122222 PTF3 uninstallWAS() echoes incorrect status information
122248 SimpleSession : Cannot create new Web component
122256/PQ59500 SVT:PTF3 installer does not update iPlanet 6 configuration on Windows 2000
122294 Error messages occur on install of PTF3 on HP
122339.1 Edit setupCmdLine to add WAS_BOOTCLASSPATH setting
122771 Add reloadingEnabled and reloadInterval to JspInitParameters
123167 AES PTF3 install fails on assembly tools only installation
123274 gskit 4 not being installed for iPlanet plug-in on solaris
123924 Sleep command does not work on uninstall of PTF on Windows
124119 SampleCheckout does not work on AIX
124448 Install error occurs if answer Y to backup in WebSphere Application Server home path with blanks
124973 Update classloaders to make compatibile with 4.02
125083 In debug mode, JSP files are recompiled every time
125087 SVT: PTF3 installer does not update iPlanet 6 configuration on Windows 2000
125549 SVC: Confusing error messages during IPLANET update
125652 Dependencies have visibility of WAR with J2EE application visibility
125664 JSP Compiler using old isOutDated algorithm
125678.1 Add for Component updateFile in Filter file updates
125724 SVT: After PTF3 install, iPlanet 6 cannot access samples
125744 Specifying iPlanet directory with spaces in the name fails
PQ51545 URIs are not constructed properly with security enabled
PQ54352 Cumulative session fix
PQ53588 Object/string conversion problem
PQ53912 Ikeyman down frequently at file handling
PQ54217 Session data available across Web applications
PQ54291 Performance regression introduced in Version 4.0.1, Advanced Edition for cached Web pages
PQ55309 principalName in sas.client.props says it cannot be edited
PQ55386 Unable to update context root, even after making changes to the application.xml file
PQ53899 "Configuration structure --> edit scope" defect for namebased VH
(3.5)PQ55530 (4.0) PQ59259 Follow on to PQ50243, fix needed to ignore the host names
PQ54931 Afpa BSOD caused by connection reference count error
PQ55619 Classes with empty tags are not loaded
PQ55620 Xmlconfig export does not have a real bean or component name
(3.5)PQ55691 (4.0) PQ59265 Memory leak occurs when using JMSXA
PQ55771 Command line utilities do not work when using JCE package
PQ55897 Xmlconfig should recognize installed EAR and not fail
PQ55940 Customer request to changed the name of the cookie in Version 4.0, Advanced Edition
(3.5)PQ56182 (4.0) PQ59225 Empty topology occurs when starting the administrative console with a high number
PQ56022 Data source passwords are not encrypted in WSCP output
PQ56068 JSP file with a date other than .class file added to WebSphere Application Server
PQ56091 BeanNotReentrant exception occurs with transaction in enterprise bean
(3.5) PQ56104 (4.0) PQ59880 Do not drop connection pool on setQueryTimeout
(3.5)PQ56177 (4.0) PQ59262 Internet Explorer does not display 401 error messages correctly
PQ56177.1 Add message to WebSecurityException thrown by EJSWebCollaborato
PQ56224 Decoding with URLs with session IDs and query string throws index
PQ56243 JSP files fail to compile with branch to large exception
PQ56253 Trying to get the package name through (THIS).GETCLASS().GETPACKAGE() fails
PQ56283 JSP file batch compiler does not compile when JSP files are more than on subdirectory deep
PQ56292 Stating administrative console with the administrative role user ID fails
PQ56389 Requests are lost when application server is stopped
PQ56395 WebSphere Application Server adds cache control and expires headers automatically
PQ56429 Must set java.library.path in JVM and path settings in order for native calls to find DLL files
PQ56439 Administrative server is trying to create an existing table and throws an error
PQ56441 Migration to Version 4.0 displays MIGR0121E and MIGR0124E errors in import administrative database driver if no data source references this JDBC driver
PQ56615 Need support sharing TLD files between Web applications
PQ56638 HTTP transport NSAPI does not parse cookies with double quotes
PQ56639 Can not set the connection cache maximum for Object Request Broker
PQ56665 Backend mappings ignored with Merant Layer due to regression
PQ56703 The close separator character in URL rewrite not handled well by some WML browsers
(3.5)PQ56706 (4.0) PQ59263 IndexOutOfBound error reported by POL director if a port number not used
PQ56737 Connection pool waiter grows when it should not
PQ56777 XA recovery with indoubt transactions for an Oracle database is looping
PQ56861 New sessions are created in Version 4.0 when another application server (WebLogic) uses cookies with JSESSION ID
PQ56894 The migration tools, WASPostUpgrade or Intall, did not add all the .war files with duplicated Web application Web paths
PQ56896 Passing JSP file parameters using the post method results in a failure to find a URI
PQ56912 Change WebSphere behavior to forward to defined error page
(3.5)PQ56964 (4.0) PQ57776 Sessions persistently fail on DB2/390 when using 32 > SIZE > 29
PQ57066 Custom registry initialized multiple times
PQ57024 Usage information is incorrect in Japanese (EARExpander)
PQ57073 Deadlocks with DB2/390 using TX_SERIALIZABLE
PQ57073.2 CM support for DB2/390 fix
(3.5)PQ57106 (4.0) PQ59264 Plug-in fails to send back appropriate return code to the Web server
PQ57147 DBCS characters are not handled correctly within TSX tags of JSP file
(3.5)PQ57236 (4.0) PQ59256 Dynamic cache requests and response proxies not implementing the deprecated interfaces HTTPServiceRequest and HTTPServiceResponse
PQ57241 Certain dynamic JSP file parameter values are not handled properly
(3.5)PQ57349 (4.0) PQ57566 Applying PQ54061 and not having a dynacache.xml file causes the application server to crash
PQ57276 JSP batch compiler fails with NumberFormat exception
PQ57307 isUserInRole returns false for JSP
PQ57399 Malformed accept language causes JAVA.LANG.STRINGI
(3.5)PQ57408 (4.0) PQ58023 Enterprise beans should not be reused if they throw a system or unchecked exception
PQ57446 When installing an EAR with enterprise beans in Version 4.0.2 and choosing to regenerate the deployed code, performance issues occur
PQ57491 The error "Cannot forward: Response already committed" displays when a JSP includes another JSP, and the included JSP throws an exception
(3.5)PQ57523 (4.0) PQ59311 Microsoft SQL portability layer class converts timestamp to datetimestamp
PQ57530 When using NameDispatcher to call a JSP it fails
PQ57560.1 WebCollaborator gets NullPointerException
PQ57613 Cannot set header response already committed, error 500 occurs randomly when refreshing the browser
PQ57615 Adding users to roles through the browser console does not work
PQ57689 Head HTTP request for an HTML or JAR file returns an error 500
PQ57814 Machine with security stops responding after a period of time
PQ57837 Problem with how the plug-in performs initialization on Unix platforms
PQ57860 The error OMG.CORBA.MARSHALL: "Unable to read value from underlying bridge: JAVA.LANG.STRING; illegal access exception on Websphere 4.02" displays
PQ57910 JSP batch compiler fails with NullPointer exception
PQ57998 IIS 5.0, regen plug-in does not update the plugin-cfg file properly
PQ58038 Performing an Xmlconfig produces an extra CRLF
PQ58248 Deploy an new EAR file using Xmlconfig with no down time
PQ58289 Authorization fails for an enterprise application installed
PQ58443 When installing an EAR with enterprise beans in Version 4.0.2 and choosing to regenerate the deployed code, performance issues occur
PQ58475 WASREQURL is being cleared when form login user uses the incorrect user name and password when first logging in
PQ58741 Cannot compile JSP for debugging
PQ58772 Performance bottleneck in JCA implementation
PQ58418 No extended binding information for EAR files cause the WSCP "ENTERAPP INSTALL" commands "-RUNASROLES" not to function
PQ58498 Enterprise bean server changes transaction attribute for enterprise bean methods
PQ58584 A call to the Reflect API GetField results in a NoSuchField exception
(3.5) PQ58739 (4.0) PQ59461 User authentication creates two credentials instead of one
PQ58535 User name property is missing in drivermanager.getconnection
PQ58741 Cannot compile JSP for debugging
PQ58772 Performance bottleneck in JCA implementation
PQ58977 Included JSP parameters are not being picked up by request.get-attribute("Java.servlet.include.query_string") as expected
PQ59010 Memory leak in application server occurs when authentication target is local operating system