WebSphere Application Server
FixPaks and E-fixes
WebSphere Application Server Version 4.0 FixPak 2
Web server plug-in
Servlet support
JSP support
EJB support
XML support



PQ53951             New command line parameter for the WASPostUpgrade migration tool


PQ53238             Need to be able to supply display name and context root     
PQ54306             In AEs, no Windows NT service is created when at installation 
PQ53166             Changed AEs to a Windows NT service rather than an application 
                    for better usability
111876              Custom installation has problem with installing IBM HTTP Server                                    
111065              SE Application Install using wrong location for server-cfg file location                                       
112465              Incorrect bindings generated during application install                                                     
111081.1            Add support for Sybase 12.0 to Advanced Edition                                                        


PQ52192             Must be able to switch to Client HotSpot            
PQ52454             Fail to create data source when bringing up administrative server on Sybase     
PQ54089             Performance testing Connection pool timeout errors          
PQ52597             Cannot set Path variable to access the .DLL or .SO file from a JNI  
PQ53281             WebSphere Application Server Version 4.01 AE and AES difference between 
                    default mime types associated with the virtual host
PQ54361             WebSphere Application Server repository tables in Oracle are not updated
PQ54642             Change the thin admin code to not allow the checkbox to change  
PQ51445             Clone fails to load application after process termination       
PQ51678             CST:Sun:ClassCastException on BRB MovieSample               
PQ53132             The administrative console hangs when a large volume of serious event 
                    messages are issued 
PQ51899             The administrative client hangs on Solaris
PQ52484             Mulitnode clones cannot set the same HTTP transport port
PQ53148             J2EE EAR file deployment fails
111167              Cannot set an HTTP port which is not in use                                                     
110467.2            Key File Name not required when using crypto card                                               
112125              Create datasource with no wizard and node installed                                                  
115407              GUI problems when one machine is down in a multinode scenario                 
112075              Incorrect defaults in the Advanced Edition administrative console                                                           
110567              Default to WASHOME/installableApps in Enterprise Application install                                     
110426              Clone fails to load application after process termination                                        
113907              Administrative server files are created with incorrect permissions                                            
111698              Incorrect default value for Maximum Keep-Alives                                                    
112773              StaleConnectionException in the DB2 Sample database                                                          
112969              NullPointerException occurs while running sample database servlet                                        
110564              New server group does not have any configured custom services                                     
114899              Problem running ejbdeploy.sh                                                                                                                                            
112253.7            Support Merant type 4 for SQL Server 2000                                                  
112845              Unable to start installed applications after disabling trace                                              
111080.4            Add support for Informix 9.21 to Advanced Edition                                                       


112496              Cannot start the administrative server if security is enabled
PQ56055             Spaces in LDAP user name problem    
PQ54156             Administrative console takes 10 minutes to come up when using LTPA      
PQ53688             Trust file type does not correctly default          
PQ54789             Potential authentication performance issues occur if user belongs to one or more 
                    groups with large memberships       
PQ55804             InvalidTokenException results in authentication failure
PQ51442             sas.server.props should not be truncated                
PQ54124             Authorization fails from unsecure to secure resource                
PQ56053             LDAP does not accept special characters 
PQ56057             Performance degradation LTPA token  
PQ51442             Correct various security problems   
110556.1            Invalid Handling of invalid LTPA password on XML Import                                         
110491              The Remove action for dynamic properties does not work                                              
100432              Detailed exceptions during security initialization                                                
112783              isUserInRole() API throws exception with JSP:forward tag                                             
110911              Trust Association does not work with WebSeal 3.7.                                                  
116822              Cannot enable crypto support at global level                                                  
110214              When migrating from AEs to AE a security realm name error occurs                                                    
110467              Key File Name not required when using crypto card                                            
110296              Improve warning message when native code does not load                                                                                                       


PQ54785             Sybase database on Solaris with persistent sessions fails due to change in 
                    product name returned
PQ54783             The HttpSession switch between two clones session could not be updated      
PQ54782             JTA transaction errors occur within the scope of persisting a session   
PQ56061             Session manager always calls GetConnection when it receives StaleConnection 

Web server plug-in

PQ54168             Plug-in matching of requests URIs fails for similar matched URIs 
PQ56063             iPlanet drops persistent SSL browser connections 
PQ56065             Static resource secured by WebSphere Application Server can be accessed  
PQ53225             An error occurs when using Domino and WebSphere to upload large files
PQ52628             Sockets get stuck in FIN_WAIT state                 
PQ52629             GetHostByName error occurs when HTTP server is started with improper name       
PQ56051             IIS plug-in does not reply error 500 to client
PQ52630             NSAPI plug-in module needs to examine path in service exit      
PQ56058             When sending data from HTML form to Domino, the query string gets truncated 
PQ51952             IHS plug-in getting buffer overflow errors  
PQ52034             System core dumps at shutdown
PQ51900             Non-80 port for iPlanet in plug-in-cfg.xml does not work 
PQ56056             Filehandle not being cleaned up when Use./APACHECTL     
PQ53226             HTTP server-side logs are filling up with the SYSMGMT_QUEUE_FOR_URI RC = 9 error
PQ55071             Domino plug-in can overwrite buffer
PQ52815             SSL enabled plug-in has limitations on Solaris with iPlanet
PQ53053             When using the POST method, a 500 error occurs on the server    
114817              Clone ID parsing fails when multiple cookies are present                                        
108608              SOAP message is corrupted                                                       
113156              Failover with Random LoadBalance does not work                                                   
116069              Duplicate date headers appear in IIS response                                                          

Servlet support

PQ51545		  sendRedirect method does not comply with the Servlet 2.3 specification
PQ55190             404 errors continue after Enterprise application is restarted               
PQ55222             HTTP transport does not handle custom error codes   
PQ52901             Interrupted response not handled correctly
PQ54164             Incorrect handling of NoTargetForURIExceptions      
PQ53483             Parameters in RequestDispatcher path not passed for POST requests   
PQ56062             Servlet unable to set http response header
PQ54784             When using a mime type filter, the "last modified field" is not displayed
PQ54634             SRVE0147E: No virtual host defined for Web module
PQ54035             Welcome file setup using FSE does not search subdirectories for files
PQ52029             UTF-8 characters not working correctly for Japanese
PQ52632             JSP receives NullPointer Exception with root cause of: "JSP 1.1 Processor"  
PQ52451             AEs displays 500 error after defined servlet is removed and then moved back
111717              Enable defaulting of virtual host if none is specified                                           
112901              Web container Keep-Alive settings do not work correctly                                           
111172              Starting the Web application fails when binding is null                                                         
113168              JSP files give wrong message for unsupported charset error                                      

JSP support

PQ55442             JSP code that does not have closing tags will cause memory errors
PQ54150             Jaspar does not parse lines ending in "\r"          
PQ54167             Option A caching is not working  
PQ54810             Setting a JNDI name in a WCSP (TCL) script does not work
PQ55617             Java.IO.UTFDATAFORMAT exception occurs when running multiple EJB clients
PQ53310             Remove dependency of getClassLoader from HttpJSPBase per specification      
PQ53687             Performance problem with custom tags in JSP 1.1 
PQ55171             Code generated by JSP compiler is not checking for valid out "J"    
PQ54943             Servlet and JSP response contains partial results from a previous request
PQ54947             When JSP files do an include or do an include in a different directory, 
                    WebSphere Application Server gets confused as to what directory it is in
PQ52480             JSPWrite in JSP 1.1 does not flush per specification    
PQ56050             JSP 1.0 with tsx:getproperty, returning table with carriage return  
PQ56048             Tag interspection helper is causing compile time for JSP files  
PQ51938             JSPBatchCompiler does not work on JSP files already compiled
PQ52478             rtexprvalue fails for 'yes' and 'no' values
PQ54371             JSP files that start with numerals do not compile
113072              Batch compiler replaces spaces with underscores in temporary directory name                                   
115025              The getServletName() should return JSP file name or registered name                                      
110331              The JasperUtil does not properly build a class loader                                                    
109390              Java script code is lost when the server runs in debug mode                                         
110971              JspBatchCompiler script does not support -nameServerHost and -nameServerPort                                     

EJB support

PQ55659             Capability to override all findByPrimaryKey methods read-only
PQ54887             Uncontrolled ORB threads causes failure in application server
PQ56060             When using exclusive type A locking, the customer application hangs as load 
PQ54788             WLM administration across multiple domains not working properly 
PQ54111             One-phase commit regression     
PQ53224             EJB call-by-reference (NoLocalCopies) gets Java.RMI.Remote exception: 
                    Java.Lang.ClassCast exception
PQ52631             IllegalState exception occurs at bean passivation   
PQ56052             Unable to run the administrative server as non-root 
PQ53227             BeanNotReEnterant exception occurs during JSP file call to stateful bean session
PQ55597             PmiService in WSCP uses hard-coded port 900                        
PQ55235             EJB will not open in the Application Assembly Tool
PQ52176             Getting NullPointer Exception at initial context class loader
PQ52182             Performance bottleneck in JTS function 
PQ51460             OBJECT_NOT_EXIST exception occurs in WLM environment                                                
PQ51459             Interoperability problem "SUID mismatch"                                                 
110496              EJB callbacks are called without collaborators                                       
111483              Wrong object returned on Finders/Collection                                                     
109641.1            Root exception is lost when TRANSACTION_ROLLEDBACK is thrown                                                  
107762              Default isolation level must be "read committed" for Oracle                                       
111132.1            Log warning messages for potential deadlocks and lost updates                                         
112866              Error stopping default server after running Petstore                                                   
103404.1            Entity bean is activated after module Stop/Start fails                                                  
113155              socketPermission error occurs for JDBC driver code with Oracle                                             
113502              Informix JDBC class files not found, cannot create a datasource                                   
109762              Console hangs when the default server starts                                                     
115204              Informix JDBC class files not found                                                     
111094              Split CMProperties into connection pool and data source properties                                      
112930              Password in clear text in trace                                                                   
114269              JMS/WAS XA memory leak in transactions code                                                       
114128              Deleting a DB2 JDBC Driver(XA) results in exceptions                                                
113943              Performance improvement in WLM                                                                    
112841              Authorization fails in WLM, LTPA and Java client environments                                               
113279              Cannot delete more than one object from the Application Assembly Tool                                               
112253.2            Support Merant type 4 for SQL Server 2000                                               

XML support

PQ52555             XMLConfig does not permit configuration of clones
PQ55272             Create virtual host with the same alias via import fails    
PQ55060             XMLConfig creates bad transport for new application server    
PQ55064             XMLConfig fails to import or export data source
115632              Output from XMLConfig contains clear text passwords                                                 
111368              Do not export properties that are not relevant to custom registry                                    
113832              XMLConfig full import fails with Null Pointer exception                                          


PQ53923             Umask problem with WebSphere Application Server, Version 4.0.1 on Linux
PQ53277             WebSphere Application Server Version 4.0.1 Solaris 8 Selector.So file
PQ52203             Dynamic cache not working with WPS                      
PQ54151             Incorrect classloaders created with multilevel dependent jars       
PQ55561             Localizable Text Translator object loads when object is passed back from 
                    method request
PQ52185             Performance enhancement in ClientRequestImpl    
PQ55226             WebSphere Application Server Version 4.0 Application Assembly Tool errors occur 
                    during code generation, inheritance not recognized
PQ51386             Java.lang.NoClassDefFound error from JNDI Lookup            
PQ51678             ClassCast exception occurs on BRB Moveable sample
PQ51897             Inheritance is incorrect for Find BYPK for CMPS 
PQ51494             OLT/Distributed Debugger tools have a problem tracing properly
PQ52185             Performance enhancement in ClientRequestImpl
PQ54158             Errors are thrown in Application Assembly Tool during "generate code for deployment"    
PQ55190             "No target servlet configured for URI" received after stopping and starting 
                    enterprise application  
110552              Use of showlog command or instructions need revisions