eFix (APAR): PQ62333 Status: efix Release: WebSphere 4.0.4 Supersedes eFixes: none CMVC defect: PQ62333 Byte size of APAR: 1,078,098 bytes Date: 10/01/2002 Title: WSCP SHOW command reports incorrect currentState on EnterpriseApp and Modules installed on ServerGroup Abstract: Using WSCP with "EnterpriseApp show" command returns incorrect current state of the EnterpriseApp and same incorrect result for Module. This problem does not occur on stand alone server and only occurs when EnterpriseApp/Modules are installed on a ServerGroup . Description/symptom of problem: Error Description: Here is the test senerio: Install EnterpriseApp on a ServerGroup with multiple servers/clones. wscp> EnterpriseApp show /EnterpriseApp:intlbl/ {Name intlbl} {FullName /EnterpriseApp:intlbl/} {CurrentState Stopped} DesiredState Running} {StartTime 1021486630789} {OrigEarFile /apps/apl/intlbl/servlets/intlbl.ear} {OrigNodeName rcdaix10} The output shows stopped but the console shows Running by right click on EnterpriseApp and "showStatus". The discrepency applies to Modules as well. EnterpriseApp is in running state if at least one of the Modules it contains is running. A Module is in running state iff all of the servers it is installed on are running. If server accessed by remote client, eFix should be applied to both machines. Directions to apply efix: 1) Create temporary "efix" directory to store the jar file: AIX: /tmp/WebSphere/efix Solaris/Linux: /tmp/WebSphere/efix Windows: c:\temp\WebSphere\efix 2) Copy jar file to the directory 3) Shutdown WebSphere 4) Run the jar file with the following command answering questions/prompts as they appear: java -jar 5) Restart WebSphere 6) The temp directory may be removed but the jar file should be saved. Do not remove any files created and stored in the /WebSphere/AppServer/efix/ directories. These files are required if an efix is to be removed. Directions to remove an efix: NOTE: EFIXES MUST BE REMOVED IN THE ORDER THEY WERE APPLIED. DO NOT REMOVE AN EFIX UNLESS ALL EFIXES APPLIED AFTER IT HAVE FIRST BEEN REMOVED. YOU MAY REAPPLY ANY REMOVED EFIX. Example: If your system has efix1, efix2, and efix3 applied in that order and efix2 is to be removed, efix3 must be removed first, efix2 removed, and efix3 re-applied. 1) Change directory to the efix location (/WebSphere/AppServer/efix/). 2) Shutdown WebSphere 3) Run the backup jar file with the following command: java -jar 4) Restart WebSphere Directions to re-apply an efix: Follow the instructions for applying an efix. If the backup files still exist (from the previous efix application), you will be prompted to overwrite. Answer "yes" at the overwrite prompts. Additional Information: ------------------------------------------------------------------ This is a cumulative efix. In addition to the description above, applying this efix solves the following problems: none