eFix (APAR): pq61576 Status: efix Release: WebSphere 3.5.6 Operating System: all platforms Supersedes eFixes: none CMVC defect: PQ61576 Byte size of APAR: 5,185 - PQ61576_ns.jar 22,840 - PQ61576_ujc.jar Date: 06/06/02 Title: BAD_PARAM exception thrown when the output of list() contains contexts Abstract: A org.omg.CORBA.BAD_PARAM exception was thrown with context.list() method when the output of such method contains contexts. Description/symptom of problem: A org.omg.CORBA.BAD_PARAM exception was thrown with context.list() method when the output of such method contains JNDI contexts which were created under WebSphere Application Server 3.5.5 or 3.5.6 with Oracle as its repository. Directions to apply efix: 1) Create "efix" directory to store the efix jar file(s): AIX: /usr/WebSphere/AppServer/efix Solaris/Linux: /opt/WebSphere/AppServer/efix Windows: c:\WebSphere\AppServer\efix 2) Copy PQ61576_ujc.jar and PQ61576_ns.jar to the directory 3) Add the directory/jar file to the beginning of the admin server's classpath in admin.config: com.ibm.ejs.sm.adminserver.classpath=C:/WebSphere/AppServer/efix/PQ61576_ujc.jar;C:/WebSphere/AppServer/efix/PQ61576_ns.jar ... 4) Stop and restart the Admin Server Additional Information: PQ61576_ujc.jar is also needed for the naming client, where the list() method is being called. Just append "C:/WebSphere/AppServer/efix/PQ61576_ujc.jar" to the beginning of the classpath used by the client. ------------------------------------------------------------------