ix: PQ60610 For Release: WebSphere 3.5.4/3.5.5/3.5.6 Supercedes eFixes: CMVC defect: PQ60610 Byte size of APAR: 9,430KB Date: 04/29/02 Abstract: The was repository is not removing the JNDI reference from the BindingBeanTbl after stop or EJB removal. Description/symptom of problem: When you stop a Model and subsequent clones the BINDINGBEANTBL in the WAS repository should no longer show the EJB's that are associated to the Model. NOTE: If the EJBs are deployed in more than one Model or another indepenant Application Server the reference should still show in the table, unless all instances are stopped. Upon deletion of all instances of an EJB the BINDINGBEANTBL should also be updated. This is not working properly as deleted EJBs are still showing as well as when all instances of an EJB are stopped. This occurs in single and multi-node environments on WAS 3.5.4/3.5.5. Directions to apply efix: Step 1: Create a directory called "efix" under the WebSphere root. \efix. For e.g the root could be C:\WebSphere\AppServer. Step 2: Copy PQ60610_355.jar into the efix directory. Step 3: Add the directory/jar file to the beginning of the admin server's classpath in admin.config com.ibm.ejs.sm.adminServer.classpath=C:/WebSphere/AppServer/efix/PQ60610_355.jar... Step 4: Stop and restart the Admin Server (** any processes that must be restarted)