eFix (APAR): PQ59241 Status: efix For Release: WebSphere 4.0.3 For Operating System: Solaris only Supercedes eFixes: N/A CMVC defect: PQ59241 (include PQ62144 also) Byte size of APAR: 966,222 Date: 07/10/02 Abstract: Need EAPI compiled HTTP Server / plugin-in Description/sypmtom of problem: USERS AFFECTED: WebSphere Application Server version 4.0.1 using the Apache webserver plugin for a webserver compiled with EAPI support. PROBLEM DESCRIPTION: The plugin had only been compiled with the headers files for the base Apache API. Therefore, a message was seen at server startup when loaded into an Apache EAPI webserver. The Apache 1.3 webserver has 2 different flavors of API. There is the base API that is more common and there is an extended one(EAPI) that is used for SSL support and some of the more advanced plugins. The WebSphere plugin had only been compiled against the base API header files. PROBLEM CONCLUSION: Compile the plugin against the extended API header files and eliminate the warning message at server startup. DIRECTIONS TO APPLY EFIX: Part 1: 1) Stop the Web Server(s). 2) Issue the command java -jar PQ59241_eFix_AEServer_AEsServer.jar -target 3) Modify the httpd.conf file for the EAPI Apache instance to load mod_app_server_http_eapi.so instead of mod_app_server_http.so(non EAPI). 4) Restart the web server(s). ADDITIONAL INFORMATION: Notes on configuration parameters: ---------------------------------- NONE The following files are included in the fix: -------------------------------------------- mod_app_server_http_eapi.so