E-fix: PQ56607 Date: 12/06/2001 Release: WebSphere Advanced 3.5.4, may work on 3.5.3, and 3.5.2, but it's not tested. This should also work fine on 3.5.5. A significant number of these E-Fixes are incorporated into the base 3.5.5. Related CMVC internal defects: 92071, 93387, 93585, 94646, 93387, 95474, 94207, 95478, 95076, 96772, 98027, 100103, 115405, **New -> 113141 Related APAR: PQ45992, PQ45004, PQ46883, PQ47339, PQ47404, PQ43427, PQ48194, PQ48307, PQ48412, PQ48833, PQ48877, PQ49464, PQ49895, PQ50076, PQ50372, PQ51496, PQ52713, PQ52731, PQ52986, PQ53331, PQ53415, PQ54471, PQ55196, PQ55402, **New this E-Fix -> PQ55413, PQ56607 ------------------------------------------------------------------ ** NOTE ** NOTE ** NOTE ** NOTE ** NOTE ** NOTE ** NOTE ** NOTE ** This E-Fix contains a change for WebSphere Connection Management which affects the way PreparedStatements are allocated Please see the description under PQ53331 below. ** NOTE ** NOTE ** NOTE ** NOTE ** NOTE ** NOTE ** NOTE ** NOTE ** ------------------------------------------------------------------ Directions to apply fix: 1) Create a directory to store the jar file (e.g. c:\WebSphere\AppServer\efix) 2) Copy the jar file into the directory. 3) Add the directory/jar file to the beginning of the admin server's classpath in admin.config: com.ibm.ejs.sm.adminserver.classpath=C:/WebSphere/AppServer/efix/PQxxxxx.jar; ... 4) Stop and restart the Admin Server. ------------------------------------------------------------------ This Connection Pooling E-fix is cumulative for 3.5.4 and may work for 3.5.3 or 3.5.2 All previous non-custom Connection Pooling E-fixes are included in this E-fix. The following defects were fixed in this E-fix: 1) StaleConnectionException handling was improved. (Defect 92071) An additional Sybase error code (JZ0C0) was mapped to the StaleConnectionException class (PQ45004). In addition, appropriate try/catch blocks were added in all methods on a Connection object that could drive a call to the database. This ensures that a StaleConnectionException is thrown back to the caller when an error code is caught that could result in a StaleConnectionException. 2) Ensure the setLoginTimeout method on a DataSource drives back to the JDBC driver. (Defect 93387) The setLoginTimeout method on the DataSource only had set an internal WebSphere timer, and did not drive the call all the way down to the database. Due to an issue with Sybase handing threads, we have changed the setLoginTimeout method to call all the way to the driver. This change will allow the client code to set the Connection login time-out so that if a thread gets hung at the database on a getConnection, it will be timed out by the driver. 3) The ObjectAlreadyClosed exception was replaced by StaleConnectionException. (Defect 93585) ObjectAlreadyClosed was thrown when a Connection object was used but the Connection had already been closed, either by the user or by preemption/orphaning. Now, with this E-fix, using a Connection that has already been closed will result in an StaleConnectionException instead. The reason for the change is because the client's method for recovery from an ObjectAlreadyClosed and a StaleConnectionException should be the same. Now only one exception needs to be caught. 4) Null pointer exceptions. (Defect 94646) This fix eliminates an internal cause of null pointer exceptions. The exceptions had no impact on function since they were being handled appropriatly. This does improve performance for some users. 5) Update setLoginTimeout to work as stated in JDBC spec. (Defect 93387) In the past, the time-out parameter passed in was only used for setting the time one would wait in getting a connection from the free connection pool when the pool was empty and the maximum number of connections had been allocated. Now, in addition, the setLoginTimeout will also be passed to the underlying JDBC Driver so that getConnection calls will similarly be timed out. 6) Check for null before wrapping result set in proxy. (defect 95474) Prior to this fix, if you made a JDBC call on a connection which did not return a ResultSet, but then did a getResultSet. Instead of getting back a null result set you would get a WebSphere result set which when used could get a null pointer exception. 7) Throw StaleConnectionException when getting a new connection. (defect 95478) For our recovery programming model to be consistent, we will now throw a StaleConnectionException whenever we are trying to get a new connection from the database and something goes wrong. In the event that this is the first connection to the database, it is still considered a stale connection, even though the situation causing the failure may be temporary. This means it may be reasonable to do a limited number of retries when the application receives a StaleConnectionException on getConnection. This change will require the application to have the getConnection call in a try catch block that catches either StaleConnectionException or SQLException. 8) Prepare statement caching fix. (defect 94207) The original problem which we ran into was that a customer was getting out of handle errors from db2. The reason was because they were using a large number of different prepared statements within a single transaction and the prepared statement cache was not purging "discarded" statement until commit time. In the original E-fix, which doesn't get as much testing as a ptf, we made a change to immediately remove "discarded" preparedStatements. This fixed the original customer problem. Later, during ptf testing, we found that this solution could deadlock the server so we removed the original fix and engineered a new one to take care of the problem. Note: if you are getting db2 out of handles errors you should first try bumping up your applheapsz. If this db2 configuration parameter is too small you could also get the out of handles error. Another configuration parameter which can have the same affect is our preparedStatementCacheSize. Making this value too large will also increase the number of prepared statements which the Connection Pool will keep around. More preparedStatements means you need a larger applheapsz. 9) MS SQL Server does not support FOR UPDATE on select statement. (defect 95076) Microsoft SQL server does not support FOR UPDATE clause on select statements. Using an EJB with generated deployed code from VAJ, the FOR UPDATE clause is added to the select statement. This is not supported for SQL Server. Logic has been added to pick the right select statement when going to SQL server. 10) Close Connection when releasing in use stale connections. (defect 96772) When a StaleConnectionException is translated, all of the connections in the free pool are dropped from the pool and all in use connections are marked for cleanup when they are closed. However, in some cases the connections were marked for cleanup, but not destroyed. As it is always possible that the connections being purged from the free pool may not be bad, it might be that we dropped the reference but that the connection remained open to the database. 11) NullPointerException using Statements/ResultSet after OrphanTimeout (defect 98027) Fixes a problem where attempting to use JDBC resources (i.e. Statement, ResultSet) previously obtained from a now stale connection resulted in a NullPointerException. Attempting to use such resources now results in a StaleConnectionException, as expected. It was reproduced on Informix and DB2 but would likely have occurred on any database. 12) SQLException: Communication Link Failure using Merant SequeLink (defect PQ47339) Map of 08S01 SQL code to StaleConnectionException (Merant). 13) DB2Exception CLI0614E Not thrown as StaleConnectionException (defect PQ47404) Map of 08S01 SQL code to StaleConnectionException (DB2). 14) Oracle "Broken pipe" and "no more date to read from socket" error (defect PQ43427) 15) Map DB2 SQL State 58004 to StaleConnectionException (defect PQ48194) 16) CM part of E-Fix for EJB CMP to DB2 390 (defect PQ48833) Customer was running EJB CMP with DB2/390 as backstore and EJB had TX_REQUIRED as transactional attribute and TRANSACTION_SERIALIZABLE has isolation level. When more clients interacted with the EJB, the following exception was raised: DB:COM.ibm.db2.DB2exception:IBM CLI Driver DB2 SQL0913N Unsuccessful excution caused by deadlock or timeout.Reason code 00C90088.SQLSTAE=57033. The DB/2 390 6.1 prereq for this E-Fix is PQ43910 or UQ50361. 17) Map Oracle TNS/ORA-12541 to StaleConnectionException (defect PQ48877) 18) Null byte array with setBytes causes NullPointerException with Oracle (defect 100103) Oracle was giving us a Null byte array on SetBytes(), so we added a check before getting the length of the array. 19) dbInitialized and LOCK_TABLE handling (defect 97952) When coupled with CO-requisite E-Fix: PQ48625, this will allow user to specify com.ibm.ejs.sm.adminServer.dbInitialized=true in the admin.config file and have it work properly, i.e.: not create admin. repository tables. 20) Close bad XA Connections (defect PQ48307) When an XA connection is marked bad, we now destroy() that connection and give the user another one. the connection does not get returned to the pool. 21) Merant OEMID is not being set during recovery in 3.5 (PQ49464) Application server fails to restart with the following message: Error to recover XAResource javax.transaction.xa.XAException In Merant logs: License verification failed. Diagnostics (Error) added: message: License verification failed.; code:3070;component:4;function:28;row:0;column:0 If admin server is restarted, the app server will restart properly. 22) Oracle exception ORA01012 mapped to StaleConnectionException (PQ49895) This particular test case established a session, then they killed the Oracle session. The query was tried again, received the error: ORA-00028: Your Session has been killed. The browser was closed and a new one opened, then they get: ORA-01012:not logged on. 23) Merant SQL State mapped to StaleConnectionException (PQ50076) in this case the customer unplugged the network cable from WAS machine and the following exception was thrown: PortabilityLa D Trying vendor code 2311 PortabilityLa D Trying SQL state "HY000" PortabilityLa D Trying detail message " MERANT SequeLink JDBC Driver Internal network error, connection closed." From this, four new Merant codes have been added, 2310 and 2311, plus two other StaleConnectionException already in 4.0: 2251 and 2306. 24) Added more Meta-Data for Sybase 12 (PQ50372) Error was: Unrecognized database or driver "Adaptive Server Enterprise". In the case of EBF 9422 and beyond, if the file SQL_server12.SQL is run, the meta data is changed to "AdaptiveServerEnterprise" from "SybaseSQLServer". The new meta data has been added. 25) Error SLOracle51 errorcode 2310 using Merant SQL Server (PQ51496) This has been added to the map for 3.5 Merant Oracle layer. 26) Connection Pool not purged on prepareStatement exception (PQ52713) Error was that if a StaleConnectionException was caught during a prepareStatement, the pool would not get purged properly. 27) Fix for excessive waiters, and connection idling (PQ52731) There was a condition where if waiter threads were encountered, i.e.: More connections requested than in the pool, where the waiters could increase at a rate faster than can be accounted for. Not a fatal problem. Also fixed is a problem where connections may not idle during periods of low activity. 28) Locks not freeing after Transaction Timeout occurs and problems using prepared statements (PQ52986) 1. Locks not freeing after Transaction Timeout occurs Rollbacks are delayed with the transaction timeout occurs and there is still work in progress for the transaction. Normally what should happen is that the rollback will be performed when the work in progress completes. However, there are times when the rollback will not occur due to the connection having been marked closed before the work has completed. This fix ensures that the rollback will be performed and so the locks will be freed. 2. When using prepared statements, an error can occur and work involving the prepared statement is not completed and the connection is not rolled back nor returned to the connection pool Closes on prepared statements were not being properly synchronized, this has been fixed. 29) Cached Prepared Statements performance (PQ53331 and 115405) This E-Fix features a performance increase to the WebSphere Connection Pooling prepared statement cache. The most benefit will be seen in the throughput of applications which use multiple connections simultaneously, although the performance for using a single connection is also improved. The side effect of this improvement is that the meaning of "Prepared Statement cache size" has changed. In previous versions this value signified the total maximum number of Prepared Statements (PS) that would be cached in the datasource or Pool. In this E-Fix, the value still represents the number of PSs per datasource, but the number is now divided by the number of connections. If the number of PS is less than the numner of connections, a minimum of 1 per connection is allocated. For example given 100 PS, and 50 connections, you will have 2 per connection, and given 10 PS and 50 connections, you will have 1 per connection. Customers may wish to adjust the statement cache size. The default statement cache remains 100, and depending upon your connection pool size, this may be reasonable. For larger pool sizes, the statement cache size may need to be increased. Statement cache size can be set by using (or creating) the file named datasources.xml and place it in the $WAS_HOME\properties folder. This file can be used to set other properties, but here is an example of what it would contain for only setting the Cache size: 30) Oracle error ora-17401 added to StaleConnectionException Map (PQ53415) Oracle issues ORA-17401 Protocol Invalid SQLException for various reasons some of which are non-recoverable. This has been added to the map to StaleConnectionException. 31) Illegal ConnectO State exception issued (PQ54471) If a StaleConnectionException was handled during connection allocation, the result would be an illegal State on the ConnectO, causing an internal exception to be thrown. 32) Third insert results in CLI0112E (PQ55196) The problem was when inserting UDB blob type data via WebSphere datasource. a CLI0112E with SQLSTATE=22005 Data Assignment Error was received on the 3rd insertion with same primary key. We expected to continue to get DuplicateKey Exceptions. 33) StaleConnectionException hangs (PQ55402) Possible hangs when processing StaleConnectionExceptions. Connections become unusable and do not recover. 34) Setting default Transaction Isolation Level with servlets (PQ55413) In 3.5, with certain DB's you will get an exception if you set the isolation level after getting a connection in a servlet. We added the ability for a customer to set default the Isolation level fora datasource. In the past the default level was always set and there was no easy way to override it. This is now set via the datasources.xml and WAS35IsolationLevelOverride value. **** Attention! This will override the Isolation level for the Entire DATASOURCE, which may cause EJB's to fail. This work-around is intended for servlets only. Ex: 35) Use of IBMConnMgr interfaces can cause null exceptions (PQ56607) Applications that use the WebSphere 2.0 IBMConnMgr interfaces to get and release connections from the same connection pool and the gets and release may occur in overlapping requests, i.e. a get is occurring while a release is occurring, may receive NullPointer exceptions. 36) DB2 (SQL) Exceptions added to StaleConnectionException Map (113141) Cached preparedStatement becomes invalid when DB2 database CLI packages were rebound. The problem was with the cached prepared statement. The scenario is, a user accidentally rebinds or autobinds the CLI package to the database, this invalidates all CLI packages on the server, and therefore all execution of cached prepared statements received "SQL0514N The cursor "" is not in a prepared state." error. SQL0514N and SQL0518N are now added to the StaleConnectionException map, allowing recovery from this scenario. 37) An internal improvement for Oracle. (116978, 116978.1) NOTES: Recommended changes to client code for StaleConnectionException handling: ------------------------------------------------------------------------- Some of the E-Fixes above deal with wrapping SQL Exceptions in StaleConnectionException, which is itself a SQL Exception. The following is a sample of how to take advantage of this model. The only change the client code would need to make would be to trap for StaleConnectionExceptions as documented in the sample code below. In particular, all the methods on the Connection object could throw a StaleConnectionException. Note that StaleConnectionException is a type of SQLException, so it must be caught before SQLException in a try/catch block. In most cases, if a StaleConnectionException is caught, the programming model would suggest releasing the reference to the Connection and trying to obtain a new Connection from the DataSource. The only time you might not want to get a new Connection is if this happens on the close() of the Connection. An example of client code changes recommended: ---------------------------------------------- ..... try { boolean retry = true; while( retry) { try { Connection conn1 = ds1.getConnection(); Statement stmt1 = conn1.createStatement(); ResultSet res = stmt1.executeQuery(stmtString); ....... // If all the database work was successful. retry = false; ....... } catch (StaleConnectionException ex) { // counter to retry a limited number of times? retry = true; // wait? } catch (SQLException sqle) { ..... } // end try-catch finally { // close result sets // close statements // close connection } } // end while } catch( Exception ex) { .... } // end try-catch ....