eFix (APAR): pq54901 Status: eFix For Release: WebSphere 3.5.5 For Operating System: All Supercedes eFixes: none Prerequisite eFixes: CMVC defect: PQ54901 Byte size of APAR: 43,805 bytes Date: 11/28/01 Abstract: WSCP MODIFY FAILS WITH "MULTIPLE CONCURRENT CLIENTS" MESSAGE ON 3.5.5. Symptoms of problem: After applying 3.5.5, wscp modify commands no longer work correctly. The following message is displayed: Either conflict with another admin client or errors occured during attributes update. In case of multiple concurrent clients, please refresh the property sheet before applying any change! This e-fix allows wscp modify to work as it did in 3.5.4. NOTE: Directions to apply efix: 1) Create "efix" directory to store the efix jar file(s): AIX: /usr/WebSphere/AppServer/efix Solaris/Linux: /opt/WebSphere/AppServer/efix Windows: c:\WebSphere\AppServer\efix 2) Copy pq54901.jar to the directory 3) Add the directory/jar file to the wscp.bat or wscp.sh command file, in front of ejscp.jar: ... set WAS_CP=%WAS_CP%;%WAS_HOME%\efix\pq54901.jar set WAS_CP=%WAS_CP%;%WAS_HOME%\lib\ejscp.jar ... 4) Stop and restart wscp