eFix (APAR): pq50029 Status: eFix For Release: WebSphere 3.5.4 For Operating System: ALL Supercedes eFixes: none Prerequisite eFixes: none Included eFixes: JspCompiler.java PQ49834: abstract JSP Reload Problem when deleting temp directory without restart PQ50863 (108918): abstract Perfomance improvement for defect PQ49834 PQ50244 (103076): abstract JSP1.1 fails to load PropertyResourceBundle PQ50437: abstract JSP 1.1 inner classes don't work with 3.5.3 and 3.5.4 111304: abstract Jsp:useBean support for JspBatchCompiler jsp 1.1 CMVC defect: pq50029 Byte size of APAR: 30,860 Date: 8/13/01 Abstract: Adding the ability to batch compile jsp's using JSP1.1 Specification. Description/symptom of problem: Error message displayed (WAS352 or higher): JSP1.1 Batch Compilation not supported Directions to apply efix: 1) Extract from the jar the testFix and the associated JspBatchCompiler.(sh/bat) 2) Create "efix" directory to store the efix jar file: AIX: /usr/WebSphere/AppServer/efix Solaris: /opt/WebSphere/AppServer/efix Linux: /opt/IBMWebAS/efix Windows: c:\WebSphere\AppServer\efix 3) Copy pq50029.jar to the directory specified in step2. 4) Change directory to /bin. 5) Rename the JspBatchCompiler.(sh/bat) file to JspBatchCompiler.(sh/bat).old 6) Copy the extracted JspBatchCompiler.(sh/bat) to the current directory noted in step 4. 7) Modify the JspBatchCompiler.(sh/bat) script and type the path of the eFix noted in step 3 in the front of the "WAS_CP" path. For example, NT batch compiler... REM BEGINNING OF SCRIPT @echo off call setupCmdLine.bat set WAS_CP=%WAS_HOME%\lib\ibmwebas.jar set WAS_CP=%WAS_CP%;%WAS_HOME%\lib\servlet.jar set WAS_CP=%WAS_CP%;%WAS_HOME%\lib\xml4j.jar set WAS_CP=%WAS_CP%;%WAS_HOME%\lib\ujc.jar set WAS_CP=%WAS_CP%;%WAS_HOME%\lib\ejs.jar set WAS_CP=%WAS_CP%;%WAS_HOME%\lib\console.jar set WAS_CP=%WAS_CP%;%WAS_HOME%\lib\admin.jar set WAS_CP=%WAS_CP%;%WAS_HOME%\lib\repository.jar set WAS_CP=%WAS_CP%;%WAS_HOME%\lib\sslight.jar set WAS_CP=%WAS_CP%;%WAS_HOME%\lib\tasks.jar set WAS_CP=%WAS_CP%;%WAS_HOME%\properties set WAS_CP=%WAS_CP%;%WAS_HOME%\lib\bsf.jar set WAS_CP=%WAS_CP%;%WAS_HOME%\lib\js.jar set WAS_CP=%WAS_CP%;%JAVA_HOME%\lib\tools.jar REM start addition for pq50029 compiling set WAS_CP=%WAS_HOME%\efix\pq50029.jar;%WAS_CP% REM end addition for pq50029 batch compiling %JAVA_HOME%\bin\java %CLIENTSAS% -classpath %WAS_CP% -Dserver.root=%WAS_HOME% com.ibm.websphere.batchcompiler.BatchCompiler %* REM END OF SCRIPT Additional Information: This is not required but it should be done. This will add the efix to the WebSphere classpath and allow the WebSphere runtime compiler to use the same updated classes where sharing of source between the runtime and batch compilers exist. Directions to apply efix (NOTE STEPS 1&2 should be done already from instructions above): 1) Create "efix" directory to store the efix jar file(s): AIX: /usr/WebSphere/AppServer/efix Solaris: /opt/WebSphere/AppServer/efix Linux: /opt/IBMWebAS/efix Windows: c:\WebSphere\AppServer\efix 2) Copy pq50029.jar to the directory. 3) Add the directory/jar file to the beginning of the admin server's classpath in admin.config: com.ibm.ejs.sm.adminserver.classpath=C:/WebSphere/AppServer/efix/pq50029.jar;... 4) Stop and restart the Admin Server ------------------------------------------------------------------