Date: May 4, 2001 APAR: PQ48637 Defect: 94578 Problem Fixes: - Security hole concerning Windows and securing jsp's and static html files. (94578) - Unable to use Welcome File List after applying FP3 (PQ46847) - Unable to serve static files via SimpleFileServlet if specifying extension mapped urls (eg. "*.html" instead of the normal "/") after applying FP3. (94988) Problem Summaries : Internal Defect (94578) ====================== Windows and Netware security hole concerning JSP's amd static html files. Internal Defect (94988) ====================== After applying fp3, unable to serve default static pages via SimpleFileServlet. If servlet is defined with an extension mapped url (eg., "*.html" instead of the normal "/"), WebSphere returns file not found. For example, http://localhost/admin/index.html would return file not found index.html. PQ46847 (For WAS3.5.3) ===================== Welcome file list does not work after applying fixpack 3 for WAS35. *** SNIPPET FROM RETAIN *** After installing WAS 3.5.3, customer can no longer recognize the html file that is in the welcome file. The customer gets the error "File not found://index.html". How to apply: - Stop all application servers and the WebSphere administrative service. - Create a new directory, /AppServer/efixes and copy pq48637.jar to that directory. - Edit /bin/admin.config and add /AppServer/efixes/pq48637.jar to the beginning of - Restart the WebSphere administrative service and application servers.