**************** pq42709V302 3/13/2001 **************** Code version tested on:,, Platforms: ALL Date: 3/13/2001 ******************** Following is a summary of the three main issues that PQ42709 addresses, and the steps to replicate the conditions: 1. Description: This is a problem where when all references to a clone have been deleted the clone itself remains. Modifying WebApplication web path in a model does not remove "old" web resources in the virtual host. The old ones are left "dangling" Here is how to create it: 1)Model an application server. Check both boxes. 2) Select a webapplication - lets say examples in the default server model 3) change webpath from /webapp/examples to /webapp/ example. 4) Here is the problem now we have both resource /webapp/example and /webapp/examples that show up as web resource NOTE: Jay Sartoris made additional changes included in the final product to assure the correct uris were deleted. 2. Description: Cannot modify new servlet model properties in console or XMLConfig. Results in Transaction Rollback Exception in console or XMLConfig stack trace. Problems with webapp model updates were fixed in 3.02 for PQ39951. (That issue did not exist for PQ39951.) 3. Description: Creating a Model Servlet does not create web resource. Here is how to see. 1) Create a model out of an Application Server. Check both boxes ( i.e, make clone and do recursively) 2) Pick any web application in the model 3) Add a servlet to it Notice that no web resource was created within the virtual host the URI, WebPath, and other resources are not available for edit. ******************** To install the efix for pq42709V302: 1. Stop WAS processes. Close the admin console. 2. Place pq42709V302.jar in any location on your machine. 3. Add the path to this file to the first line of adminclient.bat or adminclient.sh. 4. Add the path to the beginning of the line com.ibm.ejs.sm.adminserver.classpath in admin.config and to batch file used in starting up the adminserver if not started as a service. 5. Start admin server. Reopen the admin console. This fix, pq42709V302.jar is for for admin console/modeling and cloning related defects. Testing the fix: 1. Start WebSphere Admin Server and console. 2. Create an application server with servlet engine and web application. 3. Create a servlet under web application. 4. Create a model from the application server (recursive and making base instance a clone). 5. Create a model servlet from the new model web application. 6. Create a new clone of the model application server. 7. Modify the web path of one of the model servlets and apply the changes. 8. Check to ensure that the URI (under default host) is correct and that the old URI is deleted. Also check web path of clones. 9. Modify the web path of the model web application and apply the changes. 10. Check to ensure that all of the URIs are correct and that the old URIs are deleted. Also check web path of clones. Success condition: Steps 8 and 10 will show only the updated URIs. The original URIs will no longer exist; without this fix they will. Note: Steps 8 and 10 may require closing and restarting of the console (or multiple refreshes to the default host). Also step 5 may show an exception if any field (even optional ones) are left blank (though the operation will still succeed). These are defects in the console and will show up with or without the applied fix. All testing was using WebSphere AE on Windows NT. ****************************************************** This code is provided for as an efix. This code has been functionally verified. We recommend you wait until this fix has been appropriately tested in a regression test, but this intermediate fix is available for temporary relief from an issue. Do no distribute or share this code.