APAR: PQ35326 V3.02 CMVC defect: 74013 PMR: 23851 B632 C760 developer: Srinivas H. Problem Description: When webapp is restarted from Administartive console, webapp is still using HttpSessions that are created before restart. How to Apply Patch: Put the jar file in the classpath (update \bin\admin.config and make sure it precedes ibmwebas.jar) and restart WebSphere. Fix is attached to end of this note. Note: developer is not sure if this fix is going into 3.0.3 or not. If it doesn't, we will have to provide another e-fix on top of 3.0.3 so that we don't backlevel the customer when he applies 3.0.3, so this should probably be pushed on the build call for inclusion in 3.0.3.