Fix (APAR): WAS_Security_03-17-2003_4.0.5-4.0.4-4.0.3_AE_cumulative_Fix Status: Fix Release: 4.0.5,4.0.4,4.0.3 Operating System: All Supersedes Fixes: PQ61779, PQ62538, PQ62684, PQ63116, PQ63574 WAS_Security_09-13-2002_4.0.4-4.0.3_AE_cumulative_eFix WAS_Security_10-07-2002_4.0.4-4.0.3_AE_cumulative_eFix WAS_Security_10-31-2002_4.0.4-4.0.3_AE_cumulative_eFix, WAS_Security_11-19-2002_4.0.4-4.0.3-4.0.2_AE_cumulative_eFix an WAS_Security_01-06-2003_4.0.5-4.0.4_AE_cumulative_eFi as well as any eFixes for APARs listed below CMVC Defect: See APAR list below Byte size of APAR: 1413178 Date: 03/20/2003 Abstract: Security cumulative fix. Description/symptom of problem: See APAR list below Directions to apply fix: 1) Create temporary "efix" directory to store the jar file AIX: /tmp/WebSphere/efi Solaris/Linux: /tmp/WebSphere/efi Windows: c:\temp\WebSphere\efi 2) Copy jar file to the director 3) Shutdown WebSpher 4) Run the jar file with the following command answering questions/prompts as they appear java -jar /WebSphere/AppServer/efix/ directories These files are required if an efix is to be removed Directions to remove fix: NOTE: EFIXES MUST BE REMOVED IN THE ORDER THEY WERE APPLIED. DO NOT REMOVE AN EFIX UNLES ALL EFIXES APPLIED AFTER IT HAVE FIRST BEEN REMOVED. YOU MAY REAPPLY ANY REMOVED EFIX Example: If your system has efix1, efix2, and efix3 applied in that order and efix2 is to b removed, efix3 must be removed first, efix2 removed, and efix3 re-applied 1) Change directory to the efix location (/WebSphere/AppServer/efix/) 2) Shutdown WebSpere 3) Run the backup jar file with the following command java -jar while invoking POST o default_host:, Authorization failed, No granted any of the required roles: n .2002-09-23 10:02:24.109 , ServerID: 289231329 ,14 ,tendedServ Local Fix: Changed LTPAToken Timeout to 24 hours so the token expire around midnight Logically Dependent Apars: Users Affected: WebSphere Application Server users with security enabled Problem Description: Invalid credentials were not properly removed from the cache Recommendation: apply the eFix Problem Summary: Invalid credentials were not removed from the cache. Symptom include server credentials failing to refresh or users no being able to aceess protected resources Problem Conclusion: Remove all expired security cache Test Comments: Circumvention: Temporary Fix: testing eFix is provided Comments: APAR: PQ66974 Version: 400 Abstract: GETCALLERPRINCIPAL() SHOULD JUST ALWAYS RETURN "UNAUTHENTICATED Error Description: Customer sent the following We have a distributed log viewer servlet architecture, whic means each AppServer must have a Servlet to read log file an present it to the end user So we must know how to invoke this servlet before it i serviceable(choosable from a drop down list). In the servle init() method, we probe WebSphere servlet engine configuratio to obtain HTTP port number for the hosting AppServer. Then th user can pick a LogViewer and invoke it based on thi information The available LogViewer Tracking EJB has to be invoked from th init() method in this sense, so in the serlvet init() we wil perform following execution tr /** retrieve the collection of application serve adapters, retrieve configuration information from servlet engi * String adapterName SystemProperties.get("LOGSERVER_ADAPTER") LogServerAdapter adapter (LogServerAdapter)Class.forName(adapterName).newInstance() LogServer myLogServer = adapter.getLocalLogServer() m_logServerManager CoreManagerFactory.getLogServerManager() /** first, see if the log server is already in th database * Collection logServers m_logServerManager.getLogServers() for (Iterator it = logServers.iterator() it.hasNext(); LogServer logServer = (LogServer) i (myLogServer.getHost().equalsIgnoreCase(logServer.getHost()) & myLogServer.getPort() = logServer.getPort() m_logServerID = logServer.getID() break if (m_logServerID == null /** did not find my log server in th database, create a new record * m_logServerID m_logServerManager.createLogServer(myLogServer) catch (Exception e m_cat.l7dError(CoreEjbBundleKey.DEFAULT, e) And in our LogServerManager EJB, it is plain DB persistenc stateless session bean. createLogServer() is just an inser statement, while getLogServerManager() is simple selec statement. As we have an abstract OR layer, I just provide th functionality of these methods here In our EJB, we have logging system, which will always captur user's caller information at the begining of the method an push it down to the underneath logging system. So wheneve there is exception and it needs logging, the logging system ca always write down the caller infomation transparently. Loggin system is based on Log4j createLogServer(Object value) // this method internally will keep track caller info, it i pushe dow to the logging system, which is defined in a parent EJB clas methodStart("createLogServer", value) try // operations } catch(Exception e) // whenever we want to log the exception, we retrieve bac th calle info directly from logging syste // so the api is ignorant of it is inside EJB or Servle logging(e) } finally // we will pop up the caller info from the logging syste methodFinish() This model is applied to every single EJB in our system, and i will fail in the methodStart() invokation for request initiated from init() of a servlet private void methodStart(String methodName, Object params m_strCurrentMethod = methodName m_params = params if (m_sessionContext != null NDC.push(m_sessionContext) Category cat = getCategory() if (cat != null && cat.isDebugEnabled() StringBuffer buf = new StringBuffer(100) buf.append("ENTER: ") buf.append(getMethodNameWithParams()) cat.debug(new String(buf)) In the NDC.push() public static void push( javax.ejb.EJBContext theContex push( theContext.getCallerPrincipal() ) NDC class is used for The NDC class implements nested diagnostic contextsPattern Language of Program Design 3" edited by Martin et al

A Nested Diagnostic Context, or NDC in short, is a instrument to distinguish interleaved log output from differen sources This problem applies to all EJBs that will track caller an being invoked from init() method of servlets Local Fix: Non Logically Dependent Apars: Users Affected: WebSphere Application Server 4.0 security users who use progr mmatic security Problem Description: If the anonymous principal is propagated or the user i entity is missing, getCallerPrincipal() returns inconsista t results Recommendation: Problem Summary: getCallerPrincipal() returns different results in differen timing if the anonymous principal is propagated or calle identity is missing. EJB 1.2 spec define tha getCallerPrincipal() should always return container specifi unauthenticated principal Problem Conclusion: getCallerPrincipal() should return "UNAUTHENTICATED", th WebSphere specific unauthenticated principal, if calle identity is missing or the anonymous principal i propagated Test Comments: Circumvention: Temporary Fix: send testing eFix to customer Comments: APAR: PQ67062 Version: 400 Abstract: DO NOT RE-VALIDATE GROUP DN IF DN COMES FROM LDA Error Description: In Ldap, group memberships for each user are stored an retrieved as valid Distinguish Name in Ldap. After findin user's group memberships, there is no necessary to re-validat each group against Ldap server. By not re-validating eac group, there are tw benefits, one ha performance improvement in particular i.e if a user belongs t too many groups, WAS does not have validate against each group The other is not to validate groups to which user belongs bu not used by WebSphere security Local Fix: non Logically Dependent Apars: Users Affected: WebSphere Application Server security users using LDAP re istry Problem Description: WebSphere performs unnecessary group Distinguish Name validat on Recommendation: Problem Summary: WebSphere revalidates group DN returned from LDAP. In LDAP group memberships for each user are strored and retrieved a valid Distinguish Names. After findind a user's grou memberships, it is not necessary to re-validate each grou against the LDAP server. By not re-validating each group there are two benefits, one has performance improvement i particular if a user belongs to too many groups, the othe is not to validate groups to which user belongs but not use by WebSphere security Problem Conclusion: Group DNs returned from LDAP are now not validated Test Comments: Circumvention: Temporary Fix: provide both working-around, and testing eFix to customer Comments: APAR: PQ67391 Version: 400 Abstract: SECURITY COMPONENT WON'T TAKE FULL LDAP NAME Error Description: We have developed an application that requires Group/Rol Mappings. Th Groups are contained in the LDAP directory and are referenced b DN o type: "cn=GroupName, o=infoscore,c=de". We can install th applicatio in the Admin Console GUI and setup the mappings, using th User/Rol Mappings dialog In our application 3 Roles are defined, which are mapped to th following group Role Users/Group ISSAdmin cn=AdminISSGroup o=infoscore,c=d VendorAdmin cn=AdminGroup,ou=IBD o=infoscore,c=d cn=AdminGroup,ou=ICD o=infoscore,c=d ISSAdminBatch cn=AdminISSBatchGroup o=infoscore,c=d Once the roles have been setup in the AdminConsole, I can the see th mappings in the WSCP as follows wscp> SecurityRoleAssignment getGroupRoleMappin /EnterpriseApp:admin {ISSAdmin cn=AdminISSGroup, o=infoscore,c=de} {VendorAdmi cn=AdminGroup,ou=IBD, o=infoscore,c=de} {VendorAdmi cn=AdminGroup,ou=ICD, o=infoscore,c=de} {ISSAdminBatc cn=AdminISSBatchGroup, o=infoscore,c=de However, when we try to set up the mappings using WSCP, it doe no work. Here is an example of how we attempt to set up one of th mapping in WSCP wscp> SecurityRoleAssignment addGroupRoleMappin /EnterpriseApp:admin -grouproles {ISSAdmin cn=AdminISSGroup, o=infoscore,c=de WSCP0038E: Invalid attribute format : ISSAdmin cn=AdminISSGroup o=infoscore,c=d The installation procedure for our production system require that w use the WSCP, so that this task can be scripted. Therefore, i i essential that we are able to setup our User/Role mappings i WSCP This was the problem as described by customer I then suggested customer to issue the command as follows wscp> SecurityRoleAssignment addGroupRoleMappin /EnterpriseApp:admin -grouproles {ISSAdmin {cn=AdminISSGroup, o=infoscore,c=de} and install apar PQ60772, since the apar description seemed t matc the issue It was after installing this apar that customer got a differen error From customer Installing PQ60772 hasn't solved the problem. I am now getting different error wscp> SecurityRoleAssignment addGroupRoleMappin /EnterpriseApp:admin -grouproles {ISSAdmin {cn=AdminISSGroup, o=infoscore,c=de} java.lang.NullPointerExceptio a 07 With regards to the use of short names, customer must use ful names From customer Unfortunately for us, we must use the full DN. Standard LDA configuration does not include a short name for groups. I particular in one of the examples I showed you, the use of short name would no solve the problem. In order to distinguish both of the group (AdminGroup) in this example we must use the full DN {VendorAdmin cn=AdminGroup,ou=IBD, o=infoscore,c=de {VendorAdmin cn=AdminGroup,ou=ICD, o=infoscore,c=de Local Fix: Use shortname, but which is unacceptable for this customer Logically Dependent Apars: Users Affected: WebSphere Application Server security users who use WSCP o assign group DN to role Problem Description: WSCP fails to assign group DNs to a security role Recommendation: Problem Summary: WSCP cannot assign groups to security roles if the give group name is DN(distinguished name) instead of singl attribute value Problem Conclusion: Modify Ldap registry implementation in security to accept bot DN and short name as groups search pattern. Originally only short name was acceptable search pattern Test Comments: Circumvention: use short name Temporary Fix: provide testing eFix. Waiting for feedback Comments: APAR: PQ67473 Version: 400 Abstract: % SIGN IN THE USER CREDENTIALS IS CORRUPTED WHEN PASSE THROUGHTHE GETUSERPRINCIPAL CLAS Error Description: custom tion Description Form based security usin er uses is a \242 (cent sign). When passed to getUserPrincipal .ustomer programmatically checks security wit user name goes in as usercompany, and comes back from th .etUserPrincipal API. For business reasons, customer uses method as usercompany. This worked unde .egistry to store usernames as 2002-07-24 14:23:16.772 , ServerID: 12221999 SecurityTaggedComponentAssistorImpl.register , Thread Hash 67337841 Thread P=596272:O=0:CT,5,main JSAS0026E: Exception connecting object to the ORB. Chec th sas.server.props file to ensure that the SSL keyStore an trustStor properties are set properly. If the problem persists, contac suppor for assistance We did apply the following fix found from the IBM Webspher suppor site but the problem still recurs. Solutio Put the following parameters in separate lines in the /bin/admin.config and set them to unique unused ports o th machine and restart WAS 2002-10-08 20:27:25.491 , ServerID: 657623458 SecureAssociationInterceptorImpl.server_system_exception Severity code = 0, Error code = 0, Log Exception java.lang.NullPointerExceptio a ptorImpl.server_system_exception(SecureAssociationInterceptorIm at a :758 a st( a a a se( a nse( a at at a$ 104 at Local Fix: none Logically Dependent Apars: Users Affected: All WebSphere Application Server users who have enabled securi y and use LTPA as the authentication mechanism Problem Description: NullPointerException thrown when on credential expiration Recommendation: Problem Summary: NullPointerException thrown when the credential expires Error in log shows 2> 2002-10-08 20:27:25.491 , ServerID: 657623458 SecureAssociationInterceptorImpl.server_system_exception Severity code = 0, Error code = 0, Log Exception java.lang.NullPointerExceptio a ptorImpl.server_system_exception(SecureAssociationInterceptorIm at a :758 a st( a a a se( a nse( a at at a$ 104 at Problem Conclusion: Null condition is now checked when processing system_exceptions A fix for this APAR will be contained in any security cumulativ eFix dated after the closure date of this APAR Test Comments: Circumvention: Temporary Fix: Availabl Comments: APAR: PQ69078 Version: 400 Abstract: PERFORMANCE DEGRADATION AFTER APPLYING SECURITY CUMULATIVE EFI FROM 10-0 Error Description: Customer says that they experience degradation in performanc after applying WAS Security cumulative efix dated 10-07-02 Local Fix: non Logically Dependent Apars: Users Affected: All WebSphere Application Server users who have enabled securi y and have deployed web applications with protected resourc s Problem Description: Performance degradation in web applications Recommendation: Problem Summary: Performance degradation in web applications caused by th unnecessary creation of the special credentia "UNAUTHENTICATED" with each web request to a protecte resource Problem Conclusion: The UNAUTHENTICATED credential is now cached after it i created the first time Test Comments: Circumvention: Temporary Fix: Testfix submitted to Portal Server Comments: APAR: PQ69188 Version: 400 Abstract: UNEXPECTED LOGIN PROMPT WHEN CLICKING ON ADMIN CONSOLE Error Description: We set the Security timeout to 300 and the LTPA token timeou to 10mn When the LTPA Token timeout expired, a popup window i displayed asking us to login again and a message is sent in th tracefile in order to warn us that the credential have expired We expected this behaviour and we were happy Then we entered the userid/password, we hit "enter". It seem that we are logged in Then we click on the console and we saw a new popup windo asking u to login again, but this time without any messages in th tracefile We entered the userid/password and we were able to go throug th websphere topology inside the console We don't think that prompting the second time when clickin on the console is correct Steps taken - wait 10m - popup windo - Login/password (msg in tracefile) and hit ente - hit somewhere in the console and you got a second popu windo - Login/password (no msg in tracefile) and hit ente - wait 10m - popup windo - Login/password (msg in tracefile) and hit ente - wait 10m - popup windo - Login/password (msg in tracefile) and hit ente By "message in tracefile", we mean JSAS0435E and CNTR0019 messages are generated Local Fix: No workaround is known at this time Logically Dependent Apars: Users Affected: All WebSphere Application Server users who have enabled securi y and use the Administration Console with th Authentication Mechanism set to LTPA Problem Description: Admin Console displays unexpected login prompt after login Recommendation: Problem Summary: When the LTPA Token timeout expired, a login window i displayed to login again and a message is sent in th tracefile in order to warn that the credential have expired After username and password is entered, the console appear to be logged in. However, when the console is clicked agai to access resources, another login windows is displayed Problem Conclusion: This is caused by the expired credential not being cleane properly. The expired credential is now being removed afte expiration Test Comments: Circumvention: Temporary Fix: avaliabl Comments: APAR: PQ70121 Version: 400 Abstract: JAVA.LANG.NULLPOINTEREXCEPTION ERROR ON WAS 4.04 AFTE CUMULATIVE SECURITY EFIX INSTALLED Error Description: Customer installed WAS 4.04 on AIX 4.3.3. Then install cumulative security efix dated 01-06-2003. Database is ORacle After starting admin server, sees in the tracefile 1/21/03 9:18:20:458 CST 1c37f64b EJBEngine I WSVR0037I Starting EJB jar: Task java.lang.NullPointerExceptio a edentials( Code) a als( Code) a als( a als( a :151 a$ ( 1/21/03 9:18:26:868 CST 1c37f64b Server A WSVR0023I Server __adminServer open for e-busines This error does not appear to affect function of the admi server security Local Fix: non Logically Dependent Apars: Users Affected: All WebSphere Application Server users who have enabled securi y Problem Description: java.lang.NullPointerException in tracefile during server tartup after security cumulative fix installed Recommendation: Problem Summary: java.lang.NullPointerException occured during the serve startup Exception as follows java.lang.NullPointerExceptio at get_default_credentials( Code) at get_credentials( Code) at get_credentials( at get_credentials( at enable( Problem Conclusion: java.lang.NullPointerException occured during the serve startup. The null value caused the server credential cache t throw the java.lang.NullPointerException during the startup However, this exception should not cause any functional loss A fix for this APAR will be contained in any securit cumulative eFix dated after the closure date of this APAR Test Comments: Circumvention: Temporary Fix: availabl Comments: APAR: PQ70596 Version: 400 Abstract: ADMIN SERVER USES OLD APP SERVER SSLPORT WHEN APP SERVER I RESTARTE Error Description: Environment WebSphere Application Server (WAS) 4.0. Description With WAS security enabled after an app server is stoppe and started, the admin server continues to try to connect t the app server's old SSLPort instead of the new ramdoml created SSLPort resulting in following messages in th admin server's tracefile 1/20/03 19:25:59:890 CET 4ed74147 ActiveServerP A ADMS0032I Started server: SEC_01 (pid 12686 1/20/03 19:26:31:145 CET 4ed74147 SystemOut 1> 2003-01-20 19:26:31.134 , ServerID: 1917109904 VaultImpl.init_security_context 1/20/03 19:26:31:146 CET 4ed74147 SystemOut JSAS0070E: Unable to complete secure association at th client Retry the client program after a few minutes wait. I th problem still persists, contact support for assistance 1/20/03 19:26:31:564 CET 4ed74147 SystemOut 3> 2003-01-20 19:26:31.563 , ServerID: 1917109904 VaultImpl.init_security_context 1/20/03 19:26:31:565 CET 4ed74147 SystemOut JSAS0070E: Unable to complete secure association at th client Retry the client program after a few minutes wait. I th problem still persists, contact support for assistance 1/20/03 19:26:31:570 CET 4ed74147 ActiveEJBServ W ADSM0104W Failed t initialize a server: SEC_01 CORBA COMM_FAILURE 1 No nested exception is org.omg.CORBA.COMM_FAILURE: minor code: 1 completed: N Local Fix: Set the app server's SSL port to a static valu Logically Dependent Apars: Users Affected: All WebSphere Application Server users who have enabled securi y Problem Description: WebSphere Application Server is unable to reconnect after appli ation server is stopped and restarted Recommendation: Problem Summary: After an application server is stopped and started, th adminstration server continues to try to connect to th application server's old SSLPort instead of the new ramdoml created SSLPort resulting in following messages in the admi server's tracefile 1/20/03 19:25:59:890 CET 4ed74147 ActiveServerP A ADMS0032I Started server: SEC_01 (pid 12686 1/20/03 19:26:31:145 CET 4ed74147 SystemOut 1> 2003-01-20 19:26:31.134 , ServerID: 1917109904 VaultImpl.init_security_context 1/20/03 19:26:31:146 CET 4ed74147 SystemOut JSAS0070E: Unable to complete secure association at th client Retry the client program after a few minutes wait. I th problem still persists, contact support for assistance Problem Conclusion: The adminserver now reregisters application server's ne ssl port and then makes new connection to the new applicatio server's new port Test Comments: Circumvention: Temporary Fix: availabl Comments: APAR: PQ71310 Version: 400 Abstract: getUserPrincipal() getname() returns wrong name rather than log ed in username accessing from another domai Error Description: Customer logs in to the administration console using th administration username and passwor The Custom realm is called and accept the administratio username and password Then log to the Web Application using a web username an password (username and password are different to administratio username and password): The Custom realm is called and accep the authentication The Web Application (a servlet) cal getUserPrincipal().getName( from the HttpServletRequest The Web application receives the administration user identity Later calls to getUserPrincipal().getName() from th HttpServletRequest return the correct logged user Local Fix: non Logically Dependent Apars: Users Affected: WebSphere Application Server security user who have deployed servlets and EJBs i different realms Problem Description: getName() in getUserPrincipal( may not return the right securit name during an EJB call Recommendation: Problem Summary: getName() in getUserPrincipal() may return wrong securit name after servlet accesses an EJB in a different securit domain Problem Conclusion: When a servlet accesses EJB in a different realm, security wil try to map the invocation credential to the target realm. I the credential mapping fails, the original credential is no returned rather than returning the default credential Test Comments: Circumvention: Temporary Fix: provided test fi Comments: APAR: PQ72041 Version: 350 APAR: PQ71397 Version: 400 Abstract: Admin server is trying to use expired tokens from cache - inval d tokens Error Description: Local Fix: Logically Dependent Apars: Users Affected: Problem Description: Recommendation: Problem Summary: Problem Conclusion: Test Comments: Circumvention: Temporary Fix: Comments: APAR: PQ71308 Version: 400 Abstract: WAS is using invalid tokens from server cache instead of new on Error Description: After an ltpa token expires and the user tries to access secured resource they get re-directed to the login page(a expected). After entering their user name and password agai they get an "Invalid Credential" exception and cannot ge access If they were to wait a period of time, say 5-10 mins, they hav no trouble getting back in Local Fix: Increase LTPA timeou Logically Dependent Apars: Users Affected: Problem Description: Recommendation: Problem Summary: Problem Conclusion: Test Comments: Circumvention: Temporary Fix: Comments: duplicated APAR