Fix (APAR): PQ77636 Status: Fix Release: 5.0.2 Operating System: All Supersedes Fixes: PQ75766 PQ77329 Byte size of APAR: 1760471 Date: 2003-08-29 Abstract: A cumulative fix for WebSphere Application Server users of Web Services Engine components. Description/symptom of problem: This fix contains numerous fixes for Web services Engine components, which are contained in webservices.jar within the /lib directory. Please read the details from the Additional Material section of this file. Directions to apply fix: NOTE: YOU MUST FIRST DOWNLOAD THE FIX INSTALLER TOOL IN ORDER TO INSTALL A FIX. The Fix Installer can be downloaded from the following link: 1) Create temporary "fix" directory to store the jar file: UNIX: /tmp/WebSphere/fix Windows: c:\temp\WebSphere\fix 2) Copy jar file to the directory 3) Shutdown WebSphere 4) Follow the Fix installation instructions that are packaged with the Fix Installer on how to install the Fix. 5) Restart WebSphere 6) The temp directory may be removed. Directions to remove fix: NOTE: FIXES MUST BE REMOVED IN THE ORDER THEY WERE APPLIED. DO NOT REMOVE A FIX UNLESS ALL FIXES APPLIED AFTER IT HAVE FIRST BEEN REMOVED. YOU MAY REAPPLY ANY REMOVED FIX. Example: If your system has fix1, fix2, and fix3 applied in that order and fix2 is to be removed, fix3 must be removed first, fix2 removed, and fix3 re-applied. 1) Shutdown WebSphere 2) Follow the instructions that are packaged with the Fix Installer on how to uninstall the Fix. 3) Restart WebSphere Directions to re-apply fix: 1) Follow the instructions for uninstalling a fix. 2) Follow the instructions for installing a fix. Additional Information: The following list describes the changes that are included in this fix: 165580 Java2WSDL usage statement is wrong for -MIMEStyle 166197 WSWS3292E: Error: should be a warning 167712 Move messages for translation 167987 BT:WS:Serialization cannot occur exception for document binding 167991 Emitted ibm-webservicesclient-bnd.xmi needs componentScopedRefs 167991.1 Need test which uses W2J client componentScopedRefs 168125 Java2WSDL throws NullPointerException with enum class. 168213 Update all *props files to use proper Web Services term. 168216 web services component init is slow even when not needed 168232 SVT:SVC:Need message indicating War file starts loading 168428 java.util.MissingResourceException during server startup 168428.1 ref attribute does not allow min/maxOccurs. 168669 Interop: xerces not able to handle UTF-8 BOM 168792 NoSuchMethodError 168882 Char type in SEI method causes java2wsdl failure 168882.1 Char Mapping Problem 169223 TVT-5.0615-WebService-WSclientBind Pg - fields too narrow 169375 JSR101-TCK: 4 Test Cases Using Gregorian Calendar Fail 169474 TVT-19.0100-endptEnabler-bad german chars & engl. text appears 169493 BeanSerializer - possibly problematic assignment 169503 Server1 won't start if an application client bindings are corru 169547 TVT-5.0620 - cannot return to the previous panel(ja) 169551 BT:WS: Can not compile WSDL2JAVA generated file 169645 WSFVT: test.encoding TimeDate tests failing 169680 points to WEB-INF/wsdl/.wsdl. 169689 FVT fails during compiling 169766 doc/lit wrapped detection problems 169793 Publish WSDL should use & instead of | in JMS URL 169793.1 WebServices JMS FVTs should use & within JMS URL strings 169793.2 java2wsdl should convert | to & within the -location value 169830 InputStreams not being closed properly. 169853 Enhance Sequence Handler Test 169915 TCK: HandlerFlow2 bucket is failing 169960 BindingImpl class generated by WAS emitters does not compile. 169980 Http client needs to handle 401 challenges. 170007 Sync ASV50X and ASV 170013 Bad german chars appear in build of samples 170092 WSFVT: Need different Logging 170170 Method overloading compile error with doc/lit wrapped on. 170211 WSFVT: NewsGroup test case compile fails 170283 properties.xml missing MQ.base.dir 170471 Need to set WAS_HOME 170508 BT:WS: Denial of Service attack using xml entity expansion 170533 Ford: xs:include not handled appropriately 170574 Clarify panel titles and text for Client bindings 170636 Correct validation warnings on ears 170881 WS-I.Samples test failing 170910 repeated "Apply" in Publish WSDL shows wrong title 170933 Message Writer Performance Bug 171037 SVC: emmiter should alarm when urlprotocols.jar is missing 171090 ?WSDL not working in WSAD (WAS standalone works) 171101 Web services fvt performance improvement 171180 Emitters generated incorrect JAX-RPC mapping files. 171202 WAS runtime should ensure that JMS router EJB modules must be s 171305 BT:WS: syntex check request for java2WSDL 171437.29 PERF: Update code to use new security AccessController 171613 WSDK: Java2WSDL problems with void return on doc/lit wrapped. 171617 WSDK: Java2WSDL: Object->tns2:anyType - should be xsd:anyType 171681 Abstract XSD types cause compliation errors in generated beans 171738 javax classes not part of JAX-RPC/SAAJ should be removed 171738.1 Remove test for JAXM 171760 Defer Parse Fault Detection 171792 BT:WS:Exception in adding handler for unmanaged client 171830 Request Message In SOAPFault 171830.1 Change to 171830 to make it safer 171993 Change Pmi test search strings to match NLS changes 171997 Java2WSDL not generating proper code for Vectors 172036 BLD ERROR cannot resolve sym 172045 WSFVT: default port not working for last service 172045.1 Log a warning if the default port info specified in client bnd 172047 WSDL2Java Mapping Array Problem 172076 Lazy Parse SOAPElement 172076.1 WSDL2Java SOAPElement only option 172076.2 check in the testcase for 172076 172076.3 failure: SOAPElementHolder as parameter and int return 172076.7 W2J: -noDataBinding prevents doc/lit wrapped 172076.8 lazy parsing cleanup 172076.9 add one fvt for wrapped doc/lit + lazy parsing 172083 Thread switch occurs for oneway messages after handlers execute 172092 Add FFDC logging to new or modified code. 172094 BT:WS:Webservice exception in EJB cannot propagate message 172183 javacore when generating Web service test report 172237 Errors in Web Services sample documentation 172337 FVT_SAMP: no WSAD instructions for the Web Services samples 172337.1 FVT_SAMP: no WSAD instructions for the Web Services samp - 2 172484 FVT test cases fail JSR-109 validation for SEI parameter types 172496 Perf:Prefix->NS Serialization Optimization 172530 FVT_SAMP:1st attempt to build webservices sample fails 172535 FVT_SAMP:buildwebservicesamples fails if spaces are in WAS_HOME 172570 WSDL2Java ignores anyAttribute. 172611 FVT_SAMP: Doc defects in the WebServicesSamples buildit.html 172690 Namespace Inefficiencies 172709 Test to make sure APIs for gateway and WSIF are not changed 172782 Add JMSMessage reference to MessageContext 172799 Compile Problem on ApiTestCase 172907 setupWebServiceClientEnv.bat missing jar file for classpath 173063 BLD ERROR: Component [samp.webservices] Build Failed! Overall B 173088 fvt support to disable/enable trace dynamically 173089 Need xsd:language scenario in test.wsdl.types 173131 BT: WebServices Fails for StructArray 173216 Not respecting XSD schema when return type is an array. 173426 WSFVT: webservicesclient.xml not correct for app client 173433 Mapping for ID is missing 173499 Modify fvt security script for change in LDAP type 173580 Need xsi:type on Vector/HashMap items 173591 correct typo for AlternateContent class 173607 ?wsdl for WSAD: ejb case 173631 WSFVT: zOS alterations 173703 check in the missing code for getAsString 173704 usage of xml and xmlns should be automatically handled 173719 FVT_SAMP: Documentation defect in WebServices builditwsad.html 173723 FVT_SAMP: fails on Linux 173777 FVT51: test.encoding failed in Win2003 Ent edition 173789 BVT: Error in PBW sample - package with uri 'null' not found 173853 WSFVT: Time/Calendar Deser not accounting for negative msecs 173886 Publish Wsdl test failure 173894 BLD ERROR WebServicesSamples/Java2WSDLTask] java.lang.NoClassDe 174036 WSFVT: Patch for zOS fixes 174096 FVT_SAMP: Samples' Unix scripts can't find 174175 Allow for ip address in test 174224 Add fvt task to get host name 174233 WSDL2Java erroneously generates java.lang.StringArrayHolder. 174374 WSFVT: Tooling for zOS 174447 Fvt AxisFvtImports.ear not installing 174479 Restore 502 API's for accessing MessageContext. 174573 test.wsdl.lazy_wrapDocLit test failing 174623 J2W MIME processing is broken LIDB2509.35 Remove dependencies xalan.jar and xerces.jar from component.xml PQ75766 Server fails to start on Solaris 9 PQ76837 CLASSCASTEXCEPTION ON V5.0.1 WHEN WEBSERVICES INVOKES JSP PQ77329 Re-starting an EAR more than once causes an EJB Web Service to become unavailable